I agree with Lee
Iaoccoa referencing teachers in high regard. However, I don’t agree with the
part about everyone else having to settle for something less. I think we all
came from different professions prior to teaching and I know, I for one, felt
that I had a very important job serving and protecting citizens. I think there
are many jobs that are often looked down upon because they don’t bring in the
highest salaries or are considered esteemed such as doctors and lawyers. But too
often, people forget that they entrust 13 years of a child’s life and the most
impressionable ones at that, to a teacher and when they are in trouble, they
need a Police Officer or EMT. No matter what we are called to do in life, I think
we all play a valuable role in being productive citizens.
I also agree that
teachers do not get the credit they deserve. This is by far the hardest job I
have ever had. Teaching takes a lot of effort and time or blood, sweat and
tears if you will and often for little pay and hardly any recognition. I salute
all of us in the profession and recognize our importance in making a
contribution to this generation in hopes that it will be passed on.
I have a lot of the same feelings that you have about the quote by Lacocca. Although we all know that teachers have one of the best jobs in the world but I don't believe that everyone else is beneath teachers. There are a lot of important other jobs that are just as important as teachers such as counselors, clergy, coaches, etc. I know for sure your job with law enforcement is one of the most honorable jobs out there, so I don't believe that's a rational or fair statement by Lacocca.
I really like your post Jonathan. You have a very good insight into how important roles in society are. Your experience in law enforcement showed you the best, and worst, of people. I am quite certain of that. Iacocca's statement seems a bit perfect world-ish and you caught that.
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