Think about your teaching this past week and then
answer the following question: "What was the event that most took me by
surprise - an event where I saw or did something that shook me up, caught me
off guard, gave me a jolt, or made me unexpectedly happy?"
The event that took me by
surprise was when Dr. M came to observe me. It was on Halloween and during my
worst class. I was so surprised how no one challenged me or tried to show off.
Students were engaged and enjoying the class discussion. The students worked
well together and did their work with no issues. I was surprised how relaxed I
was with him there. After the students left we had our talk and he reassured me
that I was doing a great job. It was a much needed talk for me. I had been
finding myself questioning, “Did I make the best decision by taking this job?”
I really love the students and the teaching. If only that was all we had to do.
Hi Kim, that is a great suprise having your students do a good job during your observation. I know exactly how you feel about taking on the role of teacher. I am glad that your students stepped up in a major way. I had a similar experience when my principal came to do a unanounced observation. Teaching is the hardest job I have ever done, but it is rewarding. Dr. M is my supervisor too and he is really awesome. I'm glad you had a good week.
It is always good when your observation goes great! It is even better to get that reassurance that you are doing a good job. Sometimes as teachers, no one really considers our feelings and thoughts and they take advantage of our thick skin. But, we are human too and we need to be assured every now and then.
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