Question of the Week September 22:Elissa
What was the moment (or moments) this past week when you felt most connected, engaged, or affirmed as a teacher - the moment(s) when you said to yourself, "This is what being a teacher is really all about"?
This is Easy! Last week was RICS Homecoming and for Homecoming we have a parade. My Culinary students all 189 of them are in a CTSO (club) FCCLA Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America. Last year we had about 36 members. This year I made it a "strong suggestion" to join and I made it part of the curriculum grade. This year I have 189 members! We do projects, focus on community service, go to the state fair, do cooking competitions, and talk about how cooking with family brings you closer together (well some ha). So for the parade my 9th grade Introduction to Culinary students made pizza and I wanted all of us to walk together with our banner. The bell rings at 3:30 and the parade is not until 5:30 and over 150 students are at my kitchen door. They all showed up to walk in the parade with me. Changing their pick up from school schedules, and not to mention it was a Friday night! I felt so touched and proud that I have worked so hard to make these students love Culinary and FCCLA the way I have! That is what being a teacher is all about!
That is awesome!! I am having a hard time getting my students to sign up for skills USA. I may do what you did and make it a part of their grade. I know they would enjoy it if they would take the step. Good job!
Chef Oliver, Your energy, enthusiasm and caring continue to "wow" me. Thanks for posting the pic as well!
Dr. J.
Fabulous! I love the way you incorporated participating into a curriculum grade. This will ensure that more students to participate and they can benefit from being a part of the organization. It is so hard to get students to engage in the CTSO because it requires a lot work outside of the classroom and money. Your numbers are great and I’m sure your enthusiasm is really the driving force. The grade is just the icing on the cake.
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