Rules For Posting To This Blog and Weekly Blog Question

1. Only use your first name (no last names, addresses, IM screen names, etc.)
2. Show respect and consideration of others when posting and commenting. This includes individuals, students, organizations, political parties, colleagues, etc.
3. Check all posts for spelling and grammar errors before posting.
4. Protect the privacy of others. Gain permission from other people before you write about them. Avoid sharing someone else's last name. Use job titles or pseudonyms when writing about experiences with your co-workers or students.
5. Watch your language. Use politically correct and non-offensive language.
6. Make sure you write about things that are factual.
7. Keep your postings education-oriented. Avoid discussing plans for the weekend, etc.

This week I would like you to use your imagination. You have just won the lottery and will leave your teaching post immediately to travel around the world. As you leave your keys you meet your replacement. You are asked to give this new teacher just ONE piece of advice. What would that be, and why? Enjoy your world expedition!

Blog Post - Week 7
This past week in my own teaching I felt a little disconnected which prompts my question to you, "What was the moment (or moments) when I felt most disconnected or disengaged as a teacher - the moment(s) I said to myself, I'm just going through the motions here?"

Fall Semester 2016 Blog Post - Week 6
For the past couple of weeks you have experienced asynchronous online learning (doing modules by yourself). Previously this semester you have experienced synchronous online learning (all together in the Collaborate room). Which do you think is more effective and why do you think that? Which do you like better, and why?

Fall Semester 2016 Blog Post - Week 5
This week we have what we call "open mic." You can write a post about anything related to your teaching that you would like responses from your classmates.

Fall Semester 2016 Blog Post - Week 4
Here is this week's question: "What was the event that most took me surprise this week - and event that shook me up, caught me off guard, gave me a jolt, or made me unexpectedly happy?"

Fall Semester 2016 Blog Post - Week 3
Please write a post about the following question, "In thinking about my past week teaching what is one thing I would do differently, and why?"

Fall Semester 2016 Blog Post - Week 2
Please write a post about the following question, " In thinking about my teaching activities this past week, of what do I feel most proud? Why?"

Fall Semester 2016 Blog Post - Week 1
Describe something you used in your program in the first weeks of school that you learned in the summer NTI program. How did it work? Did it get you off to a stronger start than last year?

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Mic Check One, Two

Just want to say that I have enjoyed learning from some of the best teachers in Georgia. Normally I would not have come across any of the people in the NTI group, but luckily we all needed a job. And NTI was a way to keep the jobs we had. I have enjoyed learning from our fabulous instructors. I have appreciated their enthusiasm, patience and overall caring approach to instruction. I am very excited about entering my third year of teaching. Although I'm not sure if it will be in Career Tech Education, I'm sure I will be in the industry in some capacity. I want to wish everyone a successful close to the school year and a great summer. I will see some of you in Jekyll Island.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Open Mic #2

I just wanted to say how much I have learned during my time in NTI. As a brand new teacher, I felt so much more prepared having taken NTI courses before starting teaching. I want to thank Dr. Burns, Dr. Montrois, & Ms. Hayden for sharing all of your experience and real life knowledge. I appreciate your dedication to making better CTAE teachers. I also want to thank all of my fellow classmates. I have enjoyed getting to know all of you and I hope to keep in touch as much as possible. Good Luck to everyone for the rest of the school year and have a great summer!! Love ya, Shellee

Open Mic 2

This semester has truly gone by fast. I have no words to express my gratitude for the knowledge, and friendship gained during this past year. I truly feel blessed to have spent this time with all of you. Many have great stories to tell, while some like Linda received bad news at the end. My heart felt wishes go to all, may good blessings follow all of you, and may you save every student you can.

Decisions, Decisions

What a quick semester this has been!! First and foremost a huge thank-you to our instructors: Dr. Burns, Jessie, and Dr. M. I cannot thank you enough for helping us get though this semester with all the skills needed to further our teaching careers. I will miss NTI!!

My position at Cobb County Schools was eliminated last week along with another 51 classified employees due to budget cuts. I had been working as a nursing manager until a HSTE job opened. Several doors have been closed recently but I truly believe the right door will open. I hope one day to be teaching again and now realize that the grass is not always greener. I wish each and everyone of you a wonderful future and thank you for allowing me step in during your third semester at NTI. Best of luck!!
Linda Gay
I would just like to thank everyone. This has been a very enjoyable class. I have learned so much and critiqued just as much. I am thankful to the instructors for their time, energy and knowledge. It was a pleasure getting to know all of you. I hope to keep in touch with all of you.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Open Mic Time ...

As I relect over the past three semesters at NTI there are so many things that I have learned and am applying on a regular basis. Many of those same learnings have applications outside of school also. There is no doubt we all have learned alot from all of the staff at NTI. From day 1 the classes have been jam packed with useful gems of knowledge. I can not imagine teaching the students in todays classes without the preparation we have received from NTI.

Thanks to all

Open Mic

This week I would like to give kudos to the Atlanta Public Schools system. They found the necessary funds to complete my lab. This year has been very hard to keep the students’ interested and motivated in the Broadcasting/Video Production program. During the course of the year I’ve been keeping the students interest by allowing them to shoot and edit their own video resume. I think the completion of my lab for the next school year will bring a new and exciting group of students who are eager to learn about the wonderful world of Broadcasting. I am certain that this will definitely change the way my program is perceived and allow me to recruit the best students for this program.

Open Mic -- Make Up

This past weekend was the Skills USA State Competition. I am proud to say that one of my students won the Architectural Drafting competiton!! So we are off to Kansas City this summer for Nationals. Our Skills USA club also won third place in Technical Drafting, and Automotive Service Technology. It was a fantastic and enjoyable weekend. Skills USA state competition is a well organized event!

Open Mic

I think this is a make up post for me.  I'm pretty sure that I missed a posting.  I cannot believe that NTI is about to end.  It has been wonderful!!!  I am thankful not only for what I've learned, but for the many friendships that I've made.  This experience has been a blast!  I can't wait to see everybody on Saturday.  It seems really strange for us to not have seen each other this semester. It's been nice having class at home, but I still miss seeing everybody.  Thanks for the open mic opportunities!

Open Mic

Wow, how time flies by. This is an awesome curriculum and I have learned so much over the past year. I have immensely enjoyed the new friendships I have made and networks I have developed. The instructors are outstanding. Wow, if only I can be half as good as them ten years down the road! Even though there were times when it was difficult to meet deadlines or I was so tired after work that I didn't know how I could make it to class, I still looked forward to coming. It is different when you know you are doing something to help better yourself. You don't think of it as work. I cannot believe how much I learned regarding technology. I am very glad we had the opportunity to use illuminate. It is such an innovative way to have class. Thank-you so much Dr. Burns for having the initiative to do this with our class. You know when we see you take on new ventures it is very inspiring for us to come out and try something new also. Jessie, I never would have guessed that you were not computer savvy awhile back. You rock!! Dr. Montrois, you gave me some advice to use with a student back in the fall. It was when we did the reverse roles of the counselor learning strategy. It was a homerun hit. The student came around and is one of my best pupils this year. Had it not been for your advice, she would not be in the program today. It was getting that bed for thanks a bunch! As the kids would say NTI rocks!

NTI Equals New Career Education

I think back fondly about the first lessons at NTI. I can not eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich now without thinking about Dr. Burns and her first assignment. A simple task illustrated the many, many complex processes that we have learned about teaching this past year. I hope is that my sandwich (teaching) does not become stale. We must all stay fresh in our approach and processes. Thank you so much for the opportunity. Many Thanks also to Jessie and Dr. Dave, your advice and insights are so helpful.

Open Mic 2

Last week, I took students on field trips to Jackson State Prison. I have to take multiple trips because they only do tours of 30 people at a time, so I took one class per day. I complained to my husband all weekend about the trips. Although I admitted that it was my fault for planning them, I complained that the kids were so ungrateful and that I am very pregnant and should have just skipped them altogether this year. There was one morning in particular in which I was feeling extremely regretful. I had students that seemed to have zoned out when I went over the rules of the kid forgot an ID, one kid came wearing shorts...those kinds of things. Yet, I found that each day upon returning from the trip, the kids were very grateful and appreciative that I had taken them. They all said that they really learned a lot from the experience. I felt like all of the hard work that comes with planning field trips had paid off. I left work in a very good mood each day feeling impressed by my students' behavior. At the weeks end, I was left with thoughts and reminders of how doing things for others can really be rewarding. I think it can be easy to allow yourself to feel taken advantage of and unappreciated in the field of teaching sometimes and then moments like the ones I experienced last week happen to remind us of why we do what we do.

Open Mic

Wow! I can't believe it is over! I just think about starting the program last summer...almost a year ago! I have learned so much and am so grateful for everything that NTI has taught me! I feel much more confident in myself as a teacher after going through NTI. I honestly do not see how teachers that come out of field and in to the classroom survive without going through some time of education program. Teaching is a totally different world! Thanks to all of the instructors and fellow teachers for all of the knowledge, information, and suggestions that you all have shared! It has been great meeting teachers from various parts of the state who can relate to the every day struggles (and rewards) of teaching! I feel that we all have made connections with each other that we will keep throughout our careers in education. Although I am glad that we will have this summer off and we do not have to pay tuition anymore, I am kind of sad to know that it is over! NTI has been a wonderful and helpful experience!

Open Mic

Thanks NTI! case you guys did not hear, Josh Dempsey and his wife now are proud parents of a baby boy (born Saturday) measuring 7.4 lbs 21 inches.  


Open Mic 2 Make up 2

To the Instructors of this session of NTI, I would like to give you praise and thank yous. You have truly made an impact on my life and certainly my career. I have had such a good time getting to know all of you, and was glad to work with Dr. Burns before she moves on in her career as a truly wonderful instructor. If any of you would like to become the next principle of Warren Tech. you sure do have my vote! I wish all of you the best, and I know you will continue to be great leaders and teachers for future NTI classes. One suggestion tho, If you could start a secondary program called NPMI that's New Principles and Management Institute, this would help me out alot! Joking aside I sure wish you all the best and keep in touch. See you on the 25th too.

Open Mic 2 Make up

What can I say, NTI has been a blessing. It has been truly a great experience to get to know a great group of people. I believe NTI has made a great impact on our teaching and how we will conduct ourselves as teachers. It has been wonderful getting to know all of you, and I know that I have found valuable resources in all of you. I will be here for any of you who may need help for anything. Everyone has been great including the Instructors who I feel have done an excellent job with our class. I will miss all of you, and wish all of you the best in your teaching careers. See you on the 25th.

Open Mic3?

I truly have enjoyed all of the things that we have covered in this program. When we first started over the summer of last year, I really thought that the classes were going to be long. But as it turned out, the classes were kind of fun, although gut wrenching at first getting in front of your peers. I have not implemented everything that I have learned, but I would say that I have used about 80% of it. I will work on implementing maybe up to 95% of what we have learned this summer. I just know that I will have a super year next school term, because I will have the time to work out the "bugs" in my current curriculum.

I have also enjoyed meeting all my classmates from different disciplines. Construction, cosmetology, construction, video production, nursing and others I have not mentioned. Everyone has been friendly and cordial. I have made some new friends and a good support system for my profession.

The instructors have been excellent and very knowledgeable in their content area. Every thing that we have learned they have done a great job using it to teach us. I now have a better understanding on how to apply cooperative learning, because we have done it in class. Overall, my experience has been positive and productive thanks to the excellence of our instructors.

See you all on Saturday.

Open Mic 2 - My Make Up Blog

I have really enjoyed NTI. I have made so many new friendships, resource contacts, etc. all while learning how to better my program. It's a memorable experience for sure! Although I have extremely enjoyed the convenience of Elluminate Live, and I do mean REALLY REALLY ENJOYED the convenience, I do miss the interaction between my fellow classmates and seeing everyone on a more personal level than via computer screen. So I am looking forward to Saturday’s class…… and I’ll bring a tissue box! xoxo

CYA Saturday

After the Skills USA Competition my students place 1st, 2nd & 3rd in various skills challenges. I couldn't be more proud of them. See ya'll on Saturday! Thanks NTI!!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

"To NTI With Love"

I feel like a student from the movie "To Sir With Love". Its about a group of students who by the end of the school year have undergone a transformation. From reading the comments on the blog it appears that we all have grown in many different ways. Thank you NTI instructors for guiding us through the world of teaching and equipping us to face the challenges of tomorrow. We are better teachers having gone through this experience. You have passed the baton to us and we go forward passing it on to our students. Thank You!!!!!!!

Open Mic

I really enjoyed the information I received in NTI. I wish there some way teachers could take this program before they hit the program. When I was a police officer before you could hit the streets with your badge, gun and authority you had to go through Post certification. I think the same should be for teachers. You receive so much information from NTI different Learning Techniques, stratgies, and relationships that will help you through out your career of teaching. I think this knowledege is very important before you hit the classrooom. Also being in the class this summer has given me a desire to continue my education towards a Master Degree something that I thought I would never do.

As I continue to teach and attend conferences and High school that work conferences. I see that the philosphy that we have learned in NTI for most part has a great foundation. Simply because the key words I hear through the conferences I have attended have the same types information concerning teaching and classroom improvement towards students. If feel good about my job and teaching a certain swagger and confidence that didn't have before. I would like to think all the Instructors and Teachers in the class that made this possible and wish everyone much success in their future career in education. I had a wonderful time!!!!!!!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Highlight of the Year

Today was one of my high points in teaching. Four of my Video level One students won the "Keeping Safety First" video contest sponsored by CEFGA, the Georgia Youth Alliance and GA Tech. It was a simple 30 sec. psa, but it taught all of my classes the importance of diligence and hard work in producing videos. The kids went down to the expo today to receive their awards and we were very impressed with the expo. It was amazing how much broadcasting technology was incorporated into the expo. I saw WI's, animation, video cameras, etc. Many of the exhibitions incorporated things that my broadcasters enjoyed viewing. What amazed me the most, was the speed in which all of technology is changing. We as technology teachers are all on the cutting edge of our professions. I think that we will have to work hard to keep up with the times and to present it to our students. I thank NTI for helping us all to be "technically educated" on the computer. Blogging, U Learn, emails, and many of the other computer applications have educated many of us. Several of us in the class did not come from a strong base with computers. In fact, computers were just becoming popular when I was in college. I sincerely believe that this technological foundation from NTI (thanks Jesse and all !) will help me as I begin a Master's program, possibly online. I value all the aspects of learning that I have experienced through my NTI experience.

Open Mic- take two

I just want to say that I can't believe that I have finally made it. It took me a little bit longer than I would have liked for it to, but hey I made it and that is all that matters. I have really enjoyed my learning experiences at NTI. It has been so helpful to learn about something and to go into my classroom and see what I learned about. I believe that the material taught and the lessons presented have helped me to become a better more effective teacher. I would like to wish everyone the best. May God bless you all!

Open Mic #2.....

I wanted to use this time to THANKS to everyone. I have really enjoyed being apart of this program and have learned so much, not just from the wonderful instructors but from each of you as professionals and classmates. Industry Certifcation site vist is now over and I feel that I have a little relief ,although I have a couple more projects to wrap up. I wish each of you the best of luck and can't wait to see everyone all together again next weekend.

I think we should plan to do something to know I love to plan out if anyone is interested or have any ideas please feel free to email me:

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Open mic

First week back from spring break and hit the ground running. I am feeling very overwhelmed with the assignments. I am not sure I am on the right page. If anyone is confident with their grid please let me know and I will e-mail you mine. Thanks. I am also seeing light at the end of the tunnel. We have almost completed all of our requirements for this class. Hope to stay in touch with ya'll.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Open mic

Sorry this is late-I went by the syllabus that stated that the blogging was done the week of March 30th. My open mic statement is that I am glad this whole year is almost over. Only a few more NTI classes, only a few more weeks of my "rookie" year, and only a few more weeks until relaxation begins!! I have enjoyed the experience and it has enriched me, but I will be glad when it is over-I will have a little more free time or down time. Have a good Spring!! See you on the 25th!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

End of School Year Rapidly Approaching

I remember last year after spring break and how the time with the students seemed to fly by. I also recall how the students' attention span became shorter and shorter as the last day of school approached. Graduation and additional end of the year testing seem to cut into the amount of time left to cover the required material making it all the more challenging to keep on track. I have decided to do things differently this year by reviewing key concepts and not trying to introduce as much new material as I did last year. Hopefully it will go smoother than it did last year.

Open Mic- Spring Break

I finally got my email to work at GSU! I had 140 unread messages waiting for me to read and delete. I was not really ready for spring break this year. I should have planned better. Several big cleaning items were done along with a few trips to the Doctor's office. I was not happy with the weather early this week. Snow and sleet on Monday and Tuesday! Wow ! I need to plan my time off a little better and make plans for this summer. Last summer went pretty fast with NTI and part time work. There are a couple of summer conferences that I will be attending in July. Maybe GSU will have a program for us CTAE folks to continue with on a graduate level. There are offers from Georgia and Valdosta for their graduate programs. I have been happy to go back to school this past year and have enjoyed the time spent with everyone. I do miss the in person lessons at times. See ya'll in two weeks.

Open Mic

This is a repeat. I didn't think the first one went through, but can't figure out how to delete this one.  I am reflecting on this past year with a smile on my face.  Arriving at NTI last summer was a little frightening!!  I laugh when I think about how intimidating it was.  I am so glad that I had NTI before I stepped into the classroom and during the first year experience.  The prep for the actual classroom experience and the site visit feedback has been invaluable.  I've grown so much over this past year.  Becoming a student again has amazingly helped me to grow as an educator.  I'm enjoying the evolution and can't wait to see where my teaching career will take me!  Thanks NTI!

Open Mic

I am reflecting on this past year with a smile on my face. Arriving at NTI last summer was a little frightening!!  I laugh when I think about how intimidating it was.  I am so glad that I had NTI before I stepped into the classroom and during the first year experience.  The prep for the actual classroom experience and the site visit feedback has been invaluable.  I've grown so much over this past year.  Becoming a student again has amazingly helped me to grow as an educator.  I'm enjoying the evolution and can't wait to see where my teaching career will take me! Thanks NTI!

Open Mic

During my 3 years of teaching I have often wondered if I made the right decision leaving Corporate America and entering the education field. In such a short time I have experienced some dramatic highs and some somber lows. For the most part I have found myself questioning whether I have what it takes to become a successful teacher. I have finally come to the conclusion that I am doing what I was called to do. I am very fortunate in so many ways and I can thank the professors at NTI in helping me to realize my full potential.

Open Mic-Role as a Student

I just want to say that I really needed this year in NTI. I've had a desire to go to grad school since I began teaching and this program has helped me reconnect with the student role. I greatly appreciate all of the instructors and their encouragement and criticism throughout the program. The level of instruction that I have received through the program has more than prepared me for studies at the master degree level. There are a few aspects of the student role that I need to fine tune and because of the NTI program I will be able to make a smooth transition into those changes. I also want to thank my fellow classmates for their support throughout the program as well. I have learned a great deal from their trials and experiences and have adopted some of those experiences into my teaching repertoire. From the blogs to the class settings, I have enjoyed my interaction with some of Georgia's greatest CTE teachers and am a better student and teacher for that.

Mamane Open Mic

I have this strange feeling that saying a very long goodbye is coming soon. I don't like that feeling. The transition from one chapter of your life to another doesn't always sit well with me. At the conclusion of every school year (including my high school and college years), I always felt lost... abandoned... restless. I think that means I'm meant to always be in school - whether as a teacher or a student. Granted being both a teacher and a student has been extremely intense; but, you know, I seem to thrive on that! I work well under pressure (I guess that's why I was a pretty good news producer). 

But that ominous feeling of all of it coming to a close is starting to creep in. I've made some great friendships, I've learned loads from all of you, and I am taking home (or rather, to work) a lot of useful knowledge. As much as I want this semester to end, I still don't want to let go. But that's ok, because teaching is a career of constant learning. I'll never stop learning.

Open Mic

Well...not only is today Easter Sunday (Happy Easter to those who celebrate), but it is also the last day of Spring Break. I have been moping around all day thinking of the many things that were on my "to do" list this week that did not get scratched off. I did, however, get the baby's room cleaned out, which was a major task marked off of my list. I am stressing about this upcoming week because I have three field trips. I am going to Jackson State Prison with a group of students on Tuesday and Thursday. Then on Friday, I will be at the Airport for the SkillsUSA State Conference. Whenever I am going to be out of the classroom that much, I always worry about the sub...Did I leave enough plans? Are my kids behaving? You know, that kind of stuff. Then, there is the fact that I have not started working on sub plans for my maternity leave. I am not sure why, but I have found this very difficult because I feel uneasy not knowing exactly when it will happen. I know the logical thing to do would be to make more than enough just in case. I think the reason I am finding it so difficult is because I do so many hands on activities in my room when I am there to monitor, but when I have a sub, I feel that their behavior will be altered due to them feeling as though they are getting "busy work."
I think I need to have a talk with them before I leave. But, then again, I also think at the high school age, it is very important for the substitute to establish his or her expectations with the class from the get go otherwise they will fully take advantage of any situation, (no matter how good they are when you are there) especially since it is the end of the year. I am sure it will all work out. It always does.

Man...I really needed to vent. Thanks for listening! Have a wonderful week.

Open Mic

Wow, what a journey these past three years have been! The idea of me being a teacher was never a thought in my mind. I've always wanted to have a positive influence in others' lives. I have always volunteered to mentor and teach in other capacities but I never thought I would have this career. I love impacting young people and encouraging them to pursue their dreams and teaching them life skills to help them become successful. Now, being given this opportunity to be a teacher, and also a student, this has been very challenging. I have never considered myself a "multi-tasker". I am learning to multi-task. I definitely think that multi-tasking is a skill that requires lots of practice and attention. Although, NTI has taught me skills and has given me many tools to be a successful teacher, multitasking is a skill that I have not mastered and a tool that is required. When this journey has demanded more than I had, I have wanted to walk away. I am glad I didn't. I have learned a lot and I will not walk away from the learning opportunities that are ahead of me.

Open Mic

Hello Bloggers.

What a year.  And....its not even over.  Like Josh Dempsey this has been quite the year and more recently quite the experience with our first child on the way.  Pregnancy adds a whole new twist to life, to teaching, to priorities, EVERYTHING!  Things that seemed important are definitely now on the back burner and things like nursery colors, strollers, outlet covers, and pack n plays are now the center of our life.  By the way - the baby is not due till May 26.  That gets me out of post planning!  :)  But all that to say that teaching is a universal concept.  I teach students how to draw, how to make things, how to design, how to give a presentation - how to become a professional.  Every day they learn something new to add to their toolset.  And I am right there with them.  I have learned more this week (we did A LOT of shopping, registering, etc this week while we were off) about "boppys," burping pads, "onesies," and all kinds of other baby stuff.  Like our posts from a couple weeks ago - you're never too old to learn something new.  I have a better feel for my students feelings now when they give me the "what is that" or "I don't get it" looks.  I think I did that a lot at our most recent trip to Babies R Us.  The rest of this year will be a true test of my ability to manage my time, prepare for the unexpected, and to study up on parenthood.  Can't wait.  Josh and I may have to start a new blog for new dads and our funny experiences!

Open Mic

Ok, so I think this is one of the harder blogs for me. I feel that I have covered almost everything about my teaching. There is a side of me that wonders if I am really supposed to be teaching. Some days I wonder if I am an effective teacher. I work with someone that is so rigid in her teaching style. It differs from mine and some days her attitude makes me feel really negative about my teaching ability. She is constantly wanting to remake every form and lesson that she has from past years. If we have a form that says what is needed, I don't feel the need to remake it. She likes to stay at work really late, where as I like to go home and be with my family. Her desire to make everything perfect sends her over the edge several times a year and she will be absent for days at a time. She has missed over 20 days this year and did so last year and the year before that. I am always supportive of her when she is absent as I know she can't help it. But sometimes this is a great burden on me. Her students are always complaining about her to me. If I had one thing about teaching that I would say I don't like, it is working with this woman. She makes me not want to come to work somedays. The worst part is I don't see her ever leaving her position. So this puts me in a hard spot. WOW, I didn't expect this to go in this direction when I started writing. It is strange sometimes how therapeutic this blogging can be. I think I actually feel better just writing this out. Thanks, for listening! :)

Role as a Teacher

One thing I have learned about being a teacher is I’m always learning. In fact, I have been a student all of this time. I can’t remember when I haven’t stopped learning. Everyday in class, I learn something entirely new. For example, student’s reactions are still somewhat a mystery to me. Every day, students come with something new to try and get away with something. Everyday I have to come up with ways to counteract, deter or side step what the students throw at me. Despite what this sounds like, it is fun. I guess that is why I like teaching, because I am having so much fun learning. So you might say that I am more a student than I am a teacher.

Open Mic - Last Day of Spring Break

It is hard for me to zero in on any one or even several important events of this past school year that have made an impact on me. I could say that just experiencing another school year along with getting through NTI has impacted me greatly. Looking back at the very beginning of NTI until know, I would say the we havew all accomplished a ton. The days have merged into weeks which have merged into months which have all flown by quickly. Now here we are only 8 weeks from the end of the school year. Eight weeks seems like a long time to get things done that I need to, to ensure that I have taught a complete curriculum. However, I also know that 2 weeks are taken for finals, one week for final project presentations, and another week with career fair, blood drive, and speaker. That leaves only 5 weeks left and a whole heck of a lot to still get done. Those 8 weeks now seem like a very small amount of time to me and I still feel the pressure of the demands of the school year. I think the best part of it all, once said and done, is that another year of experience will be under my belt, NTI will be completed, and I will have summer break to look forward to and I will get to spend time with my family. Hopefully life will slow down just a little bit and the pressure will ease up. Teaching school is a roller coaster ride for me. You experience the exhiliration and the fear of anticipation when you begin, then you get into the groove and enjoy the ride, however you start to feel queasy and ready for it to be done so that you can get off. I am ready to get off and take a breather. (Can you tell I went to Disney World for Spring Break?)

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Spring Breaks Over...Oh No :)

Well we made everyone. The next month and a half should be smooth sailing, NOT. Well for the most part I can't believe the school year is almost over. This has been a challenging yet rewarding year of my life. I have learned a lot. The most valuable thing I have learned is how to process all of 'this' stuff, without getting overwhelmed. Last semester I wasn't as lucky but if you are brought to something He can bring you through it. Thanks to all my family, friends and NTI family for making this journey one to remember. 
My roles as teacher and student compare much in contrast. I fell over the last year of taking the NTI classes have helped me become a better teacher and student. Understanding the different learming stratgies, Lesson Plans and Time prepartion helps you adjust to your job and the flow of education in your field. The student part of NTI helps you with accountability and knowledege. The professors are great they continue to provide a support system and qualties that will help you become a Master teacher. Spring break comes to an end this week and when we go back we have approx: six to seven weeks left before school is out. I feel good about this school year I feel the techniques that I used from NTI helped me in all levels of my teaching career. I will continue to focus and apply the things learned in NTI in the future for my success.

The NTI classes and the people from class always gave me a different approach concerning my job. The teachers in NTI have some of the same problems we all go through during the semester. It makes you feel like your not along when people have some of the same difficulties that you have and when you can talk about solutions to solve the problem. I feel the job of teaching requires Knowledge, Patience, Love of Teaching Kids and self discipline. all the attributes you learn on the job and through NTI.

Open Mic

I want to use this open mic time to express my views as a student which always spills over to my roles as a teacher. As a student, I have never taken such a straightforward class as NTI. The benefits and results of my studies with this group of professors are overwhelming. They have all been perfect role models and in every lesson have first shown us exactly what they wanted. Lesson Plans have never come as easy as they do now and that’s saying a lot with the HSTE curriculum. Additionally, their behavior towards the class, always available, willing to give a second chance, always pleasant, have been an excellent example for me and has taught me to assume a more productive role with my students. I have seen a major difference in my students this year and I truly believe that it is a result of what I have been taught at NTI. I keep saying I wish I had done this class the first year, but I sometimes wonder if I would have valued it as much as I do now.

Open Mic, John Dallas

Hello everyone, I have to say after NTI there are so many things that are important as a teacher it's really hard to find a spot to start. I do feel that good communication with your counselors is a must especially now that we all have found a new respect for them after doing the research. I have found myself talking more to the two that we have and really getting a lot of good useful information. They really have a good grasp of all things going on in the school, and know about all the programs and classes. Also they have a good knowledge of what is working and not working for other teachers and classes, and may offer some wonderful ideas and suggestions for things that may help with classes and or certain students. That line of communication is very important and it is certainly a resource I will continue to use regularly.
I have also tried to establish a better relationship with my parents. I know this can sometimes be a real hard thing to accomplish sometimes but going that extra mile will surely pay off when it comes to problems or issues. Keeping a good repore with parents is a must. I was for a while not comfortable with talking to some parents, until I started calling and putting forth an extra effort to let them know the status of their child. I quit trying to sugar coat things and started laying it on the line letting them know the goods and bads. I feel I have gotten more respect that way and as bad as it hurts sometimes to hear your child is not doing well, it has to be said. But that also needs to come with a follow up of these are the steps we are taking to help your child and what can you do at home to help us help you.

Open Mic Time ...

The effectiveness of parent contacts continues to amaze me. This is one of the tools that we learned from NTI in our earlier classes. Certainly we should begin at the first of each school year as we welcome students to our class.

Later if we need to call the parents for their assistance and to share knowledge and viewpoints, it is surprising how we both seem to have the same concerns. Just as we are seeing a change in the students at school, so are the parents/guardians. Often times not only does the call help us to correct the behavior, it helps the parents to deal with other issues. The call from us provides the parents the motivation they need to address things they are dealing with at home. A lot of times the parents are sitting back thinking this is not a big concern and that the problems will pass. A call from us often gives them the reinforcement they need.

Just this week I had an opportunity to phone a parent and find they were noticing similar attitudes. It mostly had to do with the condition called senioritis but it provided the parents a chance to address the child’s lack of focus, motivation, declining grades and generally poor attitude. This student has big plans for college and a career and needs to understand the need for staying focused.


Friday, April 10, 2009

Open Mic......

For many I know this was spring break but for me I worked just as hard just without the students. I am finally reaching the point of my industry certification site visit. Many people think it is your typical visit but for Culinary and to gain certification through ACF is a big deal. I am very excited but also ready for it to all be over. I am just looking forward to some sleep. Outside of all that I've had a really good year with some minor bumps along the way. I feel that attending NTI should be required within the first year of teaching because of all the great techniques and strategies that you gain from attending. I am aways going back to my binder looking over things and pulling information that I use on a daily basis.

I feel that I have grown more as an educator and a student. I have gotten in the mood of attending school so it allows me to understand my students even more. I appreciate NTI and that it do for Career and Technical teachers throughout the state of Georgia.

I will keep you all updated on my certification with the ACF. I am really proud to announce that I have 6 students that passed the servsafe certification exam......this was really great!!!! Some of the students passed with really high scores so it made me feel good to a certain extent because I did have some that did not pass (they were really close). I know now that its important to constantly assess the students in various areas so I can see where they are struggling the most with the information. Otherwise it has been an AWESOME year with great we must await and see how the next year will be.

Finally... Open Mic Night

So... the end of the semester approacheth. This is as good a time as any to reflect on my experiences this year. I would say that it has been interesting. I detailed my administrative issues in earlier blogs and now there is the impending demolition of my classroom and the temporary relocation to a regular classroom. But... I still have 6 weeks to figure out what I am going to do about that. The main thing I have to blog about is my growth.

I feel that I have matured greatly this year, both professionally and personally. On a professional level, I have learned more about classroom management and I have proven to myself, that I can manage a group of high school students. This has lead to greater sense of pride in what I do and an overall confidence boost in my role as a high school teacher.

Personally, (and this may sound familiar) I have learned to appreciate my time more, especially my time with family. While we have not yet welcomed our firstborn to the world, the pregnancy has afforded me the opportunity to evaluate my priorities. I just feel that my time and my time with family are more important than any job.

I have also decided that teaching broadcast video production is the best possible way I can work with students and still get to practice my passion, making videos.

This has been a very good year.


My experience as a student at G. S. U. has been very interesting as well as challenging. The challenges I have encountered were with the computer issues. I find myself becoming a little frustrated when I have computer issues because they pose as a hindrance. These issues tend to be overpowering at times however, when I am able to get back on track everything flows a lot easier. As a teacher I am finding that you wear many hats and play many roles. I enjoy watching my students transform before my eyes. Being a positive impact in my students lives as they are molded into creative and motive driven human beings. As a teacher you can be friendly however, hold a standard and be firm about your decisions. I have also learned that my students watch what I do and how I respond or react to situations that arise in and out of the classroom. I have also be inspired to take two more classes at G.S.U. I only hope that my next professor will be as knowledgeable and passionate about student success as you all have been.

Open Mic

Spring break is coming to a close, I hear of the students disinterest and wonder if I am prepared. I have been told the last semester goes quickly, and planning becomes even more critical. To run out of time is not an option. We must meet and exceed the curriculum. I had a hard time getting the students going after the last break. These are the challenges we face, but like the others they will fade. The classes at NTI this year gave back to me more than the sum of the material. Each of us has experienced trials this year, I found strength in each of you. This is a class of highly motivated people striving for a single outcome. To achieve excellence in any endeavor requires this. I received New Teacher of the Year a couple of weeks ago. (What were they thinking?) As I reflect on this honor it occurs to me this was earned by all that attend, and certainly instruct this class. Your drive has driven me. I will recommend this class to all new teachers.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Open Mic

Spring break is about over and time is getting nearer for the return to the classroom and my students. During this time period, I think the students develop something like jet lag. The last five weeks of the semester can be the roughest in not knowing what to expect from the students. During the second semester of my first year of teaching, I was unprepared for the lack of school interests the students had after spring break. It was harder getting the students to focus on everyday school work all over again. Furthermore, the seniors got the disease, senioritis. But, I now believe I am better prepared to handle this lack of interest from students for several reasons. First, I have received some great information and guidance from the instructors at N.T.I. Second, it is my third year teaching and I am a little bit wiser. Third, there is a good deal of interesting material and projects offered in my program to maintain the interest of my students. This has been a jam-packed year of learning. Thanks to all the Instructors involved with the N.T.I. program.

Open Mic

It's open "mic" time.
This has been a good year... but as a teacher and student - I am exhausted now. I am grateful for the good times and the challenging moments. Attending NTI was a great experience and I would recommend this course to all new teachers. Thank you NTI Instructors for sharing your wisdom and professional talents. I will certainly use all of the knowledge and skills learned in my teaching practice to prepare and equip our future leaders of tomorrow.

We are "One" .....we are "Different"

As NTI comes to a conclusion, I have reflected soulfully as to whether my true calling is to teach or not. These last few months have provided me with ample time to carefully peruse over all your postings, bloggings, accolades, and ventings (mine included). What did I discover? We are all in the same boat, just different views from our seats. Some of us face backwards, always looking behind and ever wondering will we catch up. The enemy seems to be closing in on us.
Others have a front row seat and can't wait for the next turn in the course and have a full advantage and outlook that others cannot yet see. They see light in the near distance while others see the the encroachment of greying clouds and wonder if another downpour is on the horizen. But where some see darkening skies others see a sliver of light shining from behind the clouds.

What does all this mean..?? If you're in the back of the boat with those who see only the bad..switch seats next to someone who sees beauty in the clouds and restless seas.
PS I took my GRE today and made the score needed to get into Grad School!!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Open Mic

As a teacher I don't think that one really knows the impact they have on the students until later down the road. It may be an assignment that was covered at the beginning of the school year and at this time in the school year they bring up what you have taught them. This has happened to me a different occasions and it really made me feel good and makes me think "hey I must be a pretty good teacher" and that makes me feel great. I believe that teaching is something that really pays off in the long run especially when the students that you may have taught and they have graduate come back to see you and they are doing pretty good for themselves that is a reward that money can't buy. Overall the rewards of teaching sometimes get blurred by the problems that we have to deal with from time to time but the end result is priceless.

Monday, April 6, 2009

The good, the bad, and the better

I have to say that my experience as a teacher and as a student has had good times, bad times, and better times. The greater part of my experiences as a teacher and as a student at NTI have been wonderful and rewarding. To be a teacher, someone has to have a desire to give everything they can to help their students learn. My drive for teaching helps me get through the trying times that are inevitable in every career. Seeing my students excited about learning about transportation keeps me excited about teaching them. I think that career technical programs are very important for students. Not all students have the desire to attend college after high school, and it is important for our schools to provide a foundation for students who want to enter the workforce or who want to attend a technical institute. NTI has helped shape me into a better and more effective teacher. I guess you could say that the good and the bad help make me a better teacher!
First of all Dr. B...we missed you in class ! I have to say that the Perkins legislation lesson was of upmost interest to me. That is because I was one of the teachers that was privileged to experience the tangible funding for my classroom. If you recall, my broadcasting class received around $110,000 in Perkins money to stock a broadcasting, state of the art studio. What a great year it has been to enjoy the latest in technology at my fingertips. To be honest, I did not know very much about the Perkins funding legislation at all. I knew that there was funding out there...but from who and why ? Reading the various articles gave me insight and actually stimulated my thought process about teaching technology. I think that it is great that we have visionaries who want to promote the competitive market and enterprise through technology training. I also have to say that I totally agree with their thought processes. I can see from first hand experience how our "hands-on" broadcasting training is helping students. Many of my students are already at work in the workplace. For example, one of my high school students is working "on the air" at a radio station. Others are at college pursuing further education. We, as technology teachers, should appreciate the vision and let our voices be heard when applicable, as to the positive influence of career technology. Thanks for the Perkins information !


When I began teaching, I was told on several occasions that after my third year of teaching, I'll feel equipped and fully prepared as a teacher. I must say that I feel that I am on my way to making that statement a reality. My first year teaching was a year spent finding my way a the lowest level imaginable. I was glad to assign work, manage a class, grade the work, and look like I knew what I was doing. Then, I began the NTI program. Now I have a clear idea of what is professional and required of a classroom teacher. I feel that my lessons after two years of experience, will be right on target with what I am trying to teach the students. Thanks to this program and my local system, I have learned a great deal of information to aid me in my classroom instruction.

Open Mic

The veterans at my school have said that once you get through your third year, it all falls into place. I'm feeling that. I will be finished with my third year this June. I don't feel like a rookie anymore. :-)

This course has done so much for me as a teacher and I wish I had known about it and completed it BEFORE I began teaching as opposed to after. But, I am comfortable with where I'm at in my skill level now.

The challenges that I face next year include a new curriculum with new Standards in line with Georgia KEYS. I also will see how to create and apply new content in our new schedule. Everyday will have a different bell schedule and it will definately take some getting used to. But, I think I'm ready for the challenge.

Most of my closest students are graduating this year. That's a love/hate feeling right there. I'm glad they are spreading their wings, and are successful, but I hate knowing they won't be there when I come back from summer break. I hope they apply the skills they have learned to whatever it is they want to accomplish. I also hope they keep in touch. Now it's almost time for new faces to come up from the middle schools with new "babies" to train. :-)

Open Mic

This has been a very rewarding year for me as a teacher. My work load this year was less than last year and it enabled me to work on special projects with some of our students. Also, watching our students grow academically and become more envolved in outside activities. For instance, this week we have students in Spain and Washington, DC who are competing in history and science with other students form other parts of the world. We are sending two robotic teams to the world championship tournament. These students have won at the state and the national levels. Next year will not be so easy. I will have a full load of classes, and I have been put in charge of ordering and inventorying all of our book and collecting for lost books. Also, the knowledge that I will that with me form NTI has been helpful this year and will continue to be helpful in the coming years. I met lots of very nice people and made many good friends at NTI, and I know that I will miss them. However, life goes on.
I am just relieved that the year is almost complete. Although each year is getting easier, I still feel very tired and stressed. I am happy to report that I have stepped up my game this semester. I have covered more material as a teacher. I am able to fix up or change my other lessons. I feel very comfortable with my work and delivery of my lessons. As a student, I have been very proactive instead of reactive. I have learned enough to coordinate my classes. I teach my classes with confidence and security. I thank you for all the tools you have given me. Happy Spring Break!!

Myself as a student

I have learned many things about myself as a student in the NTI program. It is much harder being student while having a significant amount of "adult" responsibilities. Having a job, children, as well as school presents it's own set of challenges. I definitely realize the degree of responsibility required for this program. I hope to enstill in my students the same sense of exellence I have discovered about myself during my time in this program.

Blog Time

My question for this weeks blog is this, wasn't March 29th to be our last blog? With that said, I will go ahead and post for this week. As a teacher right now I feel like my 3rd profession, after nursing and teaching, should be professional juggler. Sometimes it is VERY hard to keep all the balls in the air at one time and not drop something. Of course I am referring to the many tasks and responsibilities of teaching. I see some teachers walking around with their cup of coffee every morning, and leaving almost before the kids get out of the parking lot, and yet I am trying to use every morsal of time I have just to get it all done. I know this is an issue that we've discussed many times during class and on our blog, but it remains an issue and I suppose will continue to be an element of question as long as we teach. I am grateful for the support and humor of my classmates in NTI. I think getting go know each of you has been one of the highlights of NTI. So as of April 25th, thanks for the memories!!!!!

Sunday, April 5, 2009


I remember when I decided to leave the Department of Corrections to become a teacher and thinking to myself, "How hard can it be?" I thought that I could do anything for 54 minutes (the length of one class period). Well, the first day of teaching, I learned just how long 54 minutes could be. Although I am glad that I made the change, it is definitely not what I assumed it would be going in to it. It is much more complex than the picture I had painted in my mind. Teaching is a challenging job. Yet, it is one of the most rewarding jobs as well. As a student, I have learned how to make my job as a teacher easier and more successful. As a teacher, I have been reminded of the art that goes with teaching. The combination of being a student and a teacher has taught me how to share my knowledge with my students by teaching them lessons in my area of expertise and also preparing them for our workforce. Teaching is a lot harder than I had initially expected. Yet, it has been a rather rewarding challenge. With the said, I am not certain that I would have been very successful at this challenge without the things that I have learned as a student.

Myself as a teacher

The first thought that comes to mind when I look at myself as a student is "you can teach an old dog new tricks." It's amazing at how in tuned I am to the work done in class. School imparts a different meaning this time around. It has a true purpose. I look forward to coming to class because I know each time I will gain valuable, usable information. No class is ever a waste. I was a bit intimidated by the technology portion in the beginning. It was important to know that the instructors understood my "fear of the unknown" in this area.

Time managment is critical in taking classes this time around in school. I no longer have the freedom of just being a student. As a mom, wife, full time teacher, school council member, volunteer and on and on, it is difficult to complete all tasks before me. I have found that I must depend on others to take on responsibilities I once assumed and to help more. Like the saying goes, It's not the trip that is exciting, it is the journey it takes to get there.
Teaching is more than a job of educating our youth. The students look at you as the model of adult hood they see how you communicate with other students, teachers and administrators. They even know when your not feeling good. Many of the students I have taught in the pass always come back and speak with me about their experiences in college and their life after High school. I feel you have to be more than a teacher to the students , but you also must be professional at your job never to cross any lines. Students no who care about them and their success for education and life after high school. I recently took a class this week which only lasted two days it was an inservice for some of the Career tech teachers. It was called CRISS. Basically a program which taught you how to use different strategies in the classroom to allow the students to be more involved in the learning process. The funny thing was everything we discussed I had already had in NTI. I feel the the year long process of NTI really has helped me to become a better teacher in my field. The concept was similar to our program which gave me confidence to actually be more involved in the Workshop.


Teaching is more than just passing along information about a subject. Its being there for the student. I have encountered some of the most bright young students. When a student feels like than can come and speak to you about anything thats a good place to be. Some students can't depend on anyone. So when they feel like you care that may help them get through the day. So when a student seems distant, asking how they are doing could change their thoughts of you. Students sometimes just want to be heard. Listening could be the best teaching strategy.

“The Most Important Thing I've Learned About Myself as a Student”

“The Most Important Thing I've Learned About Myself as a Student” during the past three semesters in NTI is the essential training that has prepared me to become a better teacher. During my first year of teaching I didn’t have a clue of how to teach or manage my classroom. It was very difficult for me to make the transition from my industry to the classroom. NTI has given me the proper tools I will need to become a successful and effective teacher. Since I’ve been in this program I have grown and learned so much from the awesome instructors who have shared their professional and personal experiences in the classroom. Without this valuable instruction I could not be the teacher I am today.


The Most Important Thing

The most important thing I have learned as a student during the past three semesters in NTI is that knowledge of a subject matter and the ability to teach are processes learned. Starting with classroom management, student behaviors, and good planning. These we would probably realize, but fail in our procedures without the knowledge learned from NTI. Lesson planning, classroom and lab procedures also require knowledge. The numerous teaching strategies taught at NTI benefit our programs, they allow us to reach all of our students and provide variety for our students. The multiple assessment strategies alone would have been worth the tuition.
To summarize, the most important thing I have learned as a student during the past three semesters in NTI is that I lacked the knowledge to run a classroom and instruct affectively. The first thing taught at NTI was to not re-invent the wheel. We now have benefits of those before us. I believe Instruction requires knowledge, and further knowledge should be our highest priority. My father would ask daily what I had learned, when I made a mistake he would ask the same question. Our student’s parents should be doing the same, but more importantly are we?

Open Mic: My Typical Day!

Since this is open mic, let me just tell you about my typical day with 2 of my students. First block, I have 2 students that keep the class live. No matter what I put in front of them and any strategies I have learned, these 2 students will do what they like to do. Student 1 is the chatter box, can’t stop talking to save her life about everything about nothing! She has been in trouble with teachers, students, and her parents, because of her behavior. She has been suspended several times, but it has not had an affect on her behavior.

Student 2 is the instigator. This girl has been known to start at least 3 fights. She goes out of her way to target volatile students who will believe the proverbial “them”. “Them” or “they” are the all powerful force that seems to know everything and rules teenagers. Yes, student 2 uses “they” or “them” to start trouble between students. Then, she complains to me, of all people of all the drama that we have at school. Student 2 like student 1 has been suspended several times also.

One day, student1 and student2 were arguing in the hallway telling each other to shut up! I broke it up, of course, and reported both of them to the Assistant Principal. When I informed the Principal of what they were saying to each other, he burst into laughter and said, “Only if they listened to each other”.

I have more of this sort of day, maybe I will tell you about it on the next open mic.

What I Have Learned As A Student

Wow!  I have learned so much as a student!  This past year at NTI has opened my eyes to so much, as a student and a teacher and I'm really thankful for this experience!  As a student, I think the most important thing I've learned is that you should always learn.  I've had to state this to my students many times, as they sometimes expect me to know everything or they state that they don't want to learn something that I'm trying to teach them.  Now I know why the educational system values additional education from teachers.  It really pays to continue learning new concepts, new methods of teaching and new or revised material in your particular area of study.  I'm so proud to be in a profession that really values education.  I can't wait to move on to my next educational experience.  I plan to start working on my Master's in nursing or education by the end of this year.  I know that it will pay off for me and the students that I teach.  Although, I have always valued education and have always wanted an additional degree, the most important thing that I've learned is that I enjoy learning!

What I Have Learned As A Student

The most important thing that I have learned as a student this year is that teaching is one of the most challenging professions you can be in. I think it ranks up there with being a parent. After attending NTI this summer I was feeling like I was progressing only to realize after school started how far I was from what I had learned. Another important thing that stands out to me this year is how much I have learned from our instructors as well as from each other. Growing professionally is a lifelong commitment and part of that is sharing what you have learned to those around you. Thank you all for sharing your knowledge and wisdom it has been instrumental in me growing professional as well as personally.

The Most Important Thing I Have Learned As A Student:

Some of the most important things I have learned as a student during the past three semesters in NTI is the many different ways I and other students learn. I had to put myself back into the role of student. Yes, you can always say that learning is a life long process, but we are in a learning setting as student at NTI. By putting myself in that role as student I can really appreciate how my students learn today. I love learning from my fellow students at NTI. Those lessons are not in any formal teaching syllabus, but are a treasure to experience. To study the how and why students learn in detail has opened my eyes to many of my "challenged students". The Poker Chips Video really opened up a new world to me on how to reach students. The classroom and lab management strategies helped to keep me organized and on task. Technology has changed everything. Computers are here to be a great resource or tool for a student, but it is a skill that is my greatest challenge. I am still having some problems with free access to the Internet. But the many skills that NTI has exposed me to has helped immensely.

The Most Important Thing I Have Learned As A Student

The most important things I've learned about myself as a STUDENT during the past three semesters in NTI is . . . that you are always a student and it is important how students are treated. You are never too old to learn something new. Any one can learn if they are treated with respect and encouraged to do their best at all times. The video that we viewed on poker chips really enlightened me as a student and a teacher. I have learned how unprepared I was to manage lab and classroom in a learning environment. I am now prepared, thanks to NTI, to successfully manage the students. In my area of content, we are in the lab most of the time, so lab management is critical. Since we spend so much time in the lab, I needed a way to grade the students to show that they are gaining knowledge. I learned how to create rubrics and scorecards through NTI. These items have enabled me to grade their knowledge and learned skills in their lab activities. I plan to be a life long student.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Things that I have learned as a student in NTI.....

From being in NTI I have learned so much. This program has helped me to grow so much as a teacher that came into this field from industry. The program has given me structure and direction which I felt was missing in my first two years of instruction. Learning how to deal with classroom issues by becoming more familiar with classroom management and lab management. Also this program is lead by GREAT instructors, who are always available to answer questions and guide you in the right direction. I'm really sad to know that my time in NTI is coming to an end, being apart of NTI 08/09 I've met other great teachers from various diciplines and other school systems that will be friends forever. I must admit that we had an AWESOME class that was very competititive. I have learned so much from each of them, as well as the instructors of the program. All the things that I have learned will continue to go with me throughout my educational career. I appreciate all that NTI do to help career technical education, sometimes we feel like the stepchildren of education. This program shows that we are the 4runners of education in this day and time. I am so thankful for this program as it allowed me to grow in areas of creating lesson plans, constructing differentiated instructions, class/lab management, creating a variety of assessments and projects to challenge all levels of students and time management. Thanks NTI...............I am always here to lend a hand if needed.

What I've learned about myself as a STUDENT

One of the most important things that I have learned as a student is that you must continue to grow and learn. In order to remain productive and to contribute to those around you, whether it be your students, family, friends or others that depend on you, it is important to keep learning. The many concepts, knowledge, strategies and tools that you learn as a student at NTI are not only useful in the classroom which is our main purpose but can also be applied to our everyday lives, especially when helping others.

The areas where I have been able to learn and grow the most, while attending NTI, is in the area of classroom organization and management. I have learned a lot from the teachers and friends at NTI as we all have been juggling full time jobs, attending school and living our lives.

I certainly am not able to go at the pace I was once able to go at, but by applying what I have learned in classroom management and organization to my teaching career and my personal life, I have become more effective as a teacher and a person. I have learned how important it is to keep growing, learning and making contributions to others and our communities rather than retire and sit on the porch.


As a student...

The most important thing I have learned as a student while in NTI is that you are never too old to learn new things.  Some things don't change...keeping track of assignments, being on time, learning new information, communicating, not procrastinating, using technology, etc.  As a student I have learned new techniques to use in my classroom and methods to have an effective learning environment.  I have learned the value in relationship building and how important it is to communicate and plan ahead of time.  Learning truly is a life long process...a daily occurrence.  

Learning as a Student

"The most important thing I've learned about myself as a STUDENT during the past three semesters in NTI is first, that I am capable of life long learning and secondly, how important it is to model the behavior you want to see. Part of our motto at my school is to teach students to become life long learners and until NTI it did not really hit me that the potential is always there. As a student, I have learned how important it is to model behavior, and if you look close enough you will see it in your students, I have also learned that it is important to give a second chance most of the time. As students in NTI, we have been shown the utmost respect which always inspired me to do my best. This has been a good lesson for me and it is one that I will continue to model and hope that it will continue to bring forth the results I have experienced this year,

Friday, April 3, 2009

A Student Perspective

A new student entering high school and NTI initially have some common ground. The most important thing that I learned as a high school student is that there was a place for me to fit. I was involved in atletics and the arts. Today, I think that it is great that technology is being offered in the local high schools. It is providing a niche for students who would otherwise not fit in. As an NTI student, I felt the same way as a new high schooler...coming into a new situation...the unknown. After being with fellow teachers, I have valued the interactions of my peers, who are also transitioning from the business world to the teaching world. I have especially valued the interaction with the other broadcasting teachers. I have been able to glean from their ideas, stories and feedback. The GSU professors have been valuable to me with their teaching, support and expertise.I have "plugged into" a new student plugs into high school. I will be an alumni with NTI, and I hope to keep within the network of communication with everyone! Therefore, what I have learned the most as a student (and new teacher) is that there is a place for everyone to "land". It means that you have to discover yourself, your gifts, likes and goals. I have found common ground with the new teachers of NTI / GSU. This interaction has meant a lot to me, and I have found a valuable support system for the future.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

The most important thing

The most important thing I’ve learned about myself as a STUDENT during the past three semesters in NTI is discovering that you can teach an old dog some new tricks. I thought that I had finished my education years ago and would be well into retirement at this point in life. Well, this old dog was totally wrong. Fortunately, I began a teaching career and became a student who is always learning new things. Although at my age, it took some preparation and groundwork on my part to focus on being a student again. Since being a student of NTI, I have learned how valuable the course has been in supplying information for me in my teaching endeavors. One main thing that I have learned is to be more patient with the students that I teach. I can now better understand and relate to my students’ because of my experiences during this course. I have decided being a NTI student this past three semesters has been demanding and challenging. But in return, I have gained and learned a great deal of rewarding knowledge.

As a Student

The most important thing I've learned about myself as a STUDENT during the past three semesters in NTI is that time management is very important. It is most important to prioritize your schedule and manage yourself to allow ample time for all assignments and other work to be completed. I have a pretty demanding schedule and if I do not plan carefully it can be very hectic and cause unnecessary stress and pressure. I have also learned that I have a little more computer knowledge. The program at NTI has made me a more valuable teacher. I have also discovered that I am extremely patient, versatile and enjoy working with high school students. This has been an eventful year.

Myself as a Student

"The most important thing I've learned about myself as a STUDENT during the past three semesters in NTI is . . .that I am not as swift, physically nor mentally, as I once was in completing tasks. But I always feel a great sense satisfaction and freedom when each assignment is completed! As in the past, I have always enjoyed stepping up to new challenges, gaining new knowledge and finishing the course. I especially like being able to apply the new knowledge gained right away in the classroom setting. This process made the entire NTI experience more valuable. Initially, I had thought that this class should have been a part of my pre-teaching experience but now it has proven to be more beneficial after the first year of teaching. Overall, I have learned to appreciate the teaching profession from a student persepctive and now the Teacher.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Mamane as a student

The most important thing I've learned as a student is that, yes, I am capable of teaching. The skills I've learned at NTI have taken out a lot of the guess work in daily instruction. It's one thing to "know" your content, but it's totally different being able to "teach" that content. Being a student has enabled me to better deliver that content to my students. It has created a little empathy, in that I, too, am on the other side of the teacher's desk receiving information. I have to keep in mind that students learn differently, I need to differentiate instruction, I have to give poker chips, and the list goes on. In a nutshell, you could say that being a student de-mystifies teaching... a little.

Role as a student

The most important thing that I have learned about myself as a student is perhaps what being a student has taught me. I have become an organized person. This is something that I never thought I would be able to say about myself. I was always the biggest procrastinator but have found that I had to be organized and stay on top of things if I was going to stay sane! Working two jobs and going to school for the past 6 years has been quite the long haul. I always new I would make it, but some days it was a huge struggle. Organization had to become a part of my life if I were to succeed. It is such a good feeling to be able to lay my hands on things whenever I want to. I feel less stressed in my day to day life. Ultimately this new found organization has made me a much better teacher. I feel that I am in control of what happens in my life. I really don't feel that I would have learned how to be organized if it hadn't been for becoming a later in life student. Education has been very good to me! :)

The most important thing I've learned about myself

The most important thing I've learned about myself as a STUDENT during the past three semesters in NTI is how to be a better and more responsible teacher. I have learned the value of good lesson plans and good classroom management. I have also learned the value the value of teacher student relationships, and how to deal with special needs students. All students are different and learning the proper and correct uses of differentiating instruction has been so benifical in the school that I teach in. I have also learned that teaching is not just a job. A teacher is there for many things but the most inportant thing is to do the right thing for your students.

What I have learned about myself as a student

Some of the most important things I have learned about myself as a student this year is that one, I really like school, two I have high expectations of myself, and three I'm responsible for setting the standard in my classroom. I have liked the challenge of managing my time in order to get everything done, both at work and at home. I don't particuarly like that challenge when it's occurring, but I do like the feeling of completion and the whew factor when it's all finished. I also recognize that I have a tendancy to be goal oriented and want to get ALL my points. That's not to say that everything I do is perfect, but I do try to give my best. With that said, these thoughts actually help me when I try to motivate my students. I am beginning to ask them if they are giving me their best work, or return work and ask for changes to be made before I grade. As NTI has set the standard for me, I find that I can do the same for my students. Knowing expectations up front is a great motivator! Set the standard high, and don't back down. In doing this I feel that I better prepare my students for post-secondary education and a successful future.

49 and still going STRONG

"The most important thing I've learned about myself as a STUDENT during the past three semesters in NTI is ...that it is never to late to learn. In fact I am a much better student now than I ever was. When I decided to complete my last semester at NTI I truly was very uncertain about my future. Could I juggle 1 more semester of NTI, work full time, run a youth ministry, raise a family etc.? Yes I could. I believe in myself far more now than I ever have before. I have learned that where there is a will there is a way. I have applied to graduate school for the fall semester. I may or may not ever return as a HS teacher, but instead may move up to the college level to teach with my Master's in Nursing. I think about what NTI has taught me and I cannot help but feel so prepared for the future. 49 and still going strong!!

myself as a STUDENT during the past three semesters in NTI is . . . "

"The most important thing I've learned about myself as a STUDENT during the past three semesters in NTI is . . . that school is still school and that as a student you get out of it what you put into it. The past three semesters have been changeling from time to time especially the first semester during last summer that was a true push. I have learned that I have changed as a student from the last time that I was in a classroom as a student at Clark Atlanta, I feel that I am a better student than I was even then.

When in the role as a student you get a different prospective of the student stand point once you have been in the teacher role. I have found that it takes patience to be a good student to be able to excel in the area of being a student compared to always being the teacher. The past three semesters as a NTI student as been quite an experience for better and worse, and that I have had to really push myself in order to get things done in a timely manner and produce quality work to achieve a good grade. But overall I have learned a lot of myself as a student and a teacher over the last three semesters.