Even-though I am new to the NTI program and I have not started teaching formally in the school system, I have been teaching students through my security and martial art training academies for many years. Because I am so passionate about teaching, I would like to share my philosophy on the relationship between the instructor and the student. The relationship between the instructor and the student is sometimes difficult to define, as it encompasses many varying aspects of life. The instructor must flow through the student in many levels of communication and reach to the far corners of his/her mind and life. The instructor is a father and at times a mother; an advisor and a chastiser. The instructor though different, is the same as everyone else. He/She is human and deserves respect, for he has traveled long upon the way. Note: (He) will also represent (She) giving credit to both genders.
The instructor is an excellent teacher. By this, it is meant that he/she can convey the appropriate information to his students a the correct time and in the best manner, as to maximize his students understanding. He must be able to see them and their problems as they seldom can. The instructor shows no favor. As progression is reached, he becomes harder on those who progress. He's kind, but firm on the beginners on the path. He advises in an appropriate manner on the inner spiritual aspects of his art. He always has a friendly ear to listen and an open mind to understand, but is not outwardly moved. Many people are unable to see the instructor properly. They tend to see him as a teacher or a friend. He is neither, He is both, He is more. He sees a student in a free way, unmoved by facial expression or appearance, and helps in the best way. If he has to be hard, he is so. If he has to be soft, he is so. His attitudes are always in the best interest of his students.
Often the instructor will test his students by taking views diametrically opposed to theirs and watch their reaction. He may knowingly place his student in a particular situation to see how he handles that situation. He will seldom openly praise. In the martial arts, silence is sometimes the best praise. He will note what affects the student in and out of the school, how he acts and reacts towards his friends, family, fellow students and act accordingly.
He will say nothing when he should speak. He is kind and understanding. He can be strict, he can be compassionate.Through all these externals, his heart is forever with them. He listens when they speak and understands their feelings. He is unmoved, but can be sympathetic if necessary.
He is active in a subdued way, he gives while others take, and ask no rewards. He is sad, he is happy. He is let down, he is uplifted. He is human. He holds to the way, for that way is him. Though outsides may change, the instructor does not. but he thanks in return. He may be blamed, but he persist. He persist when there is no reason to, that is why he is an Instructor. And that to me is what teaching is all about.
Leonard, Very good post. You have really put in to words what a lot of us think.
Thank You Ken. I think "as teachers and instructors" we all share the same thoughts and feelings about our relationship between our students. We're not that different from military drill sergeants, in that new soldiers go through basic training learning to hate their drill instructor, but after its all over, they realize just how grateful they are for what their instructor taught them. Ask any military veteran, if they remember their drill sergeant and the answer will always be yes! That's who we are!
Like the Drill sergeant we have to have been through it to relate to what they are going through.It is like the question during NTI. Do you remember the best and your worst teacher? It is such an awesome experience to be teaching at the school where I graduated from.
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