Rules For Posting To This Blog and Weekly Blog Question

1. Only use your first name (no last names, addresses, IM screen names, etc.)
2. Show respect and consideration of others when posting and commenting. This includes individuals, students, organizations, political parties, colleagues, etc.
3. Check all posts for spelling and grammar errors before posting.
4. Protect the privacy of others. Gain permission from other people before you write about them. Avoid sharing someone else's last name. Use job titles or pseudonyms when writing about experiences with your co-workers or students.
5. Watch your language. Use politically correct and non-offensive language.
6. Make sure you write about things that are factual.
7. Keep your postings education-oriented. Avoid discussing plans for the weekend, etc.

This week I would like you to use your imagination. You have just won the lottery and will leave your teaching post immediately to travel around the world. As you leave your keys you meet your replacement. You are asked to give this new teacher just ONE piece of advice. What would that be, and why? Enjoy your world expedition!

Blog Post - Week 7
This past week in my own teaching I felt a little disconnected which prompts my question to you, "What was the moment (or moments) when I felt most disconnected or disengaged as a teacher - the moment(s) I said to myself, I'm just going through the motions here?"

Fall Semester 2016 Blog Post - Week 6
For the past couple of weeks you have experienced asynchronous online learning (doing modules by yourself). Previously this semester you have experienced synchronous online learning (all together in the Collaborate room). Which do you think is more effective and why do you think that? Which do you like better, and why?

Fall Semester 2016 Blog Post - Week 5
This week we have what we call "open mic." You can write a post about anything related to your teaching that you would like responses from your classmates.

Fall Semester 2016 Blog Post - Week 4
Here is this week's question: "What was the event that most took me surprise this week - and event that shook me up, caught me off guard, gave me a jolt, or made me unexpectedly happy?"

Fall Semester 2016 Blog Post - Week 3
Please write a post about the following question, "In thinking about my past week teaching what is one thing I would do differently, and why?"

Fall Semester 2016 Blog Post - Week 2
Please write a post about the following question, " In thinking about my teaching activities this past week, of what do I feel most proud? Why?"

Fall Semester 2016 Blog Post - Week 1
Describe something you used in your program in the first weeks of school that you learned in the summer NTI program. How did it work? Did it get you off to a stronger start than last year?

Monday, January 31, 2011

Perceived Roles

Personally I believe counselors should be responsible for the overall well being of each student within the school walls. They should provide the students with guidance in all areas of education; such as syllabus, personal guidance, family guidance, health guidance, and any other help students may need in their daily life as students in the school environment. Counselors should be available at all times and they should have a high level of professionalism from 9th grade through graduation and beyond. Followup after high school is also an important part of a counselors job. Counsels roles should change when the culture of a school changes - this will enable growth within the school, where you will see more students being more and more successful in terms of grade level increases and more successful completion of all state/local exams.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Perceived Roles

I used to think that all couselors did was shedule students fo classes. Well I was way off. Couselors have so much more on their plates than most teachers give them credit. So much more that the school guidance office has career and college coach to cover that portion of the guidance counselors job. Of course they still advice in those areas. Now there is someone who does the majority of the planning and relationship building with colleges and industry. I don't think that I've ever considered the emotional toll that is paid by counselors. Just in my 3 years of teaching I have encountered so many instances of abuse and mistreatment. While I have tried to do my part to console student when needed, I'm not qualified to offer or access their needs. when I think about all of the other aspects including on the job training and meetings I can see why scheduling can fall by the way side. I dont know how they manage all the work and the weight of that they are required to resolve in a five day work week.

"Rewards and Challenges"

Guidance Counselors have been around for a long time. Counselors were once limited to providing primarily vocational services to students, but in today’s world a guidance counselor’s job entails a great deal. Along with a larger workload come more challenges and rewards. High school guidance counselors are busier today than ever before. They now have to deal with a multitude of school problems and personal concerns. The rewards that follow all that hard work must make the job worth it. I believe the most rewarding part of being a counselor must be watching the student head in the right direction after much needed counseling. A counselor’s job also consists of challenges. For instance, when a student doesn’t choose to follow the appropriate path after a counselor took the time to direct them along the way. I am sure it can sometime be heartbreaking.

"Changed Impressions"

I had a vague idea of what a guidance counselor’s job covered. They must deal with many different problem areas in a high school. I believe it must take a special person to be a counselor. They have to counsel parents, students and teachers. Counselors may consult with parents, other schools, and community personal in order to meet the developmental needs for all students. They must maintain a level head while under extreme amounts of stress. A counselor needs to be able to multi task and be flexible. I always knew counselors were very busy. Now I have a more clear understanding of the many tasks their job entails.

"Perceived Roles"

I believe a high school guidance counselor has an extremely important job because they help guide the students in the right direction. Counselors are there to assist students in any way possible. A high school counselor is supposed to help students plan and prepare for their future careers. They map out the students schedules and classes. They also make sure the students are kept up to date on all the required testing. Counselors help seniors apply for colleges and scholarships to ensure they are prepared for the next level of education. They help students sign up for the SAT and other standardized tests or pre tests. A high school guidance counselor may also guide their students through personal problems. In the ideal situation, a high school guidance counselor should also be available to talk to students about their problems and feelings and get to know them on a personal level. I have an insight as to what their job entails because my husband is a former high school principal, and my friend is a guidance counselor at the high school level. I know first hand how busy they are, not only during the school year but also in the summer working on scheduling. I also have four children who have used the guidance counselor’s valuable services in preparation for college.

Top Gun Guidance Couselors

I have the highest regards for guidance counselors. They wear many hats. They provide road maps for students. They must know what classes are required for graduation and they must know the students interest. They are required to provide testing, academic planning, solve personal problems, help with post secondary education, assist students in crisis situations, provide mediation between the parent and student and schedule meetings with the parents.
They must have good communication skills and truly have concern for the students.


Hello all,

Have you ever had a greas stain on a white table cloth that just wont go away!. I can hear you all screaming yes =: () >
Use a little degreaser on the spot - rub it in and saturate the entire spot on table cloth. Do not wet the table cloth put degreaser on dry and place it in the wash with your regular detergent and bleach if needed. It should do the trick.

When cooking pasta do not put the oil in the water while the pasta is boiling. After the pasta is boiled (aldente) strain off water, then add the olive oil to strained water - pasta will stay separated and you would not have have drained away the flavour not to mention you expensive olive oil down the drain. Some people even wash pasta after boiling with cold water or slightly warm water then put the oil. I try not to wash pasta as I find enough flavor and nutrients were lost in the first draining/straining.

On personal clothing lime a sweater - say you have a ketchup stain - as soon as it happens you put some dawn dish washing liquid directly on the affected area and rub it in with a clean white cloth until the stain disappears. Wash cloth and wipe away the suds. It is important that you do this as soon as the stain happens so that it does not set into the fabric.

You are sauteing some type of food on the stove top in a skillet and the skillet catches on fire and the flame is high - get a cookie sheet or large lid that is larger than the skillet and carefully slide lid over the flaming skillet. This action will smother the flame because it cuts off the supply of air which kills the flame. Be careful not to burn yourself. If you do not have a large lid or sheet pan you can fold a bath sheet (large towel) in half and soak it with water and throw it over the flame - this wet towel will smother the flame also.

Hope these hints are of some use to you all.
Peace out....

Chef Yallery.

"Changed Impressions"

WOW!!!! What can I say? My personal impression of what the roles and responsibility of a guidance counselor are does not begin to explain who these people really are. My "personal" impression is truly a "Changed Impression." Base on what I read the foundation of guidance counseling is traced back to ancient Greece and Rome, and is said to have been practiced by catholic priest. The first guidance and counseling textbook dates back to 1626 and was written by a gentleman named Thomaso Garzoni. I would have never thought of guidance counseling dating back so far in history. At the turn of the twentieth century the US developed the Vocational Guidance Movement concerned with guiding people into the work force to become productive members of society, as they still do till this day. Their role today exceeds far more than I could have ever imagined. The requirements for the job is really impressive. I have a broader perspective and a new found respect for guidance counselors. There are two class requirements titles that I found to be interesting and they were, "Individual and Family over a Life Span" imagine that class, and Biopsycosocial Aspects of Addictions." I can imagine the intensity of those two courses, not to mention the other requirements necessary to hold this position. After all the training guidance counselors need they are monitored to make sure the job is being done with a Guidance Activity Log, which is used to analyze the distribution of the counselors time and various task the counselor is performing. WOW!! What can I say? I have a "Changed Impression."

"Changes Impressions"

Well, I learned that the role of the guidance counselor has changed over the years. The birth of guidance counselors is very similar to that of Career Technology. Guidance counselors started out as vocational counselors in order to identify qualified workers for the military. My perception was modified in that I see they are highly educated for the enormous role that they play in the school system. Not only do they work with the students and parents in academic planning for the student's future, but they act as lesions. Networking with social services, teachers, administrators, parents and the community in order to provide the best academic environment for the student. I still believe they have a difficult job trying to service so many students.

Perceived Roles

Counselor seem to have a multifaceted job, between scheduling classes, making sure student are on track to graduate, test prep, work permits, test vouchers, when do they a chance to actually guide anyone. We have over 1200 students and 3 counselors. I believe empowering the student and their parents with knowledge is the best option. I have juniors and senior who still aren't sure of the graduation requirements or what career pathways our school offers. It's not uncommon for a senior to walk in my class and ask what I teach, and their response is, " I didn't know we had that on this campus...". Likewise I get freshman and sophomores in my introductory class who did not select my class, they were just placed there, and have no idea what other programs are offered. I spend my first week talking about all the programs we offer, as well as graduation requirements and college admission requirements. It's sad when a senior comes for help with college applications and you have to explain how they don't meet some of the requirements.

With everything that is on the counselors plate and the large number of students they deal with, I'm not surprised students fall through the cracks.

"Perceived Roles"

Based on my experience with guidance counselors, which has not been since high school, they guide students in choosing courses and helping them to make career choices. From what I remember they offer resources that will promote the students to stay on tract socially and mentally throughout high school. Guidance counselors maintain a link in communication between the administrators, teachers, parents and students . It appears they are an essential key to keeping the students informed about graduation requirements. Overall, I perceive them as having a hard job. There is always just a few on staff and they are responsible for the entire student body.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Perceived Roles

Based on my interface with our school guidance counselors to date, I would say that the main role and primary responsibility is individual student academic planning.
They seem to be in a constant balancing act with each student to lay out a schedule each semester that works and fine tune it when it derails.
A large portion of what I thought guidance counselors did appears to have been given to the homeroom teacher. In my school, one period per week, all homeroom teachers do advisement with their homerooms on subjects like bullying, ethics, college preparation, and standardized testing. I will be interested to read and review actual roles.

"Rewards and Challenges"

Through this activity I have learned a lot about the Guidance counselors job and duties. Although the job of the counselor may be hard at times, to sit at a graduation ceremony and watch the students that you've grown close to walk the stage, would be a very rewarding moment. It is truly self less to sit and help our young adults to "find there way". Some of our young adults do not have the family structure at home needed to point them in the right direction as far as academic plans, career plans, or transition plans. To be the guidance they need/want would be a great reward. Dealing with student families and situations would be the most challenging for me. I also think that because of budget cuts, counselors have had even more duties put on them. Testing, discipline, and attendance to name a few. Over-all I think the rewards outweigh the challenges and to be able to make the bonds/relationships with these students that they will remember for a life time, would be an optimal reward for me.

"Changed Impressions"

OK, as I sat here reading all of the required materials, I realized that my impressions have not changed. I knew the guidance counselors were important;however, what did change for me was the realization of just how much the counselors were able to do for the students. I never knew of all the "jobs" a counselor could be in charge of doing day to day. The guidance counselors job has grown tremendously from the 20th century. Four words that I found in the reading that really described a guidance counselor were: Facilitating, Leadership, Advocate, and Collaboration. The piece of material that really helped me understand the guidance counselors "job" was the FIVE pages of Model Guidance and Counseling High School Plan. Our adolescents do face challenges that impact academic achievement. So I know that the job of a Guidance Counselor is not to be taken lightly.

"Perceived Roles"

I remember guidance counselors from elementary school. They always came into our class and taught us about things like "good touch/bad touch" or "why we should not bully our classmates". I never remember the counselors from when I attended high school. Now that I have been working in a high school, I know that they help schedule classes, talk to students about problems(at home or at school), and they discuss college choices/entrance steps. I realize, now that the topic has been presented by NTI, that I really do not know about all of our counselors duties. The counselors are very important in the school, but I am sure their jobs are greater than we know.

Friday, January 28, 2011

"Perceived Roles"

Present day Guidance Counselors have many more job duties and responsibilities than they used to have. Today they are responsible for meeting with each student on their case-load (at least once per year) to make sure that they are in the correct classes. They also are responsible for ensuring that their students pass the Georgia High School Graduation Tests, and if that student happens to be a special needs student, they must attend each IEP meeting (Individualized Educational Plan). They have the duty of facilitating all parent conferences, advising students about college options, including financial aid choices, and dealing with high school drama (not always student-related). It honestly seems like when I was in high school all my guidance counselor did was meet with students one time per year to talk about classes that may interest them. After that one meeting, if you saw a student coming from the counseling department you knew that they had some type of issue in their life. Guidance Counseling is not a job that I would excel in. My school downsized last year so we lost two counselors, so the remaining counselors’ caseloads unfairly increased. In conclusion, Guidance Counselors are a great asset to our school system and have many important responsibilities.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

"Perceived Roles"

My "personal" impression of what the roles and responsibilities of guidance counselors are, is to guide the students down a career path of their choice. To help them understand whether or not that choice is sufficient base on their performance in school. Guidance counselors are responsible for helping the students select classes that will be beneficial to their career path. They are to counsel students when they are not doing well in their classes, and remind them of the choices they made, along with the importance of their GPA. Guidance counselors are to make arrangements for college, the US military, or technical school what ever the need be based on the child. I think guidance counselors are educated parents that are there to help children that have been placed in their care according to an alphabet, and hopefully they care enough to do their jobs.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


I feel like a hippocrit to my students sometimes. Why you ask? Well, I am suppose to be the "expert" on healthcare and wellness and I am propably the least healthy that I have ever been. Since I started teaching, I have gotten away from eating healthy, getting enough sleep, excercising, practicing stress reducing techniques and I am definitely not spending enough time with my family and friends. My blog today is about accountability. I need to be accountable more to my students because we know it's more about what you do than what you say. I need to "show" them that the things I teach them are important enough to me to do myself. Therefore, it is my committment to myself that I will be diligently trying to put into practice more of what I preach from this point forward. I know it won't come all at once, but I know how to eat an elephant (no pun intended)....on bite at a time.

Perceived Roles

My personal impressions of the roles and responsibilities of a guidance counselor include that of being an office administrator who arranged student schedules. My personal experiences with the counselor has merely been a brief meeting with a list of classes and being told to pick what classes I most wanted to take to then being told why I couldn't take what I wanted. I really did not feel very guided at all throughout high school. The most vivid memories I have of my high school counselor was the fact that she organized most of the school functions and was in charge of the graduation ceremony. These are some of my perceived roles and experiences that I had with my high school guidance counselor.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Guidance and Counseling

My personal impression of what the role and responsibilities of guidance counselors are to assist students and their parents in keeping the student on the correct or desired track for graduation. They advise students in career choices, keep them abreast of required testing, meeting college application submission deadlines and assisting the school system with maintaing a students school records.

Perception of Guidance Counselors

When I first got into my school, I was instructed to introduce myself to the counselors so they could get some knowledge of what I teach and who might be interested in my class. The previous years before I got to my school, video production was the "dumping ground" for the most unproductive students. Those that were productive had to drop the class during levels 3 and 4 that was only offered during first period--the period most students take college English.

After talking with counselors and administrators, we changed the periods, we drilled home discipline, and I developed a program that attracts bright students and students who WANT to succeed. The guidance counselors LISTENED and then assessed, and then acted!

On Thursday I have a meeting with the guidance counselor at my school. This meeting will serve two purposes; the first to meet and discuss a plan for my son who is in 10th grade. This plan will work to get my son into the college of his choice. the counselor knows that early intervention gets students on a productive path. And the 2nd reason is to complete the project as per the assignment.

My perception is that the counselors are overwhelmed with the responsibility to guide students on a path. The rest is up to the student. I have immense respect for the counselors at my school because I am in contact with them almost daily working with the strategies of the entire academic team.

I look forward to seeing how they will work for my son on Thursday!


I think the perceived roles of guidance counselors are to guide. We all need guidance. I think they help to direct the students in the way that they should go and should also guide the parents to help their student arrive where they want to be. As educators, we also need guidance on how to assist with that process as well. I was shocked to find out that so many of my students desire to go to college, but simply do not know how. Simply put, they lack guidance, they lack direction. They need someone who has the experience and know-how to direct their paths. To tell them what to do (based on their skills) and how to do it. Alot of parents have not attended college and can not offer guidance at home. I think guidance counselors can direct and inspire every student and every parent they come into contact with.

Monday, January 24, 2011

"Better Prepared"

Today, I can honestly say, I'm better prepared now, than last year. I still have a lot to learn as a Teacher. But I enjoy this learning process. I agree with a few Teachers who posted earlier. Teaching is not an easy job, but it is very rewarding. NTI is an excellent class providing an excellent foundation for New Teachers.

I will definitely look back on this preparation process and reflect on the journey. Last year, I was so clueless, but I did the best with what I knew. This year I feel more in control of what is established in my classroom.

"Getting in a Rut"

I believe it is so easy to get in a rut, because consistency and comfortability provides convenience. As a Teacher, when you find a good method or style of teaching it is easy to continue to do it and get so far in a routine that you do not change your pattern. I must confess, I have been guilty for"getting in a rut" as a Teacher. This is something that is very easy to do.

I will become more conscious in making it my business to add variety more often. I do not like doing the same thing over and over. My students definitely love a variety of activities.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

“Perceived Roles.”

Guidance counselors help students plot their high school career and prepare them for one, two, three or four year secondary education opportunities and possibly job placement after high school. They help the students find information related to financing their education and schools that meet the student's criteria to prepare them for their future careers. In addition, I have noticed the counselors at my school creating and changing schedules. They also ask the teachers to make recommendations for the students for various awards, i.e. governor's honors. To make it simple, guidance counselors guide the students through high school, make sure they have all the requirements necessary to graduate and hope they become productive citizens in their community.

"Rewards and Challenges"

I think if you could handle the stress of this job it would have so many rewards. You would see the students graduate from high school even go on to college. Being able to see them every day at school and see that little smile that would grow bigger ever day. Knowing that because you were willing to listen, talk to, and show you actually care about the students. Maybe even see them years later and see how well they are doing ,and know that just maybe you had a part in that. The challenge in the job would make me work that much harder to find a way to reach that student that maybe no on else could.

"Changed Impressions"

I have a new understanding of some of the duty's that counselor's do. I did not realize they were really teaching them coping skills with their family issue's. I new they listened and tried to give advice but, teaching those skills they can carry through out life. I also did not know they were the one to set up the hospital home bound services. It makes sense because they are the ones their to support the student academically and emotional. I was certainly surprised at just how much the counselors do. I do not think they get the credit they are due, wow could you even imagine the stress that would be. I now have a new respect for their job.

Perceived Roles

I believe the counselor is that person who is always willing to listen or talk to our students , when no one else is willing. Some times I think that we all forget that we need outlet's even the teenager. They are there to help the student make some tough decisions and lead them on the wright path. The student have problems at home they help . They have a problem at school they help, deciding on a career choice they listen and guide. I am grateful to have them at our school they help the student so much when they some times do not have anyone else to turn to.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Perceived Roles

I am torn with the impressions of what the roles and responsibilities of guidance counselors. My reasoning is because I have two very good friends that are counselors and they work hard; however my experience in my school has been bleak. High school counselors have a huge responsibility, and often times are burden down with paperwork. They are faced with the responsibility of assisting hundreds of students with their graduation quest. This alone is why I am very proactive with my sons graduation requirements.

I am constantly fighting an uphill battle with students being placed in my class incorrectly. It has become a battle that at times I just give in.
For example, I have a student who has never taken a law and Justice class; however she was placed in my third level Criminal Investigation/Forensic class. After several notification, I just gave up.

I could go on but I have learned to pick battles to avoid wars.