What was the moment (or moments) this past week when you felt most connected, engaged, or affirmed as a teacher - the moment(s) when you said to yourself, "This is what being a teacher is really all about"
First I would like to say, this week has been a little difficult for me. If you all don't know, I still am a police officer and a current employee of the Marietta Police Department. There has been some concern about my position as it pertains to teaching in the school. I have also questioned myself about making the right decision. As a School Resource Officer, I felt like I made positive impact on the school and several students over the past two years. I felt like in the classroom I could do more of that. After being in the classroom I don't feel like I have made that much of a difference. Then like a breath of fresh air, I had a mother and father of one of my students email me begging for help. They provided this student loves my class and feels the best about himself when he is in my classroom. They continued on praising me and my program and finally got to requesting my assistance in holding him accountable and mentoring him so he will succeed not only in my program but in all of his classes. I felt so honored. I did some soul searching and said to myself if I can make a difference in the life of one student I have succeeded this semester.
Furthermore, I met with my Chief who provided he was very pleased with my performance and had great things to say about my program. He said I am secure and can stay in this assignment until I want to come out. He went on to say he wants me to get promoted in the next few years to come and would do what ever he had to do to help me succeed.
I now know that I am teaching for a reason and am going to make the best of it!
Adam, that is awesome your Chief is so supportive and encouraging! I agree with you that when you are able to connect with a student and are able to mentor and encourage them to be a better person makes this job completely worth it!! Sometimes I loose focus of that and think about the pay difference and being able to work only 3 days a week vs. 5 as a teacher and God sends me a subtle reminder that I am right where he needs me. This week I found out a student's mother has terminal cancer and I was the one teacher she has turned to for support. How could you not find this job rewarding beyond measure when you are able to be there for a person in such a time of need.
Adam, that is awesome. That is what it is all bout, making a difference in a child's life. I am so glad that your efforts and talents are being recognized. Everyone likes to be validated and you deserve all the accolades you are getting. Keep up the good work!
I really appreciate your honest and thoughtful post about the tug of war you sometimes feel. I am sure a lot in our group are feeling the same way. It is positive to write about it and reflect. I also liked your quote at the top of your post!
Dr. J.
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