Rules For Posting To This Blog and Weekly Blog Question

1. Only use your first name (no last names, addresses, IM screen names, etc.)
2. Show respect and consideration of others when posting and commenting. This includes individuals, students, organizations, political parties, colleagues, etc.
3. Check all posts for spelling and grammar errors before posting.
4. Protect the privacy of others. Gain permission from other people before you write about them. Avoid sharing someone else's last name. Use job titles or pseudonyms when writing about experiences with your co-workers or students.
5. Watch your language. Use politically correct and non-offensive language.
6. Make sure you write about things that are factual.
7. Keep your postings education-oriented. Avoid discussing plans for the weekend, etc.

This week I would like you to use your imagination. You have just won the lottery and will leave your teaching post immediately to travel around the world. As you leave your keys you meet your replacement. You are asked to give this new teacher just ONE piece of advice. What would that be, and why? Enjoy your world expedition!

Blog Post - Week 7
This past week in my own teaching I felt a little disconnected which prompts my question to you, "What was the moment (or moments) when I felt most disconnected or disengaged as a teacher - the moment(s) I said to myself, I'm just going through the motions here?"

Fall Semester 2016 Blog Post - Week 6
For the past couple of weeks you have experienced asynchronous online learning (doing modules by yourself). Previously this semester you have experienced synchronous online learning (all together in the Collaborate room). Which do you think is more effective and why do you think that? Which do you like better, and why?

Fall Semester 2016 Blog Post - Week 5
This week we have what we call "open mic." You can write a post about anything related to your teaching that you would like responses from your classmates.

Fall Semester 2016 Blog Post - Week 4
Here is this week's question: "What was the event that most took me surprise this week - and event that shook me up, caught me off guard, gave me a jolt, or made me unexpectedly happy?"

Fall Semester 2016 Blog Post - Week 3
Please write a post about the following question, "In thinking about my past week teaching what is one thing I would do differently, and why?"

Fall Semester 2016 Blog Post - Week 2
Please write a post about the following question, " In thinking about my teaching activities this past week, of what do I feel most proud? Why?"

Fall Semester 2016 Blog Post - Week 1
Describe something you used in your program in the first weeks of school that you learned in the summer NTI program. How did it work? Did it get you off to a stronger start than last year?

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Teacher made test..............

This semester through NTI I have learned that no method of test making is flawless. I have made test myself and I have taken test off of a CD and both ways have had mistakes. The one thing I have learned though is you need to give a test around three or four times before all of the kinks are worked out of it as far as wording and levels of knowledge. I will however re-write my true/false sections to reflect more levels of thinking. I also like the idea of using pictures in matching sections. I have always been scared of giving essay type questions but I may add one to each test. I have learned alot about test making. I learned about the different types and I think I will not be afraid to write my own, verses taking one off a CD.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

One Piece of Advice

Wow - winning the lottery........ what a nice dream! Okay here goes. I would tell the new teacher to come into class everyday expecting something good to happen. Teaching is a very difficult career and there tends to be so many disruptions, interruptions and eruptions that it can really start to wear on even the most laid back person. But, if you get up everyday expecting something good to happen, at the end of the day when you are reflecting on all that has transpired you will usually find that something that will make you want to get up and do it all again the next day.

Monday, March 14, 2011


Hi All~

Sorry I missed you guys in last class...I was asked to judge the documentary portion of video entries for the Emmy's last Tuesday evening. I spent most of the night watching one video after another over at Fox 5 Atlanta.

Just prior to that, I pulled my upper level students aside to show them the implementation plan for retrofitting our video production studio. I made the students a promise earlier in the year that we would be a tapeless studio by the end of the year! Well, last week we received our new HD video camera and proceeded to redo the entire studio. We basically replaced an entire studio with one Mac computer and we have plans to bring in 4 more for post production.

Fulton County also came in with their own bit of good news. They realized that in video production it pays to be Apple Certified. FCS is going to pay for those who want it, to become Apple Certified. I was the first one to respond with a "sign me up!"

I now have my fourth student receiving state honors in video production this year!!! Our video production had never received one accolade in the years prior to me coming in.

For those of you who read my blog post about running it like you own it...That one statement has changed the way video is perceived in my school. It is now an honor to be selected to join our morning show. I plan the studio as a production studio to maximize the room that I have, implement new technologies (which, by the way cost less than old technologies!!) and I always keep my fingers on the pulse of what is happening in the industry to bring my students the latest and greatest!

This second year of my teaching has been a pleasure because of all that I have learned and applied from NTI! And, to add even more...ALL of my students are now required to have an online portfolio of their work....guess where I got that little GEM!!!!

I firmly believe that my applying the techniques taught in NTI have made my teaching very easy.....I equate this as learning how to swim...first you get tossed in the water...and THEN you learn how to swim, navigate, float, and tread water.

Thanks NTI!

Sunday, March 13, 2011


Always keep an open mind with the kids, curriculum, classroom, faulty, and administration. First, the kids the are lovable no matter how tough they many seem. The curriculum is not as hard as it is put off to be, always stick to what you know. Your space, is not your space just do what you can where ever you are. Try your best to make each space your own the kids will learn better if they see that you've designed a nice learning space. The faulty and administration ask only when you need too and just maybe someone will help you before you find away to do it yourself. Keep an open mind and put yourself and the kids first..

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Honestly if I win millions in the lottery I may just come in let them know that I won and will never be a teacher again. I will advise that I am moving on to whatever I dreamed of doing if I ever won the lottery.

Lets get serious I care too much about teaching to leave like that. The most important advice I would leave for this new teacher is simply this. You have to have passion for whatever field you are teaching, if you do not have passion for your job - that job is not for you. You may as well walk away and allow someone who is passionate about teaching - fill the position. Being Passionate about your job allows you to give your best no matter what the circumstance.

I would give the new teacher Dr. Burns’s number so that he or she can contact GSU to take some courses because the instruction I received from NTI has been extremely helpful in making me more professional in the daily management of my classroom.

Whenever I leave a job I like to leave work samples for the incumbent, so that they can have a guide to work with so that the classroom standards are maintained allowing the kids get the best possible higher level education possible. Hopefully I would have the opportunity to give on the job training to the new teacher for at least a week before I leave. (Travel to: Hawaii/Paris/New Zealand/Australia/Italy/Africa....a world wide tour/cruise…....laugh).

That would be my advice to the incumbent.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

My Best Advice

The best piece of advice I can give a new teacher is build relationships with as many students as possible. In the last two years, I've heard the importance of the 3 Rs about 1,000,000,001 times. Rigor, relevance, and relationships. I teach at a school with students who are labeled as "at-risk". In my opinion and my experience, the relationships have been the most important for me and for the students and should be listed before rigor and relevance. Forming relationships have enabled me to expand from just teaching healthcare science to teaching real-world life lessons. Teachers should be personable, approachable, and friendly to students. In many cases, we are the only one's they have to depend on, trust, lean on, turn to, and look up to.


I would tell my replacement that sometimes being a teacher involves alot more listening than talking on my part. To always follow the school policy's and procedures. Remember to follow the lab and classroom procedures things run much smoother when you let them know your expectations. Go into class everyday with your lesson plan prepared you might deviate slightly from it but, having a plan works better for you and the students. Don't always be so serious with them it can be a fun and educationally class for everyone and still teach standards. You have to love this job or it will show and the students will know you don't want to be there. All in all it is a great job and is very fulfilling to person who who truly cares about our youth and their futures.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Advice for the New Guy

The advice I would leave for my replacement is to come in strict and be consistant. These students stay more focused if they are know what is ahead and what is expected of them right up front. Keep them busy! Also, this school is very supportive of you, espically when it comes to disipline. Administration is behind your program, and wants to see it succeed. These are two important factors in a CTAE program.

A Peice of Advise

I would advise the new teacher to have or develop a classroom management plan. Be honest and straight forward when answering students questions. Make a strong first impression, follow school rules and above all be consistant with your actions.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

One piece of advise....

If I won the lottery.... hhmmmm, that would be great; anyway, I think that one piece of advice I could leave a new teacher is CONSISTENCY. I have learned that the best way to be with your students is consistent. Students like to know what to do and how you are going to react to certain situations. You have to be just as consistent the last three weeks of school as you are the first three weeks. My school is very strict on dress code and electronics. What we discipline them for the first day, we discipline them for on the last day. This consistent attitude follows the students all year and makes for a better school year. You have to also be consistent in the classroom. My students know how to come in and what to do from first bell to last bell. Consistency goes with good classroom management, good classroom management leads to a productive, happy classroom :)

One Piece of Advice

Classroom Management! I would definitely tell the new teacher that managing your class is the key to being successful. Even the best made lesson plans will suffer if there is no management in the classroom. I would encourage the new teacher to be firm from day one and have policies and procedures in place to set the tone for the class. The students respond better to routines and this will help make them feel that they have more of an input in the classroom dynamics. I would also encourage the new teacher to be careful about sounding sarcastic or condescending. The students will instantly put up their guards and that will lead to a lot of confusion and mistrust. As long as they feel that they can trust you and you are being fair, they will respond positively. I would add that it will not be an easy task, but it can be done. Using humor and personal experiences will also foster the communication between the students. Stick to your guns and be patient and things will fall into place.

A Piece of Advice

This is an interesting question. A piece of advice I would let the incoming teacher know is to be true to yourself and ask for help. In other words, be yourself, and know everyone has a different way as to how they approach teaching. I have always been one who, "Marches to the beat of a different drummer." That is what I mean by being true to yourself. I am still adjusting to all the best practices, the rules, deadlines and the checklists that come along with teaching. Again be true to who you are and ask for help. I have found that teaching these past three years consist of studying your craft, truly caring about students and respecting everyone incuding, the office staff, the custodial staff, other teachers, administration and of course the students. The advice mentioned and these practices will ensure a successful career in education.

One Piece of Advice

I would advise the new teacher to be his or herself. Establish a healthy professional relationship first. Then start teaching from his or her professional experience. I would also tell the new teacher to stay connected to the Media and Production Industry and to make sure to adapt the Georgia Standards to the lessons.

If the teacher is comfortable with what is being taught, the main thing to always remember is to have fun and to stay organized.

One Piece of Advice

I would tell the new teacher to follow the required state standards. Then teach to get the students employed.
What I find in the standards are skills that are useful but will not totally prepare the students to get a job and are not the skills currently in demand.
Listen to what is happening in the industry and companies that are hiring and teach to that demand.
Also, hold the line on discipline.

One piece of advice !

I would advice the new teacher to follow the rules. Here are the important rules, come to work on time, complete all reports before the deadline, Turn in lesson plan before 3:15 P.M. Friday,
complete all extra duties, teach the Georgia standards and learn classroom management.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

One Piece of Advice

If I could only leave one piece of advice for my replacement, it would be to pray for God's guidance. As you pray, trust how you are being led. For me God put key people in my pathway that led me to New Teacher Institute (NTI), which has helped me navigate my way in this foreign land, know as the "educational system". Prayer has helped me stay focused, especially on days when I wanted to give up, turn the key back in and leave. Do not lose sight of your purpose as obstacles come your way. Through prayer wonderful people have aided me from encouragement, giving supplies, lesson plans and even time showing me how to organize my room. Ask for help and remember you know more than the students do about your subject. Finally, be fair and let the students know what your expectations are of them on your first day. Remember be kind to yourself, Rome was not built in a day.


I would have to say classroom management is the key. You must set clear expectations for the students on day one. I believe you should deal with today’s problems today. Don’t put things off until the last minute. Everything just piles up and creates more stress. I think you should always treat everyone with respect, (especially students, office staff, custodial staff, and cafeteria staff.) I recommend filling the period with interesting activity, and always monitor the students, never turn your back. If you sincerely care about the students and their success, you will be successful.

My Replacement

I think if I had a replacement and I could not be there to get them used to this new classroom setting, I would list these gems of advice.

1. Take control of your class early on with discipline, structure, and rules.
2. Be VERY consistent. It makes their life easier and YOUR life easier.
3. Give them EVERYTHING in writing and have them sign for everything. You will appreciate this later.
4. Plan to teach them bell to bell, but know that sometimes you may run out of steam. Have a backup for those times when your brain turns to mush.
5. Know that not everyone will share the same passion for video as you. Think of this as just opening their eyes to video. Some students will run with this, and some will run FROM it. Take neither personally.
6. Do NOT agree to do any extra work no matter how many times other instructors will tell you that everyone will benefit. Stay focused on your program and establish your program.
7. Get key parents involved early on and contact them monthly on the progress of their child and the progress of your program.
8. Always keep your program moving forward and embrace new technologies.
9. Charge a lab fee for incidentals.
10. Challenge the students each and every day.
11. Show them your work and explain how YOU learned video production.
12. Take time for yourself during the day to get out of the studio and just walk around. There's more to teaching than teaching. Learn the culture of the school and embrace it, or not!
13. Plan that sometimes your lesson will bomb. Admit it, move on, and do not look back.
14. Implement a way to keep track of all the equipment and check it daily. Things walk in school!
15. Encourage students.
16. Take time to sit with a student and teach them if they are open.
17. Take those students that get it and work with those students to set an example for the others.
18. Do not settle for mediocrity in their work. Criticize them when they do poorly. Praise them when they do well.
19. Run the studio like you own it.
20. Lead by example!

Elluminate Live

Ok....I am the first one to love technology. I rely on technology EVERY day. I am always connect to the internet to show my students the latest videos, the latest technologies. My love of technology can only be matched by my love of personal connection. It is this very reason why I love personal connection over the use of Elluminate Live.

I have personally and professionally gained almost as much knowledge gaining new friends and colleagues as I have being IN the classroom. Being around people that are going through the very same things I am going through helps me learn faster and more productively.

All that being said, I do applaud Dr. Burns' ability to go beyond her comfort zone and learn new technologies. The use of Elluminate Live by Dr. Burns and her team shows that I need to be getting out of MY comfort zone and trying new things.

Is Elluminate Live the end all? No, but this technology has enabled all of us to keep our class together, moving forward, and all within the comforts of our won homes! I like the fact that I did not have to install anything new on my wife's computer. I like the fact that for two and a half hours a week I am connected to all my peers, my mentors, and my professor.....Dr. Burns, thank you for trying new technologies!