Rules For Posting To This Blog and Weekly Blog Question

1. Only use your first name (no last names, addresses, IM screen names, etc.)
2. Show respect and consideration of others when posting and commenting. This includes individuals, students, organizations, political parties, colleagues, etc.
3. Check all posts for spelling and grammar errors before posting.
4. Protect the privacy of others. Gain permission from other people before you write about them. Avoid sharing someone else's last name. Use job titles or pseudonyms when writing about experiences with your co-workers or students.
5. Watch your language. Use politically correct and non-offensive language.
6. Make sure you write about things that are factual.
7. Keep your postings education-oriented. Avoid discussing plans for the weekend, etc.

This week I would like you to use your imagination. You have just won the lottery and will leave your teaching post immediately to travel around the world. As you leave your keys you meet your replacement. You are asked to give this new teacher just ONE piece of advice. What would that be, and why? Enjoy your world expedition!

Blog Post - Week 7
This past week in my own teaching I felt a little disconnected which prompts my question to you, "What was the moment (or moments) when I felt most disconnected or disengaged as a teacher - the moment(s) I said to myself, I'm just going through the motions here?"

Fall Semester 2016 Blog Post - Week 6
For the past couple of weeks you have experienced asynchronous online learning (doing modules by yourself). Previously this semester you have experienced synchronous online learning (all together in the Collaborate room). Which do you think is more effective and why do you think that? Which do you like better, and why?

Fall Semester 2016 Blog Post - Week 5
This week we have what we call "open mic." You can write a post about anything related to your teaching that you would like responses from your classmates.

Fall Semester 2016 Blog Post - Week 4
Here is this week's question: "What was the event that most took me surprise this week - and event that shook me up, caught me off guard, gave me a jolt, or made me unexpectedly happy?"

Fall Semester 2016 Blog Post - Week 3
Please write a post about the following question, "In thinking about my past week teaching what is one thing I would do differently, and why?"

Fall Semester 2016 Blog Post - Week 2
Please write a post about the following question, " In thinking about my teaching activities this past week, of what do I feel most proud? Why?"

Fall Semester 2016 Blog Post - Week 1
Describe something you used in your program in the first weeks of school that you learned in the summer NTI program. How did it work? Did it get you off to a stronger start than last year?

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Chasity-Question of the Week September 22:

Every semester I teach my students the IRAC format.  The IRAC format is a legal critical thinking tool that I learned in law school.  It is a useful tool in all subject areas.  Students (and some adults) can tell you the starting point and the ending point, but it gets a little cloudy in the middle.  They understand the end, but they cannot explain how they got there.  The IRAC format teaches them to critically think through the issues presented.  I taught the IRAC format and I got the blank stares and I knew that most of my students were slightly confused.  I kept teaching it everyday with every scenario that we used.  By the end of the week my students were able to apply the IRAC format in my class and explain to their classmates and me how they could apply the IRAC format in other classes as well (science, math, language arts, etc.).  I felt like I had given my students a tool that they could use for the rest of their academic careers.  It was very affirming.  I will continue to use the IRAC format in class as a tool for students critically think through the issues presented.  FYI – IRAC stands for Issue (Question Presented), Rule (Applicable Law), Analysis (Application of the facts to the rule), and Conclusion (The answer to the question presented). 

Open Mic - Octavious Hose

What I would like to blog about is this great new teaching tool that I was introduced to. There is a website called KAHOOT, and basically you can create a quiz in gaming form. The object of the game is to answer the question the fastest. The faster you answer the question, the more points you rack up. Though the students are having fun in friendly competition you can also download a chart of all of the answers with the students names listed beside them. I use this as a quiz grade and I make sure I inform the students to treat it like a quiz. I have placed link just in case you all would like to check it out! I hope this is helpful!

Open Mic - Laugh

I really could use a good laugh! It really irritates me to work around people with no sense of humor. I understand that everyday shouldn't be a block party, but “sometimes we can take life to serious.” Amid-st the confusion of a new superintendent, many of my coworkers are running around like expressionless robots. They’re working themselves to the point of becoming ill and overly stressed. I refuse to allow this job to consume my life. I learned the importance of balance the hard way. After battling cancer year ago, I discovered that stress could kill and that a little bit of happiness goes a long way. “Humor is infectious, pass it on.” Laugh til you pass gas!

Chasity-Question of the Week September 15:

I did an assignment with my class where they had to create a bill as a group and their classmates voted on whether the bill would become a law.  The students were really engaged in the activity when it came to creating a law on a relevant issue.  The law could not already exist and there was a template.  I was excited about the activity, but I neglected to give students an exemplar prior to allowing them to work on the assignment.  I encountered several questions and frustrations that could have been avoided if I would have given an exemplar prior to letting the students work on the activity. Imagine twenty students with questions for clarity. I had to stop the independent work process and go through an exemplar and then allow students to continue working.  This extended the time that I initially allotted for the activity.  It was definitely a lesson learned.  I assumed that the assignment was “easy” since there was a template, but it is never safe to make that assumption.  After I did an exemplar my students were able to work quickly and efficiently to get the assignment done.  If I could do it again I would definitely give the exemplar before allowing students to begin working on the assignment.  

Week September 29" Open Mic"- Chris

I would like to share that on 09/30/2014 I was able to instruct the teachers of Marietta High School. At the end of this day the teachers were scheduled to attend the faculty meeting. This meeting was for the old and new teachers. the purpose of the meeting was to educate the faculty and staff on school active shooter and the procedures and guidelines. The principle allotted an hour for me to give the presentation. I showed the video "Run, Hide, Fight" and then instructed the faculty and staff through lecture and power point. I really enjoy teaching the topic of active shooter due to how common it is occurring and how tragic it can be. I presented this same presentation to the middle school and two days later they had a incident that required a school lock down. The administration and the teachers were prepared and followed the procedures to a tee. The way the school handle the incident made me very proud because hopefully what I taught them made a difference that day.

Chris Cannon

Monday, September 29, 2014

ACTE and Professional Development

This is the first time this semester I decided to post instead of just write comments to some of you each week.  I had a very exciting thing happen to me in Richmond, VA this past week and wanted to share it in "open mic."  Please see the press release on the ACTE website.  

Friday, September 26, 2014

September 22 - This is What Being a Teacher is Really About

To begin my story, I have to start with tragic news. The first week of school I accidentally dropped a computer on my foot and fractured my toe. This caused me to be out for the first couple of weeks, but this led to the moment that I realized what being a teacher is all about. Once I returned to school, my students welcomed me with a "We Miss You" note on the whiteboard and complaints about that the substituted teacher wasn't doing right. The students then proceeded to show me graphic design work that they self instructed themselves to do while I was out. The work was magnificent and one student said "Mr. Hose you taught us this last year and we remembered it!" At this moment I realized that the thing that I teach the students actually stick with them, rather it's graphic design, work ethic skill or world news. At that moment I said "This is what being a teacher is really about!"

Thursday, September 25, 2014

My Hard Work Was Recognized!

I felt most affirmed this week when my principal asked me to organize and lead a staff professional learning unit for project based learning. My principal noted that, the Career Technology Agricultural Education (CTAE) Teachers were doing an excellent job with teaching the students meaningful project based learning lessons. I felt really affirmed by this request because I’m the greenest teacher on the staff; most of my colleagues and average 12 years or greater of service. During a recent classroom observation by district principals and executive directors I was given several compliments regarding teaching strategies and my student’s mastery of the content material.  These compliments were especially rewarding to me because my students are some of the most academically challenged. The recognition provided me with and assurance that all of my hard work is recognized, valued and appreciated. I'm really looking forward to presenting a dynamic professional learning unit on project based learning!  

Question of the Week September 22:

Well this week I came down with Bronchitis and my son was sick with the “Foot Month” virus.  These factors cause me too be out of the classroom this week.  I believe myself to be a determined individual and when I commit to something I do it, so I never commit too being sick.  Monday I went to the school to drop off work for my students and ended getting into a war with the copy machine.   After the forty-five minute copy machine war, I made to my classroom with my son and dropped off work too my students.  My students saw my son for the first time and they said, “Chef he looks just like you,” which is true.  So moment I felt that, “this is what being a teacher is really all about,” is when I completed all these tasks and explained in detailed what I needed from my students and the expectation.

September 22-Ruth

Hello all, I teach a small group of students during my morning classes. One class of 14 and another of seven. These classes are small because of the content and state regulations. Last week during our discussion on communication, I took the time to speak with each student individually about the attitude needed to succeed in our field. I felt that each student has so much to offer the class after listening to them.  I felt more connected with each student and I was able to incorporate some of their ideas into the way I teach. I feel this was helpful because when I did that, they were more engaged. I am noticing everyday that students see me working hard for them and that's good, but when they see that I care about them that really makes a big difference.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Great Kids - Jan

You may not know, and I won't go into detail, but I had an unexpected surgery this week. Usually if I am going to be out it is planned and I have everything lined up for the sub. I like to give my students a heads up that I am going to be gone and it is usually for no more than a day. We had our fall break last week. Before we left, I gave the students a detailed outline of what we would be doing in class when we returned. This unplanned absence has really thrown me off. Luckily, I am friends with the substitute teacher who was placed in my class. We have been in contact through text. Today she told me how good my classes were. She said that my class is the only one where the the kids actually wish their "real" teacher was there. She said that usually she gets "YES! a sub", but in my class it has been "Where is Mrs. Dilbeck? Is she OK?". I feel that this shows that my students know that I truly care about them and in return they enjoy my class and care about me.

"Small Steps"

Question of the Week September 22:

What was the moment (or moments) this past week when you felt most connected, engaged, or affirmed as a teacher - the moment(s) when you said to yourself, "This is what being a teacher is really all about"?

Hello everyone,

As you all are aware, I have a unique situation being a school resource officer / substitute teacher at Marietta High School. I stay really busy at the school conducting my roll as the SRO, so teaching is kind of a second thought. I only experience my teaching role when Officer Gravitt is away, but I enjoy the challenge it presents. I keep my NTI book in my office to fall back on because as you know if you don't perform things you learn they sometimes have to be refreshed. This week Officer Gravitt had to travel down to Macon Georgia to be in a two day training class. Officer Gravitt told me he needed me to substitute both those days. For the most part the classes were good and productive. There were moments where there was free time where the students watched a video to moments where the students had to conduct research and complete documentation. There was a class that was very uncooperative to the point where I initiatively was going to show a video, but instead had them do work instead. I was fortunate to have an aide with me to assist where needed. MHS assigns another substitute teacher to assist me in case I have to conduct my SRO duties because I usually have to conduct double duty.

So long story short, I felt a little like a teacher today because I was able to constructively control a uncooperative class and have them complete and turn in an assignment that day, when they knew they could have watched a video. I personally felt like the students were not initially in the mind set to learn, but ended up walking out of class learning something. 

Officer C.Cannon

Adam's blog. "You will face many defeats in your life, but never let yourself be defeated" -Maya Angelou

What was the moment (or moments) this past week when you felt most connected, engaged, or affirmed as a teacher - the moment(s) when you said to yourself, "This is what being a teacher is really all about"

    First I would like to say, this week has been a little difficult for me. If you all don't know, I still am a police officer and a current employee of the Marietta Police Department. There has been some concern about my position as it pertains to teaching in the school. I have also questioned myself about making the right decision. As a School Resource Officer, I felt like I made positive impact on the school and several students over the past two years. I felt like in the classroom I could do more of that. After being in the classroom I don't feel like I have made that much of a difference. Then like a breath of fresh air, I had a mother and father of one of my students email me begging for help. They provided this student loves my class and feels the best about himself when he is in my classroom. They continued on praising me and my program and finally got to requesting my assistance in holding him accountable and mentoring him so he will succeed not only in my program but in all of his classes. I felt so honored. I did some soul searching and said to myself if I can make a difference in the life of one student I have succeeded this semester. 
    Furthermore, I met with my Chief who provided he was very pleased with my performance and had great things to say about my program. He said I am secure and can stay in this assignment until I want to come out. He went on to say he wants me to get promoted in the next few years to come and would do what ever he had to do to help me succeed. 
    I now know that I am teaching for a reason and am going to make the best of it!

The Electronic Cigarette , Classroom Expectations, Grading

Question of the Week September 22:

What was the moment (or moments) this past week when you felt most connected, engaged, or affirmed as a teacher - the moment(s) when you said to yourself, "This is what being a teacher is really all about"?

The moment(s) when I felt most connected as a teacher was when I addressed a student with an IEP (behavior, bipolar, etc.) in my class for blowing smoke in the air.  I approached her in a non-aggressive way per her IEP (and what I learned over the summer in class) and ask her to give me what she had, of course she refused, I called for security and they removed her from the room.  On her way out she said I'm not coming back to your class anymore and my response was o.k I'll see you tomorrow.  The object she had was an electronic cigarette.

Another moment was with my 2nd Block class.  I had to stop in the middle of explaining the class activity to direct their attention back to the classroom expectations. Mind you that this is not a freshman class although its Introduction to Healthcare.

Last but not least grading has affirmed that I am a teacher!! And I think that is a statement all in itself

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Teacher moment

I have one class that is smaller than the others and they get to be there for a little over an hour. Infection control in cosmetology is not the most fun subject. We did get to do some fun activities but just the subject itself is not exciting, the most exciting thing for me was them telling me what they've learned. I was very proud of how much they took out of my lessons and remembered. I overheard some students saying how much they enjoy coming to my class and how it time passes so fast. I really enjoy this particular class because we do have more time to discuss things and really get deep into the lesson. I love the creativity they have when we think-pair-share. They have given me ideas of things I didn't think of. Being able to connect so well with this class has made me realize what rewards of teaching is about. 

"They may not remember what I taught, but they'll always remember how I made them feel." - Casey (W/O Sept. 22)

     Last week, I had my first observation. I had told every period that my observer was coming and that he would be here during 4th period. 4th Period came, and my observer hadn't arrived yet. He arrived about halfway through 4th period due to unforseen circumstances, and he needed to stay for my 5th period to see the first portion of my class. My first thoughts were, "Oh no! I told my 5th period (6th graders!) that he would be gone by the time they arrived! They are going to be terrible!" I just knew I was going to fail because of them! The school has recently started a new procedure where I have to go to the end of the main hall to monitor each of the students as they're walking down the hall due to a safety concern, so I was in the hallway unable to tell my students that my instructor was still here. This was the first day we were doing this, so I anticipated a little bit of wild behavior when they entered my room because I wasn't able to be close to the door to direct them. When it was time to enter the classroom after monitoring the hall, I dropped my head and walked that "long" walk to my room. To my amazement, I found my students sitting in their desks working on their "Daily Dose" (Set Induction). They were absolutely perfect and remained so during the entire lecture. When my observer left the room, we all let out a big sigh of relief to which they quickly exclaimed, "We were so good for your teacher, weren't we?! Why didn't you tell us he would be here?!" That moment showed me how much they want to please me and the relationship I have with them. 
     Another time last week, we had a student who tends to struggle with authority try to break a rule in the hallway. A teacher he had not developed a good rapport with quickly reprimanded him in the hall, to which he was promptly disrespectful. I stepped in and spoke to the student about his behavior, what was wrong, and why it was wrong. He quickly said, "Yes ma'am" and took the punishment I had given him (which was to state what he did wrong and write the teacher he was disrespectful to an apology letter.)
     Another student I had a poor relationship with last year has developed a positive relationship with me during this term. He is a completely different student for me, and he and I even conferenced to discuss this change. We discussed with each other how our relationship has changed and what has changed within the past year. He is responsible, respectful, and one of the stronger students in the classroom since he and I started off on a new foot this year, so to speak. 
     Since day 1, my care has been more about building relationships with the students more than teaching them about healthcare science. I am so grateful to say that I have more "good" days than "bad" days. When it comes down to it, I am proudest that I am developing strong positive relationships with my students. The saying is true when they say, "Students may not remember what you've taught, but they'll always remember how you made them feel." I always want them to remember how I've made them feel. I believe the soft skills that I can teach them now will help them throughout their careers. 

Monday, September 22, 2014

Post #3-Moments That Affirmed me as a teacher. (Gina)

  What is being a teacher really all about?  What moments have made me feel engaged as a teacher?  I enjoy being asked this question because I find things on a daily basis that make me smile on the inside.  Working in my field as a Sportscaster, I enjoyed it immensely.  I never really thought about teaching as a profession until I started my own family.  In coming into a field that I never really thought about pursing or really knew nothing about was scary for me.  It was frightening to think that I would now be responsible for bringing knowledge to the youth.  They would be taking in what I decided to say, teach and model.
  I then was hit with a wide variety of students with IEP's, which I of course had zero knowledge or experience with.  I took this and made the best out of the situation.  A year ago, I was introduced to a student that has an IEP and was very quiet and closed off.  No one could sit at this students table or engage in a conversation.  I slowly tried to find what would spark an interest in them and eventually found out that they would like to be an on air talent.  I began to help them develop themselves and being supportive of what they wanted to shoot for.  In no time this student was making huge strides.  They were socializing with the best of them and making appearances on our daily Morning Announcements.
  The entire student body now is aware of who this student is and their talents.  This was an on-going, developing story.  Fast Forward to this past Friday.  This student now appears weekly on their own portion of the show.  The show debuted Friday at school, they promptly came to class gave me a pound and said; "Thank you, you knocked it out of the park.  Thank you."  This made me smile inside and I thought-wow this is what it is about.
  Without revealing too much information, this student suffers from something that prevents them from showing too much excitement or emotion or even being grateful for things that may be done to help them.  So in me getting a "pound", smile, thank you (twice) and acknowledgment of the fact that they were pleased-I really do think "they have knocked it out of the park", through coming so far in taking those steps to do something outside of their comfort zone.  Not only did they step outside their box but did it full force and with a smile that never goes away now.  This kid is now known school wide as the funny cool person on that show.  They get high fives from popular football players, dances with the cheerleaders at the recent homecoming dance and teachers now respect them and see the other side of them.
  If I can leave this profession with the assurance that I have made one kid confident or smile-I have affirmed my place here as a teacher.  For some kids that is the only smile, pat on the back or boost of confidence they will ever get.  You never know when your smile or words will make a long lasting impact on a child's life.  To you its just words-but to one child those words will have a lasting impression that may shape them into believing they can be whatever they want to be in life.  I will leave you with this quote we received last year in a meeting.
  "Teaching is a vestige of oneself in the development of another.  And surely the student is a bank where you can deposit your most precious treasures."-Eugene P. Bertin

Question of the Week September 22:

Question of the Week September 22:Elissa
What was the moment (or moments) this past week when you felt most connected, engaged, or affirmed as a teacher - the moment(s) when you said to yourself, "This is what being a teacher is really all about"?
This is Easy! Last week was RICS Homecoming and for Homecoming we have a parade. My Culinary students  all 189 of them are in a CTSO (club) FCCLA Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America. Last year we had about 36 members. This year I made it a "strong suggestion" to join and I made it part of the curriculum grade. This year I have 189 members! We do projects, focus on community service, go to the state fair, do cooking competitions, and talk about how cooking with family brings you closer together (well some ha). So for the parade my 9th grade Introduction to Culinary students made pizza and I wanted all of us to walk together with our banner. The bell rings at 3:30 and the parade is not until 5:30 and over 150 students are at my kitchen door. They all showed up to walk in the parade with me. Changing their pick up from school schedules, and not to mention it was a Friday night! I felt so touched and proud that I have worked so hard to make these students love Culinary and FCCLA the way I have! That is what being a teacher is all about!

Moment of "Ahhh"

What was the moment (or moments) this past week when you felt most connected, engaged, or affirmed as a teacher - the moment(s) when you said to yourself, "This is what being a teacher is really all about"?

It is funny that this is the question for this week because we were on fall break. :) So, last week, sitting on the beach, was a definite feeling of "This is what being a teacher is really all about". But since I know you would like a classroom example, I have one from this morning. My students were talking about the different things they did over the fall break and they began discussing various situations where law enforcement officials were involved. I opened the discussion up to the rest of the class and found that many students had witnessed law enforcement engaged incidents. What has changed since the beginning of the semester, however, is that most of the comments were in support of the officers instead of against the officers. Many of my students enter my class with such a negative attitude toward police. I was so happy to see some of these same kids defending the officers' actions instead of demeaning them. To me, teaching these kids that police are not their enemy, but their allies is a huge breakthrough that I doubt they would make without this class.

What would I do differently...

I find myself asking this question after each and every school day. I use this reflective questioning with the intention on improving what I have already done. Unfortunately, I rarely take the time to write down my thoughts and therefore tend to never apply such application. This past week (well, the week before) I really felt that I could improve on the rubric that I distributed to my class correlating to their 9/11 victim project. I became frustrated with the lack of understanding by my students, when in fact it was my own failure of clarification that caused so many questions. The student projects were also not to my level of expectation due to my vague rubric. I have found that the more specific my rubric is, the less questions I receive from my students and the better quality of work is displayed. Considering my rubric for this particular project was very broad, there was too much room for interpretation. I will now have to go back and actually correct the rubric- that's where I sometimes lack follow through. All these great ideas disrupted by scatterbrain. :)

What I Would Do Differently 9/15/2014 Chef Gar

I’m happy to report I had a great week teaching last week. That being said, there are always ways we can improve our teaching. This past week I learned I need to be more flexible and able to manage things that arise unexpectedly. I had a set lesson plan prepared for the entire week, however due to some administrative changes, SLOs testing, make-up testing and having to alternate between classrooms, my lesson plan was not able to be followed exactly how I expected. This has caused me to get a bit behind in my planned teaching. If I could do it over again, I would try to find out more information regarding various happenings around campus prior to the implementation of my lesson plans. This will allow me to better prepare and organize my lessons accordingly around the school’s activities. I will also endeavor to keep an open mind allowing flexibility in my planned teaching as things can always happen unexpectedly causing a last minute change to the schedule.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

"This is what being a teacher is really all about" 10/22/14

We were on fall break this past week so I had to think back over the week before we went on break to answer the question of the week. I'm so blessed to have experiences on a regular basis that reconfirm for me that I am where I am supposed to be serving the purpose I am supposed to serve. The thing that stands out in my mind the most that is a perfect example of why I'm doing what I am doing (teaching) has to do with a young man in my class. This particular student has an IEP and isn't considered by most teachers as the "best student". He isn't doing well in several of his classes and I've been told he doesn't always try or pay attention. I try very hard not to develop preconceived ideas on people based on what others have to say. I'm glad I didn't choose to listen to others because he is doing Excellent in my class. Six weeks into the semester he has a 99 average. I've taken the opportunity to brag to him about how well he is doing and have sent emails home bragging about his grades, participation and behavior.
Before we left for break the students were required to turn in a project on the healthcare career of their choice. His poster exceeded my expectations and is one that I will be putting on display for the entire school to see.
After talking with him I've learned he has always dreamed of going in the military and wants to become a combat medic. It is so encouraging to see a student that isn't "expected" to do well thriving and enjoying class. Not only is he doing well in my class but he is working hard to bring up his other grades.
Even if I am able to make a positive impression on one student then I know that this is what being a teacher is really all about!!

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Special Needs Injustice

Think about your week of teaching. Your reflective question is: "Of everything I did this past week in my teaching, what would I do differently if I had the chance to do it again? And, why"? Remember to post and then to comment on another classmate's post. 

I had a rather interesting week. I would work to improve the way in-which I meet the instructional needs of my new students with Individual Educational Plans (IEP's). I had a new student with an IEP placed in my class this week. The special education teacher failed to meet with me to discuss the students needs. When the student arrived to my class I immediately provided him with over 30 pages of missed assignments. The next day the student did not return to class because he felt overwhelmed.  unbeknownst to me, the students was not suppose to be given large amounts of homework or classwork. After reviewing the student's file, I discovered that my approach to solving this problem was completely wrong. I felt that I did a major injustice to this student.  I see this problem happening much to often.

Adam's reply to the Blog Sept 15

Think about your week of teaching. Your reflective question is: "Of everything I did this past week in my teaching, what would I do differently if I had the chance to do it again? And, why"? Remember to post and then to comment on another classmate's post. 

After reflecting over the past week and considering things I would have done different I feel I would have done a few things different. First I would not have been as lenient on the test I have graded. My reason behind this is the young adults in my class have taken me for granted. I feel like they are starting to feel like it is owed to them. In the weeks to come, I am going to crack down on them and start to expect more. I don't feel like it is to late at this point. Second, I look back at the power point presentation and I feel like I should have broken it up more. I feel like it may have been to long and on the verge of "death by power point." I have referred back to my NTI note book to research some strategies. Third, I feel like we as teachers can always better ourselves. If you ever feel like you can't learn anything new or better yourself you should probably get out of teaching. A final thought, never look back and have regrets only learn from the things you feel like you should have done better.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

9/15/14 What I would change- Ruth

Each day of teaching is a learning experience for me. This week was no different. Each day I have to prepare for two preps, my first one is the nursing assistant class and it really takes a lot out of me. It's what I teach first and second block, and again third and fourth block. I have two other classes in the afternoon. This week I decided that I would use CTAERN and get a worksheet for my Essentials class. I did just that, pulled the worksheet, copied it and gave it to the class when they came in. This was my mistake, I didn't check it with the book that I have for my class. The questions started and I ended up staying " just leave that blank".  I felt like such a bad teacher, I really should have been better prepared for that class. If I could do that over I would. I would have compared the worksheet to the book we have and made sure that the students could find the answers in the book. I would change this if I could because my students deserve better.
Think about your week of teaching. Your reflective question is: "Of everything I did this past week in my teaching, what would I do differently if I had the chance to do it again? And, why"? Remember to post and then to comment on another classmate's post. Grading criteria is located in your course syllabus.

Of this week of teaching there are a lot of things I would go back and change.   I assign my students a project but the project rubric was not ready when I assigned the project.  I should have waited until the rubric was complete before I assigned the project.  I have one student that asks at least twenty questions a day.  With this student I have told the student to write down all their questions on separate piece of paper so that I might answer them at the end of class or when appropriate.   I currently use a turn in box in my classroom, and it works great.  I just have to get caught up on grading assignments again.   I caught a cold from my wife and son, I wish I would have been taking Airborne sooner.  Had I been taking my vitamins I would not have gotten sick.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Week September 15 Struggles

Think about your week of teaching. Your reflective question is: "Of everything I did this past week in my teaching, what would I do differently if I had the chance to do it again? And, why"? Remember to post and then to comment on another classmate's post. Grading criteria is located in your course syllabus.

Well unfortunately I do not have a lot to comment on in reference to this week's blog. Not to be repetitive, but I am not currently teaching and have been very busy with my SRO duties and training with SWAT. As far as taking on the NTI class and working my other duties, I would not change a thing. I am learning a lot about myself and hope to learn more about teaching during the fall semester. I find all this very challenging, but very fun as well.

Thank you,

Chris C.

Struggles of Past Week 9/15

"Of everything I did this past week in my teaching, what would I do differently if I had the chance to do it again? And, why"? 
I have been unorganized this past week. I stress when everything is all over the place. I feel like I’ve taken on too much and cannot keep up. I am trying to make prioritized to-do lists. This week I’ve only added instead of checked-off. If I had the chance to do it again, I would have made more time after school to get things done. I’ve tried to protect my time off by not working late hours or at home this year. Instead of having my rest and at home time with my family, I’m grumpy and I stress about what I should have stayed and done or taken home. I struggle daily with a co-worker that isn’t much of a team player and takes advantage of those that are. I would have said “no” a lot more this past week. 

Oh the changes I would make... -Casey

"Of everything I did this past week in my teaching, what would I do differently if I had the chance to do it again? And, why"? 

I feel like I doubt myself so much. Growing up, things came so easily for me, so any small failure is huge in my eyes - and I fail often. It is something I am working towards, but it is a process. This week, I introduced a new topic with my 8th graders - healthcare issues video presentation. The project is one in which they look up a current healthcare issue - ebola, "Obama Care", childhood obesity, or even depression and body image disorders - and they must create a video presentation using their ipads to create the video. The checklist I created could have been improved for them so that they were more directed and knew what to expect. They seemed disorderly and unsure of themselves, and I'm sure it is because I did not clarify the project well enough for them. The bad thing is that I neglected to give my students all the information they needed, so the project has not been very organized. The good thing is that I have 3 other opportunities to correct the issue this year.  I need to work on rubrics.

 I also struggle to work on lesson plans during my planning periods because I can't focus well on them, so I take weekend time away from my family to work on them. I need to work hard to take care of the administrative tasks during my planning so I no longer take time way from my family.

Finally, (but not because there is so much!) I need to work harder to give immediate grading feedback. I sometimes struggle grading papers quickly enough, and the students don't get immediate feedback. I especially put it off if it is a writing article. I know the students are eager to know what they can improve upon and what they did not do well, so I will put that on my list of things to do.

We live and learn and hopefully improve.

 "Of everything I did this past week in my teaching, what would I do differently if I had the chance to do it again? And, why"? 
I ask myself this often! I feel like I have been rushing lately. I think it is because I am going on maternity leave in February and want to get everything done! I stay too late at school sometimes past 8 pm. What I would do differently and what I started to do differently today was demo the recipes for the students. I guess i expect them to know all these culinary ways of doing things and they don't. I learn by doing so I will teach by doing. The past month I have thrown them a recipe and said you got this. Ha spinach quiche and cheese souffle' it worked but it could have worked better had I demoed before hand. Now starting today I demoed exactly what they should do when they walk into the kitchen and made the recipe today was homemade mayonnaise. This worked beautifully! I went in and showed them each step as they added notes to their recipe. They tasted my final product and then they began. Faces lit up! "It is just like yours! Maybe better!" they said. Watching me first do it correctly and then me helping them just a little along the way is much better! I will be doing a demo before since we have 90 min. and hopefully this will help all students and me chill out a little bit!!
Elissa 9/16/14

9/15/2014 Question of the week

When I reflect over the last week I recognize several things I would have done different if I could go back and do them over. The one thing that far out ways everything else was my decision to have a major project and an open note test on Friday, which was the Friday before a week long break. I realize the pressure the students were under since the majority of their classes had projects due or tests/quizzes the same day. It also created a lot of undo stress on myself since it was my goal to have everything graded prior to leaving Saturday to go out of town. If I had it all to do over again I would have had the project due on Thursday and the open note test on Wednesday. This would have created a less stressful day for myself and my students.

Monday, September 15, 2014

#2-Reflecting on Teaching this week-September 15 (Gina)

    Of everything I did this past week in my teaching, what would I do differently if I had the chance to do it again? That is a difficult question.  As I ask myself this question, I wonder if I could change an approach or a reaction to a student for the better would it have changed for the lesser in another students eyes.  When teaching I try to incorporate many methods of delivering information.  Through those methods I can see various students responding  differently to what works for them.  There were moments last week when I could have been more patient with certain students that struggle to focus and stay on task.  Having to take time out for a student you know has a hard time staying on task, when the rest of the class is moving right along with you is sometimes frustrating.  There were a few moments last week when I could have probably tried grouping to help those struggling, one in particular student, with those that are progressing a lot faster. I refrained from doing this because I was adamant about individual projects this week, which is important to my field.  This student in particular depends heavily on the help of others, yet is perfectly capable of progressing on their own.  I could have tried a "partner reflection" of sorts to try and receive feedback from their peers before it was turned into me.  This could have benefited the student better because it was obvious they were having a difficult time on their own.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Stategies Implemented in NTI- Chris 09/09/2014

What are some strategies or products that you have implemented from our summer NTI that made your semester begin more smoothly and more manageable than last year? If this is your first year, what is working well? Remember to post and then to comment on another classmate's post.

Hello everyone, well as you all know I was the only one in class that was not going to be a full time teacher. I learned a lot from the NTI class this past summer and I am very grateful Mrs. Burns allowed Gravitt and I to work together. Teaching can be a rewarding , but challenging career. I have not been able to use too much of the skills I learned this summer due to doing my School Resource Officer duties. I have however, filled in for Gravitt in a couple of classes as a substitute. Substituting is all I want to do at this time because I still enjoy being a Police Officer. Maybe one day in the future being a fulltime teacher will be an option. I did find that while I was substituting for Gravitt, that I incorporated things I learned from the NTI class. I kept the students busy and active during the class. I addressed behavior issues and made sure the class followed the subject manner on the lesson plan. Having never taught before is was very interesting keeping young adults alert and eager to learn.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

"What happened to Sarge?"

My kids have asked this several times this year. They have told me; "This is like an actual class now, not like it was last year..." Each time I tell them; " I was at Georgia State all summer and I got Edumicated!" After finishing the summer session, I realized that about 75% of the things I did my first year was at least a partial failure. My year would have been so much easier if I had gone through NTI first. Basically everything in my classes has changed.

The first major change was the classroom layout. With having a small room and 34-36 kids, it was very hard to have a usable layout that would provide seating for all of the kids. This year I have arranged the room into a large horse shoe with a center isle like we had in class during the summer. Now I have access to all of the kids quickly and I can move around the class. They are much more focused. The second change I have made was to post my class rules on my wall by the door. It is 24"x 36" so you can't miss it. For the first 2 weeks when someone was breaking a rule I would say; "number 3" and the issue would be fixed. Now it is to the point where there are VERY few issues and when there is an issue the kids are saying; "number 3" before I even notice there is something is happening. The third change I have made is using notebooks for the assignments and handouts. I also have a notebook for each level at the front of the class that I keep updated. It seems to be working well. Next I changed the way I conduct my lectures. No more than 10 minutes and then we do something else. Last year I would try to include too many parts to an assignment and it would overwhelm them. Now I have been chunking the assignments up and I can see a difference. Also, in Dr. Burns fashion, I have one kid repeat what we are doing before we start working on an assignment. It works great too. One of the last major changes was having class officers that pertain to Law Enforcement, Courts and Forensics. I have 5 different jobs for the kids and now the class seems to run on auto pilot sometimes. The kids are doing their job in class without me having to remind them.

Last year I was hired 13 days before school started, handed a set of keys, given a map of the school and was told to go teach the kids............ Now I feel much more prepared and confident. Like I said earlier, I wish I had NTI before I started teaching at Kell.

Question of the Week September 8: Chef Gar

I found the Summer NTI to be beneficial in more ways than expected. In particular, practicing lesson plans over the summer has proven to be the most valuable since it gave me a sturdy base to create my own lesson plans. Creating lesson plans prior to the fall semester has made the start of the semester more manageable and run more smoothly. Summer NTI has enabled me to establish better classroom management and safety. The rule poster made during NTI has been a wonderful tool to assist with classroom management since it establishes my expectations in the classroom. NTI taught me to enhance safety by asking for help from another teacher when managing students who are simultaneously in multiple locations while preparing for culinary events. The assistance of another teacher during these situations will also contribute to making the semester more manageable. Finally, this semester has begun more smoothly than last year in large part due to a change in administration. My new administration has been supportive and receptive to my utilization of NTI techniques. 

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Strategies Implemented 9/6 KNix

The lesson plans we created this summer gave me a great starting foundation. I use the “lights off” to get the attention of students rather than trying to talk over them. The classroom managers are a huge help when trying to pass out things and clean up. I have been asking students to repeat back the directions before moving into groups or partners, they move faster by doing this. I use the closing questions as weekly “bell ringer” recap questions they turn in on Friday. No more death by power point! I have been using the instructional strategies and lots group activities that keep them engaged and still learning. I really like using the objectives, the students know what they will get out of the class for that day. NTI has been such a blessing! I am very thankful for the wonderful instructors we have.  

Strategies Implemented 9/6/2014-Dr. Colbert

Having implemented several strategies to date, none have served me better than organizing and implementing my lesson plan.  Starting off most days with a set induction in the form of a quiz gets most of my tardy problems rectified.  Transitioning from the set induction to recapping info from the previous class, aides with students understanding and recall of the subject matter.  I have made a habit of posting my standards and objectives for the day, which I feel helps students to prepare for the information that will be presented.  I have posted in the front of my class all of my rules and procedures and adhere to a strict "no nonsense" rule system which has been quite successful.   I do have behavioral issues but none that can't be settled with the appropriate "look".  My lecture time is less than 15min most days, but I still struggle with time management.  I still continue to look for creative ways of managing my classroom, as part of the New Teacher Institute, I look forward to learning even more new strategies to help me develop as a better teacher.

Dwight Colbert

Chef Larry Alford NTI Sept 8, 2014

What are some strategies or products that you have implemented from our summer NTI that made your semester begin more smoothly and more managable than last year? If this is your first year, what is working well? Remember to post and then to comment on another classmate's post. Grading criteria is located in your course syllabus.


Welcome back! The training that I received from the summer NTI has served as a wonderful foundation towards me becoming a better CTEA teacher. The information learned has helped me with classroom management, time management and teaching strategies. The implementation of the classroom management strategy into my classroom has reduced my stress level and yielded a well-managed learning environment. My students and well behaved and they respect the learning environment more. Additional, several of my veteran colleagues are seeking my recommendations to better improve their classroom management.  

The incorporation of new teaching strategies has enabled me to empower my students to become more responsible for their academic performance both in and out of my class. My arsenal of new teaching strategies has help me to become a better teacher. 

My post Summer NTI beginning... Erin

Wow! What can I say about the tremendous stress that has been relieved this year because of the Summer NTI program? My daily instructional routines are more consistent and strong. Starting each day with a briefing (bridging and set induction), moving into a solid lesson, and wrapping up with a debriefing (reflective questioning and conclusion) has made my teaching so much more efficient. I think that these daily routines help maintain student engagement and classroom management. Having my policies and procedures posters have enabled me to remind students of what the expectations are in my class without a lengthy discussion or student rebuttal. The students who have had me in the past are really noticing a difference in my teaching style and have even asked, "where did Ms. Dale go". They probably mean that in a negative way considering my classes in years prior have been fairly unstructured and disorganized, allowing for too much free time and socializing. My new students appear to have more respect for me and are functioning at a higher level than my introduction classes in the past. I'm hoping that as the semester progresses, that I will continue to tighten up my instruction by improving my ability to better utilize my administrative duty time. This is the strongest start to the year that I have had to date and I owe it all to what I learned from class this summer. I wish I could have completed Summer NTI prior to my first year of teaching- the impact of the experience is truly priceless.

Week 8 Question.

What are some strategies or products that you have implemented from our summer NTI that made your semester begin more smoothly and more manageable than last year?

The summer NTI program was/is great...I was fully prepared to start the first day of school because I complete my "First Day of School assignment," I followed that to the letter...I went through the syllabus but I did not read it to the students.  There in high school they can read and ask question  if something is unclear.  I did pointed out key points such as the grading policy, Teacher contact and tutorial dates.  When it came to the classroom rules I had each of my classes look at them and modify them to both my and their needs.  Classroom management, my desks are away from the wall and I can easily access each and every student.  I no longer accept any papers from students.  Each class has their own turn in box and it is labeled.  I am hardly ever at my desk and I instruct from the center of the room.  So I can easily use techniques such as “The Eye” or “Proximity Control.”  During Presentations I have a laser pointer/Clicker so I am not stuck to one area of the room.  The Summer NTI program has taken a lot of the guest work of teaching away for me.  Last year teaching I fumble a lot, it was trial by fire, this I am managing the flames better.

What are some strategies or products that you have implemented from our summer NTI that made your semester begin more smoothly and more manageable than last year?

The  strategies  I learned this summer from the NTI  Summer course that I have implemented thus far are as follow: developing assignment grade rubrics, having an assignment return in box, and having a classroom manager/ group team position (i.e task manager, time keeper, and facilitator). As I have created assignments for my students creating a rubric for that assignment has proven to be a tremendous tool. Rubrics are virtually design to eliminate subjective judgment. It alleviates a student's allegations of the teacher being bias towards them and not receiving a good grade. It promotes the student effort on achieving their own grade. It helps me with grading and the task of grading is not as daunting. I am truly appreciate being introduce and adopting this tool.

I have a class draw for each of my classes, I have created individual folders for each student,  and the students know they drawer and place all return homework, papers, and classwork in the folder in their respective drawer. This strategy helps with class management and organization. It also helps with grading. I go into the folders and verify whether a student return the homework, signed document, and classwork and grant points accordingly.

When I assign group work, I instruct the students on the positions that are needed and they govern themselves by appointing their peers to the specific role. It promotes their individual strength and all members feel important and they are engage in the activity. Furthermore, having a class manager allows for a more student center classroom. I delegate to the classroom manger the duties and that individual executes it accordingly.

I am truly grateful to Dr. Burns, Ms. Cochran, Dr. M and the entire GSU team for their invaluable instruction and knowledge. Everything I learned this summer has boost my confidence and I am becoming a truly effective instructor.  

responce to new blog

I have used several of the techniques from the summer class.  I have used proximity control, inserted the child's name into the lesson to gain their attention.  I posted the rules in the class room and that has seemed to help not having to remind them of the rules.  I use several different teaching methods to cover many types of learners.  I try not to lecture every day,  I do use a lot of power points because some of the material has to be specific. 

After the first two weeks covering shop safety and getting the automotive lab open the classes seem to fly by, it really helped to learn the classroom management techniques over the summer.  I move a lot between the classroom and the computer lab and the automotive lab.

I have three first year classes and it helped to learn about physical control as I have all ready have to make some changes in the classroom such as moving students around and creating rows where i can move around the room easier.

Question #1 NTI Fall 2014 Gina

    Some strategies that I have implemented from this summer's NTI course are preparation and organization from the beginning until the end of class.  I utilize my set induction time to assure my role has been taken so that I do not waste class time, if possible.  I also like the strategy of posting my rules for both the classroom and lab on the walls so that they see them clearly everyday.  I point them out from time to time so that they are reminded.  I like splitting the class down into small sessions of lectures, group activities, demonstrations, individual projects, student teaching and many other strategies.  Making changes throughout the ninety minute class period helps the students focus and touch on all the different ways that various students learn. 
    What has made this year run more smoothly than last year?  I feel that I was more confident and continue to be on a day to day basis because I have a better concept of time management.  I have all my lesson plans finished for the semester and I am freed up to enhance my learning or to add to lesson plans that may be weak.  I feel that having gone through this has made me realize my strengths and weaknesses.  It has helped me to work on the areas that I may not be so strong in.  If I ever do have extra time at the end of class I now have a "bag of tricks" to pull out from, such as, different forms of reviewing that are fun and effective way of learning for students.
    Thank you for your guidance and direction in making us all feel that we have what it takes to be a great teacher one day!  You have formed a very supportive team and you all are very much admired at the strides you take to assure our success!

Week September 8,2014 Rayner

I am very thankful for all of the strategies that I have learned this summer at NTI.  It has been extremely helpful having well thought out lesson plans prepared.  The school year has started and has moved very fast so having my lessons plans done has given me time to focus on some of my other responsibilities. I also  utilize having at least two students repeat my directions and it really seems to help the students pay closer attention when I give directions because I usually ask specific students to repeat the directions.  I have also enjoyed having my inventory sheet that we prepared this summer.  My lab needs everything and I must submit my order by September 26, 2014.  Having most of the items that will be needed already on the sheet has saved me a lot of time.  If I had not started NTI this summer I don't know how my year would be going right now but I imagine it would be very crazy.  It has been very helpful having a well thought out classroom management plan as well, although I'm constantly tweaking it.  This is an exciting journey as a first year student.

Adam. From the Beat to the Classroom...

What are some strategies or products that you have implemented from our summer NTI that made your semester begin more smoothly and more manageable than last year? If this is your first year, what is working well? Remember to post and then to comment on another classmate's post.

    As u you all know, this is my first year as a teacher. After ten years of Law Enforcement, I felt like it was time for a change. I wanted to make a positive impact on the youth in the community I serve and protect. I have had the opportunity to start the first Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security class at Marietta High School. I will admit, I was very nervous in starting this new journey in my life until the first day of NTI.
    After meeting new people and Dr. Burns I felt confident I was not alone. I learned so much over the summer and have implemented the following in my classroom: classroom setup, think pair share, reiterate the instructions, group work. After doing classroom management and behavior issues in class I realised I needed to setup my room in order to adequately move around. I made row which allow me to move around and make contact with every student with out having to disrupt anyone else. "Think pair share", has allowed me to let the students talk instead of me having to stand up and preach the whole class. The strategy of letting a student reiterate the instruction makes other student feel comfortable to listen and know they can ask a classmate if they have a question. I feel confident if I had not started with this class I would be back on the road working the beat.

Strategies Implemented - Octavious 9/6/2014

After taking the NTI class, there are numerous strategies that I have implemented; but my favorite so far is the set induction. By implementing the set induction, I have found a way to grab the kids’ attention before getting into the lesson. I tend to show the children a video, object or ask a rigorous question that leads into the lesson. For example, I taught the children a lesson about awareness and being aware of all of the graphic design products that we encounter everyday (clothing, billboards, advertisements, etc.).  As a set induction I used the following video and it really engaged the children before starting the lesson:

Let me know what you all think of the video?

NTI Strategies- Ruth

This is my first year teaching.  The strategies that helped me most were with classroom management and seating.  I arranged my desks so that there are four rows on each side and I could walk down the middle.  This makes it easy for me to walk over to students and make sure they are on task, when they are I commend them.   I am also able to use the proximity method when students are talking or doing other things that are not appropriate during class time.  Taking the first two weeks to go over class procedures and expectations was also extremely helpful.  Another useful strategy I learned was modeling behavior.  I find that this is very useful with both grade levels that I teach.  I also practice being consistent which is hard, but I am managing.  Another strategy that really helps is having the agenda posted for the students.  I didn’t really think the students were paying attention to it, but one day I didn’t put anything up and one student came to me and asked about it. He said, what we are doing today, I didn’t see anything written on the board. Overall, the summer NTI class strategies have   proved to be extremely useful.

The diminishing principle.

During the first two weeks of school I had to seriously scan my brain for some of the fabulous tools that I gained over the summer at NTI to erradicate a behavior to prevent it from becoming a norm. I had a student who was continously using the "N...." word out loud in the class as he addressed or spoke of other students. The first strategy that came to mind was the diminishing principle  strategy. I spoke to the student away from the other students and explained that I could not tolerate that word in class and hoped that he would respect that and also learn to respect himself enough to not use the term. I told him that he used the word over 3 times and that I would work with him on stamping it out. I told him the next day he would be allowed 2 slip ups and the day after 1, By the end of the week my expectation was to not hear the word again. By the end of the week, I had a smile on my face when I realized that there was no sound of that word. The following week, he did slip up and begin to say the word but it came with an immediate appology.
happy Dr. Fingall

Strategies Implemented - Chasity

One of the most beneficial portions of the summer NTI program was the lesson planning. As a result of NTI I began the semester with several weeks of lesson plans ready to go.  I begin each class with a set induction.  The set induction is grouped with the mandatory writing prompt for our school.  I use a variety of resources for this portion of class because it sets the tone for the entire class period.  My students look forward to the writing prompt/set induction because I spend a considerable amount of time searching for interesting videos, articles, audio, etc. to get my students interested in the lesson for the day.  My content area has been a hot topic in the media; therefore, my class serves as a safe haven to discuss sensitive issues.  The set induction/writing prompt allows students to gain knowledge on relevant legal issues, voice their opinions, and respectfully disagree with the opinions of others.   The media is notorious for reporting issues in a one sided manner.  My students look forward to learning the “real deal” when they start each class.   I also use the set induction throughout the class period to remind students of the relevance of the topic that we are discussing.  I have also found the transfer in/out to be a useful tool.  Students are able to organize the content through meaningful recalls of information and they are always aware of what we did and where we are going. 

Strategies Implemented in NTI - Casey 9/8/14

     So far this year, I have utilized the syllabus I wrote in the classroom. The first two days, we went through my syllabus. I posted the syllabus on my teacherpage, and my students can refer back to my website as they need to view my syllabus. Knowing what they can expect week-to-week and even day-to-day limits the questions, "What are we going to do today?" My classroom rules are posted on the wall right next to the front door, and I refer to them often. My three favorites are, "Be respectful of myself, others, supplies, and the teacher, Ask three....then Mrs. Fleury, and Use positive and professional language at all times." My 6th grade lesson plans are entirely completed, so I feel like I am ahead when they arrive. I feel incredibly prepared, especially in the classroom. I have implemented, "Please repeat the directions back to me" in the classroom, and it amazes me how much that limits their questions.
     As far as behavior and classroom management goes, I know it requires experience to react appropriately, but I have seen great improvement in how I manage behavior and the classroom, as well. My "next-door-neighbor" was absent one day and a special needs student had his phone out, so his parapro tried multiple times unsuccessfully to take up his phone. The substitute teacher tried, unsuccessfully to take up his phone. I was walking in at this time to check on the sub and make sure all was going well when I walked into this situation. I walked up to the student and explained to him that he had two choices, he could give up the phone or go up to administration. Without questioning me, he gave up his phone reluctantly. The parapro and sub were please and impressed, my coworker was impressed, and my administration told me I had good intuition in the situation.
     To summarize, I feel much more prepared this year, and I'm glad I've had the opportunity to improve and learn through NTI.