Hopefully one day we might just see technologies of this nature being spread throughout the world.
Imagine an expert teacher from Paraguay, coming to a home classroom, to teach children from 5 different countries at the same time! Imagine the savings that will be entailed. Poor countries do not need to go through the same struggles that developed countries have experienced. This technology enables us all to share our resources and improve the lives of all of us. It enables all of us and everyone to move together as one world community!
One idea that springs to mind, nearer home, is to enroll all school administrators (by district or county) in a short intervention program that will teach them about Carl D. Perkins legislation and the very latest developments attending to it. There is absolutely no reason now why some school administrators still remain unaware of the benefits of this legislation and of how they may implement it for the advantage of their students and their communities.
Anyone of us here, who have taken this course from Dr. J. can easily mount, facilitate and run a teaching program of this nature through Elluminate. How feasible is this proposition? Is there anyone who might like to investigate this with me? :-)
I have to agree. We in this country take so many things for granted. My parents were from Italy and Austria, so I have some understanding of what you were saying. Given the opportunity I would do it again this way.
Hi, Thozi - you have made an excellent point that developing countries can 'skip', so to speak, stages of development to access certain technologies - very insightful.
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