This week I would like you to use your imagination. You have just won the lottery and will leave your teaching post immediately to travel around the world. As you leave your keys you meet your replacement. You are asked to give this new teacher just ONE piece of advice. What would that be, and why? Enjoy your world expedition!
Woo Hoo!!! Lottery winner....up until now, all I've ever won on the lottery is $5 on a scratcher! lol
Can't wait to finally meet and visit my family in Italy and then cruise the Caribbean!
Hmmmmm...just ONE piece of advice....that is a tough one. After a lot of thought, I have decided on the most important piece of advice, in my opinion.
Treat your students like you would like to be treated! Treat them like human beings. Talk to them in a tone you would want to be talked to in. Build relationships with them.
I do not get many compliments from my administration or student parents, but when I do, it usually goes something like this: "You have a great relationship with the students and they love your class".
I really think relationship building and trust between teacher and student are very important. I always try to be kind, watch my tone, and speak to my students in a way that I want someone to speak to me. I try to live by the golden rule. Treat them how I want to be treated. As a result of this, I have been able to build some great teacher/student relationships.
I have seen some of the less than stellar home lives from my years in law enforcement. I know that a lot of students do not have loving and supporting set of parents at home. I certainly am not trying to replace a parent, but in some cases, I know that teachers are the only people these kids have to look up to and help them out.
Always remember in loco parentis and the golden rule. These are impressionable kids that need guidance, kindness, knowledge, and rules. Give them structure, give them your effort and give them your time. Give them you!
Hey Laura,
I totally agree with you. I feel like sometimes as a new teacher you feel the need to be "above" the students in order to establish dominance and this can lead to treating them like less than human. This can lead to broken relationships and broken respect. I think you've got it all figured out. Kids want to be treated with respect, just like we do as teachers. The behavior breed behavior really is a good lesson to learn!
Anna Miller
Lol... Hey Louise,
At least you are lucky and win $5. I can't even get that! Darn... :-(
I'm coming with you to Italy. I have always wanted to visit there. I heard from several people that it is BEAUTIFUL! Any who, you are right about treating the children as you want to be treated. I have spoken with several students since I have started teaching and they all say the same thing, "some of these teachers don't know how to talk to us and they think because they're teachers they can say and do anything." I truly believe that everyone should be treated fairly. These kids are looking for guidance and discipline. They also want to know that we care and we're not their for just a check. You made several valid points Louise. Good job! Now on to Italy we go!!!!!
LOL Thelma....we would be a mess together in Italy!
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