What was the moment or moment(s) this past week
when you felt most connected, engaged, or affirmed as a teacher - the moment
you said to yourself, "This is what being a teacher is really all
Wow, to be honest this was a tough week for me as a teacher. However,
on Friday, I had a student make her first 100 on a vocab quiz. I have had this
student for two semesters and she normally fails or barely passes the weekly
vocab quizzes. I have really tried to encourage her all this year telling her
she is smart and if she studies she can pass all of them. When I told her that she
earned a 100 she was so proud of herself. I enjoyed seeing her confidence grow!
I thought to myself this is really why I am teaching to help students believe
in themselves and understand they can complete any given task with hard work. Hopefully, with this new found confidence she can continue to do well on all of her assessments.
What a way to end your week and to start off a holiday weekend. A student scoring a 100 on a quiz. Especially, that student being one that has struggled in your class and other classes. Sounds like you have made a break through with that student! I think that is soooo wonderful. Keep your fingers crossed for me that I can effect my student that way. I know it won't happen overnight and that we must be patient with them and we don't know what their home lives are like. You are a great teacher, I have seen the things you where working on in class, I know if I was a student of yours it would be a fun and interesting class to be in. You've made washing my hands fun! LOL. Congrats and the students will become more engaging the more they get to know you. Mine have really started more in the last week as well. They are feeling more comfortable around the peers in their class.
WOW!! AWESOME testimony!! You are changing lives, one clip at a time. I believe you have provided these students with structure along with a place to go and be a part of the action. I'm AMAZED everyday by the power within this journey I am on!! I look forward to hearing more of your many SUCCESS stories!!
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