Hey NTI Team!!!
Well I can say there are many things
that gives me the “unexpectedly happy” feeling. At Riverdale High I can say it
is safe to say that there is no day like the previous. My students have such awesome
personalities. Well The good feeling day for me came a few days ago. I recently
had my evaluation with Mr. Chandler. Leading up to the evaluation date, I was
sooooooo nervous! Oh geesh I was so nervous. I couldn’t sleep, eat, think, etc.
I was praying that my sweet babies be on their “BEST” behavior. Well, the day
before the evaluation came and I informed my students that we were having a
guest and I expect them to act accordingly. The looked at me like, “yeah, sure,
whatever Ms. Kimble.” I looked back at them like, “I’m not playing with you
guys.” Almost like one of those looks your mom or grandma give you when you are
acting up in church. Lol. Well needless to say, the day of the evaluation came
and I was still sweating golf ball sixe sweat balls under my arms (I have
really bad nerves). Mr. Chandler came in
the class before my students arrived. I was standing outside my door greeting
them looking at them like, “get in there, sit down, and close your mouth.” The
bell rang, I went inside the classroom, and the games began! We had class and
they acted like they were in church (perfect surprisingly). I almost didn’t recognize
them. I said to myself… Wait… Whaaat… Yes… Awesome! I was so proud of their
behavior that day. I felt bad because I didn’t have any faith in them and I just
knew they would act out. I was sooooooo happy and elated! I gave them praise
for their positive behavior and asked if they could act like that every day. However,
I think that was asking too much of them, buuuuut, I’m going to keep trying.
Their behavior is a direct reflection of their respect for you as their teacher :) Job well done Thelma! I'm glad your eval went off without a hitch....I knew you could do it! I'm sure Mr. Chandler enjoyed your class as well. You have an infectious personality and you are fair. Your students respect you for that.
When your kids have respect, admiration, and love for you they well walk through the flames for you and then some. When I had my evaluation I prepped my kids to and I had a lab planned that day. The kids got right in the lab and got to prepping for our event. They were engaged and asked lots of questions (that they already knew the answers too lol) but I knew they were just doing to make me look good. So love them they will hold you down
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