One thing I would do different would be in my note taking. I usually try to create powerpoints to make notes interesting. But, I did the original notes of the projector this time. Bad mistake!!! My students are by far more tech savvier than I. They all thought it would be better if they took pictures with their amazing phones and went home and printed the notes out. This defeats my whole purose of helping the audio/visual learners. I, myself learn better like this, by reading outloud the notes and writing them down.
So, I am changing this note taking aspect on my next chapter. I am actually interested in ideas if anyone is good at this. I have in the past done a lot of powerpoints with notes, but I am looking for a more fun way of learning for my students. I need something interesting to all highschoolers, but that will help them learn and remember at the same time. My class blocks are an hour and 45 minutes each. Soo...... it gets a little tricky.
I think note taking is a challenge for us all. I don't mind the idea of taking a photo and printing them out if the truely study the info. However that is rarely the case. You might try still using the powerpoint but leave gaps that must be completed by the student. Another idea might be to start with the review questions as a scavenger hunt so to speak then lecture at the end as the check and balance. Another strategy is read,share the discuss. As a group assign a section of the text/ powerpoint to read, then they share what they understand from the text with their group. Lastly, discuss with the entire class.
Aw, Aw Tiffany, I have actually experienced what you are going through. I too feel that creating a powerpoint is a great way to learn. You have notes, visual, audio, color and action/feedback. Well, from my experience,our modern generation (some, not all) dislike writing and taking notes.I agree, students are quick to pull their cell phones out(although they are not allowed)to copy material and print it off later. One group of things I found that helped me were giving them some notes that were typed, but incomplete, lecture on it, and play a game (Group A and B). This encouraged students to pay attention as I lectured and complete the answer (or find the answer later). (I have observed that most students like games and competing). The winners received extra points on a test and/or quizz or something like that.My students improved a lot and started taking notes. Of course, 1 or 2 refused.Hope this helps. Jan
I think your topic hits home for all of us. Dr. B. said the first day something pretty profound that I say all the time to my students. Her comment was, "true learning can't happen without reflecting." I remind students weekly that if that's indeed true then it's just as factual that it's impossible to reflect if you don't have anything to reflect on. Hence the importance of notes. I've tried to vary this year how my kids get/retain information.
Notes is one way and I do indeed what Jan says and given them a half typed up outline. Their job is to fill it in when I lecture. I think it's key to hold kids accountable in this area so I do notebook checks that are weighted as quiz grades. Notes are part of that.
Another thing I do is give them different assignments like 1 pagers, information they simply write on a notecard about a single subject, or some creative paper folding assignment which again they record necessary information. All of it is note taking, but it's not just me standing up there lecturing. In these assignments I let them do them sometimes by themselves and other times in table groups again to vary the way they learn.
Hope this helps.
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