Rules For Posting To This Blog and Weekly Blog Question

1. Only use your first name (no last names, addresses, IM screen names, etc.)
2. Show respect and consideration of others when posting and commenting. This includes individuals, students, organizations, political parties, colleagues, etc.
3. Check all posts for spelling and grammar errors before posting.
4. Protect the privacy of others. Gain permission from other people before you write about them. Avoid sharing someone else's last name. Use job titles or pseudonyms when writing about experiences with your co-workers or students.
5. Watch your language. Use politically correct and non-offensive language.
6. Make sure you write about things that are factual.
7. Keep your postings education-oriented. Avoid discussing plans for the weekend, etc.

This week I would like you to use your imagination. You have just won the lottery and will leave your teaching post immediately to travel around the world. As you leave your keys you meet your replacement. You are asked to give this new teacher just ONE piece of advice. What would that be, and why? Enjoy your world expedition!

Blog Post - Week 7
This past week in my own teaching I felt a little disconnected which prompts my question to you, "What was the moment (or moments) when I felt most disconnected or disengaged as a teacher - the moment(s) I said to myself, I'm just going through the motions here?"

Fall Semester 2016 Blog Post - Week 6
For the past couple of weeks you have experienced asynchronous online learning (doing modules by yourself). Previously this semester you have experienced synchronous online learning (all together in the Collaborate room). Which do you think is more effective and why do you think that? Which do you like better, and why?

Fall Semester 2016 Blog Post - Week 5
This week we have what we call "open mic." You can write a post about anything related to your teaching that you would like responses from your classmates.

Fall Semester 2016 Blog Post - Week 4
Here is this week's question: "What was the event that most took me surprise this week - and event that shook me up, caught me off guard, gave me a jolt, or made me unexpectedly happy?"

Fall Semester 2016 Blog Post - Week 3
Please write a post about the following question, "In thinking about my past week teaching what is one thing I would do differently, and why?"

Fall Semester 2016 Blog Post - Week 2
Please write a post about the following question, " In thinking about my teaching activities this past week, of what do I feel most proud? Why?"

Fall Semester 2016 Blog Post - Week 1
Describe something you used in your program in the first weeks of school that you learned in the summer NTI program. How did it work? Did it get you off to a stronger start than last year?

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Something Sad

A student who had been absent many times since the beginning of the school year told me that she would be leaving at some point to live in a group home.  She did not want to discuss why, so I didn't press the issue.  I've just been doing what I can to make up the work that she had been missing. 

This week, her guardian (her mom's sister) emailed and asked if she could meet with me.  I agreed and it turned out to be a really good meeting.  Her aunt said the mother was on drugs and not wanting to have anything to do with the child. The Dad was not in the picture and stayed in jail or intoxicated.   She's had her in her custody since February, but the child had attempted to run away by hitching a ride with some guys that she didn't know.  When she found her way back home, the guys had given her the date rate drug and she had to be admitted to the hospital for treatment.    After that incident, the aunt felt she should go to more secure surroundings, the group home, so the child could be safe.   While waiting for placement, the child and the aunt agreed that they both really wanted her with the aunt, so they cancelled the group home placement with the condition that she would not try to "escape" again.

The aunt stated that the child really liked my class and was always excited when talking about it.  We agreed to work together to keep her engaged and excited and current in her work.  She actually has a good grade at this time, so we thought telling her this would boost her confidence.  

I also had another student, who I talked to about her bad attitude state that I didn't know what she was going through.  She stated that she has an anger problem, depression and a lot of trouble at home (her step dad gets put out of the house once a month). 

I am just in shock at the problems these kids have and have to admit I was very naive about it. I'm glad that her guardian and all of her teachers are working together to make it better for her and look forward to reporting good progress about her accomplishments in class to you in the future. 


Dr. M said...

Georgette - you are saving lives . . . keep it up as it will happen repeatedly . . . sometimes our classes are the best things in a students' lives so keep preparing them for worthwhile careers!

bernardo said...

Hi Georgette,
It's your buddy Bernardo,
I agree with Dr. M. Sometimes we are the last defense for some of these students. We often find ourselves being emotionally attached to these kids and wanting to help them in every way possible. My only hope is that the adversity that these kids encounter will only make them stronger.