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Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Rewards and Challenges
Rewards and Challenges
I think counselors could find great satisfaction if they can have a hand in assisting and student and/or their parents turning that students academic career, and ultimately their life into a positive direction. With students living in such a immediate gratification society filled with a wide choice of multi-media distractions presenting new challenges for today's students. It's because of these distractions that our counselors fill such a key role, and it's also easy to understand the reward they must feel when they teach students how to balance and prioritize the academic demands of our high school curriculum.
It's my opinion that it much be very challenging for counselors when they can't ultimately reach a student and/or their family is such a way that yields the type of positive results the counselor hoped for. Our counselors likely chose the profession because they take an insterest in investing into other people's lives and I think it would especially be challenging to invest their efforts into an individual onlyto have it not payoff. The challenge would only get bigger when they are forced to move on from, or move beyond the failure of helping certain individuals reach certain goals.
Changed Impressions
However, after studying the 5 different websites I was enlightened to just how deep of a background our counselors have. Each apparently being required to hold at least a masters degree to be considered to be considered a professional high school counselor. It was also surprising to see just how wide of an array of services that a counseling department can provide.
Personally I knew of some of the personal support systems that they provided the parent and the student, but when I dug deeper I discovered new information about career guidance, and student intervention that I did not know about.
I'd also file any and all history of counceling under new information for me because I admittedly knew literally nothing about this part of the subject before reading the link discussing the history.
Perceived Roles
Changed Impressions
Rewards and Challenges
The role of school counselors being visible to administrators, teachers, students, and parents. It is important for school counselors to promote their comprehensive developmental guidance programs. That is the only way their role and function will be understood by administrators and teachers. Understanding of the professional school counselor role will gain support of administrators when school counselors are viewed as educators instead of counselors. Moreover, it is extremely important for school counselors to know their role and be able to define it. Being knowledgeable of the roles of the profession as set forth by the ASCA national model, school counselors will lessen their chances of having non-counseling duties which will yield higher student achievement. Helping to close the achievement gap will show counselors as having a central role in schools.
Changed Impressions
The profession of school counseling began in the early 1900’s devoting most of its time to career development of students. Throughout the development of the school counseling profession, it has been greatly influenced by global educational and social trends. With that being said, the role of school counselors is always changing in response to these trends through federal legislation, state initiatives, and changes within the profession itself. Therefore, the school counseling profession has evolved into a data-driven comprehensive developmental program that meet the needs of all students in the areas of academic, career, and personal/social. Additionally, these global events led to the development of the American School Counselor Association (ASCA) national model which laid the foundation for school counselors to carefully design and deliver strategic interventions aimed at increasing academic achievement. Considering the pressures that are placed on today’s educators since the inception of the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB), school counselors are in a position of having to make sure they can show their contribution toward student achievement, hence the purpose of the study.
Perceived Roles
The role of guidance counselors is very ambiguous in most schools but it mainly depends on the administrator. Guidance counselors should serve as a support to assist students, parents, faculty, administrators, and community stakeholders. Guidance counselors help students through individual and small/large group guidance to grow academically and socially. Additionally, guidance counselors assist students with career exploration. Ultimately, guidance counselors wear many hats in schools' today. However, with growing accountability placed on schools' guidance counselors have become more academically focused. This is critical because it shows the influence in helping students achieve success, academically, and it helps others' view counselors differently that can lead to less non-counseling duties that are so often given to school counselors because of our role not totally being understood.
Monday, February 6, 2012
Rewards and Challenges
Changed Impressions
Guidance and Counseling
I'm have an interview set up with my lead guidance counseler tomorrow, which should be interesting since Dr. Sansing has been in the profession for 20+ years. She should be able to shed a lot of light on the different topics we are to discuss.
Prior to this meeting, and as it stands today, if I had to choose a single word that described the guidance and counseling department it would be supportive. My understanding is that they are in place to provide support for the learning institution by serving administration, teacher, students, and students' parents. The administer services that help students find a place or set of circumstances that allow them to learn their best while being fair to all parties involved.
Guidance and counseling have the difficult job of balancing the ever increasing demands in the classroom with the current learning progress and challenges of students with a wide array of backgrounds, experience, and family circumstances. They try leverage what resources they have available to them to help a student maximize their learning potential while also keeping the welfare of the overall school's mission in sight as well.
Perceived Roles
Rewards and Challenges
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Rewards and Challenges
I think the biggest challenge would be the large number of students that they have to deal with throughout the year. They all have problems and issues that the counselor may have to deal with.
Changed Impressions
The role of the counselor has changed throughout the decades, but the one thing that seems to remain constant is the work they do with evaluation. Whether they are busy with CRCT, SAT, ACT, ASVAB or graduation tests, they spend much of their time with evaluation or assesments. I had always thought that guidance counselers was to help students to figure what kind of college or career that they were interrested in, but I was un-aware of the amount of assesment that they are involved in in helping the students make the decisions.