This site is a class blog space for new Career and Technical Specializations and Heathcare Science teachers enrolled in the New Teacher Institute (NTI) at Georgia State University in Atlanta, Georgia.
Rules For Posting To This Blog and Weekly Blog Question
1. Only use your first name (no last names, addresses, IM screen names, etc.)
2. Show respect and consideration of others when posting and commenting. This includes individuals, students, organizations, political parties, colleagues, etc.
3. Check all posts for spelling and grammar errors before posting.
4. Protect the privacy of others. Gain permission from other people before you write about them. Avoid sharing someone else's last name. Use job titles or pseudonyms when writing about experiences with your co-workers or students.
5. Watch your language. Use politically correct and non-offensive language.
6. Make sure you write about things that are factual.
7. Keep your postings education-oriented. Avoid discussing plans for the weekend, etc.
2. Show respect and consideration of others when posting and commenting. This includes individuals, students, organizations, political parties, colleagues, etc.
3. Check all posts for spelling and grammar errors before posting.
4. Protect the privacy of others. Gain permission from other people before you write about them. Avoid sharing someone else's last name. Use job titles or pseudonyms when writing about experiences with your co-workers or students.
5. Watch your language. Use politically correct and non-offensive language.
6. Make sure you write about things that are factual.
7. Keep your postings education-oriented. Avoid discussing plans for the weekend, etc.
This week I would like you to use your imagination. You have just won the lottery and will leave your teaching post immediately to travel around the world. As you leave your keys you meet your replacement. You are asked to give this new teacher just ONE piece of advice. What would that be, and why? Enjoy your world expedition!
Blog Post - Week 7
This past week in my own teaching I felt a little disconnected which prompts my question to you, "What was the moment (or moments) when I felt most disconnected or disengaged as a teacher - the moment(s) I said to myself, I'm just going through the motions here?"
Fall Semester 2016 Blog Post - Week 6
For the past couple of weeks you have experienced asynchronous online learning (doing modules by yourself). Previously this semester you have experienced synchronous online learning (all together in the Collaborate room). Which do you think is more effective and why do you think that? Which do you like better, and why?
Fall Semester 2016 Blog Post - Week 5
This week we have what we call "open mic." You can write a post about anything related to your teaching that you would like responses from your classmates.
Fall Semester 2016 Blog Post - Week 4
Here is this week's question: "What was the event that most took me surprise this week - and event that shook me up, caught me off guard, gave me a jolt, or made me unexpectedly happy?"
Fall Semester 2016 Blog Post - Week 3
Please write a post about the following question, "In thinking about my past week teaching what is one thing I would do differently, and why?"
Fall Semester 2016 Blog Post - Week 2
Please write a post about the following question, " In thinking about my teaching activities this past week, of what do I feel most proud? Why?"
Fall Semester 2016 Blog Post - Week 1
Describe something you used in your program in the first weeks of school that you learned in the summer NTI program. How did it work? Did it get you off to a stronger start than last year?
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
The Most Important Thing That I Learn About Myself
One of the most important things that I have learned about myself is that even at my age, I am still capable of learning new things. Also meeting many different students and sharing ideas has been one of the greatest benifits that has happened to me at NTI. This past year has taught me how important my relations with my students are and the impact that I can have on their lives. In my interaction with my students, I now have more patiences and have become a better listener. Another important thing that I learned about myself is that I needed to be better organized, and to spend more time in preparing my lessons. By spending more preparation time has made my lessons more interesting for my students and helped me to keep my students more involved. The NTI experience has given me a different outlook, and that there is more to life than retiring. I enjoy what I'm doing now and would not take anything for deciding to become a teacher. It sure beats going to an airport every day as I did for thirty years.
From a Student's Point of View
I haven't been at NTI for a consecutive three semesters, but all in all I have been at NTI for three semesters. I have still learned a lot about myself as a student. I have learned how important it is not to procrastinate. I am much happier as a person if I get my work done early. You never know what life might throw at you at the last minute that keeps you from being able to do your work. Taking classes at NTI while working at the classroom has helped me see and do what we talk about. It really helps me to internalize what we learn if I get to see it in action. I learn best by doing something. I guess that makes me a kinesthetic learner.
Shellee Student
"The most important thing I've learned about myself as a STUDENT during the past three semesters in NTI is . . . that I have more energy and certainly more guts than I thought I did. This past year has been full of changes for me. I changed careers, moved to another county, and took on college, all whilebeing the fulltime parent for my two young daughters and their various never ending needs. If anyone had asked me even a year ago if I could accomplish all of this and still remain sane-I would have laughed my head off at them. The sane part is still an issue at times, but I have learned that I can do most anything I set my mind to do. I have learned to prioritize my life and I have learned if there are dishes in the sink, it is okay. I moved an entire home with only my kids and my mother to help, my kids got to cheerleading and gymnastics and have never missed a homework assignment for school, and I can honestly say that I am a much richer person for the experience. I have learned so much and met so many interesting people during my experience as a student this past year. I have learned to get out of my comfort zone and meet people that I never would have met had I not attended GSU this year. I rode Marta all by myself several times and only got lost once-and did not get killed!! If that is not an accomplishment, then I don't know what is :). I am so glad that I took these courses when I did! We are completing the GAPPS at my school as I write this and everything my administration told us to do in our classrooms during our observations-I was already doing because I have not learned to do it any different. This was a plus!! Thank you all for the experience-it has been so worthwhile!!
myself as a student
The most important thing I have learned about myself as a student is my ability. Last year there is no way I thought could of taken on school. Adding one more log to the fire was not even a consideration. The only way for me to complete the New Teacher Institute is be organized and have good time management. Otherwise I think I would have completely pulled my hair out. I have pleasantly surprised myself this year. I have maintained a good GPA, while fulfilling my responsibilities at work. Also I have still managed to be a wife and a mom. We all know the responsibilities that go along with that. I can only hope that my momentum keeps on going. Who know where it will lead me. Through all of this, I managed to become a better teacher, student and mom.
Monday, March 30, 2009
The Most Important Thing I Learned This Year
The most important thing I've learned about myself as a teacher in the past term/year is that I lyove being in the school environment. I love being a support and facilitator to student learning, but also for school activities. The bottom line, is really helping the kids learn about life in this environment. I've seen kids mature and grow in the last year, especially those in the club. Kids that were extremely shy now are willing to step up and speak out for causes. They aren't just learning the book work, but also learning life skills such as teamwork, citizenship, negotiation, etc..
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Things Learned about Myself
The most important thing that I've learned in the past year is that teaching is a huge responsibility. As teachers, we can mold these young peoples lives. I learned that what we speak in their lives will make a big impact on their future. In my personal life, I had a teacher that spoke negative things in my life. I don't want that for my students. I have a good relationship with my students. They respect the line between teacher and student, but they also know if they need to talk about anything, I was there for them. It takes respect from them and for them. I don't have the perfect class by no means, but I have good students.
Myself as a teacher
The most important thing I've learned about myself as a teacher in the past term/year is that I am an individual needing to collaborate with other individuals in order to make a difference. No one person can do it alone. Finding the right resources makes a world of difference in getting the job done and in overall job satisfaction. I have found that the most important aspect of a job to me is feeling that I am making a positive difference. Someone once told me, “Don’t try to do someone elses job unless you are getting paid for it. Go to them for the answers and let them handle what they are the experts at doing. This way you divide and conquer and all go home at peace at the end of the day” I have also come to realize that it is through collaborating with peers that you find out what is happening in the field and how not to spend extra time reinventing the wheel. I am assured and satisfied in knowing that what I am doing counts. Everyone wants to be needed. The time, the effort, the work is part of what Ido because I want to give my best.
What I've learned about myself...
The thing I've learned the most about myself this year is that I really enjoy teaching. Its a great career and one that allows me to use my people skills to help students and other teachers. I have learned that I have to learn when to say no, or to not commit to every opportunity that comes my way. I love being involved in the school and helping every way I can - but sometimes it spreads me too thin and I lose track easily. This semester has been a great example of that - balancing school, teaching, coaching, pregnancy (no not me, my wife :) ) and just everyday issues. I have learned that I really want to get a solid plan together for each class I teach and prepare it ahead of time instead of rushing. I am great at putting things together last minute but I want to establish a plan. A resource book. Everything we've been taught to do! I just haven't found time to do it yet. I have learned that I want to pursue a masters degree in special ed. I have learned that I want to coach for a long time. I have learned that one day, I want to go into leadership. I have learned that I want to continue to build my program bigger and better. I have learned that this is what I want to do until I am old and gray. :)
Myself as a Teacher
The most important thing I've learned about myself as a teacher this year is that I like being a teacher. I like telling people that I am a teacher when I am asked what I do for a living. I like knowing that I have the opportunity to teach, inspire, and instill values in my students. Coming from a different field into the field of teaching makes me appreciate the many benefits of being a teacher. I enjoy learning from my students as much as I enjoy teaching them. I think teaching makes me a better person. As a teacher, I look at things from various perspectives rather than assuming that my way is the only or the best direction to take.
The only thing I still do not like about school is the lunches!
The only thing I still do not like about school is the lunches!
Myself as a Teacher
"The most important thing I've learned about myself as a teacher in the past term/year is . . . " that I truly love teaching. I love sharing the knowledge that I have with others. I love introducing students to the health care field and showing them all the awesome opportunities there are in health care. I love teaching my content, I love the equipment I get to use to teach the students, and I love seeing them get experience practicing skills that are relevant to the health care field. I believe that I have always had good management and organizational skills. I have learned that my skills translate well into the classroom. I have also learned that I can handle the teenager. I have to admit that in my first year of teaching I was fearful that I would get up in front of them and be bowled over by them. Now that I am in my second year of teaching I have learned that I can handle teenagers and I am learning to appreciate them for who they are and the stage of life they are in. I can command their respect and manage their behaviors. I am still learning to "go with the flow" in the chaotic environment of high school. I believe that the more flexible you are the less frustrated you will become and in the end that will make you a happier teacher.
The Most Important Thing I Have Learned .........
"The most important thing I've learned about myself as a teacher in the past year is that teaching is a journey." What works one day may be a disaster the next. That my students as well as myself are a work in progress. That each day brings new challenges and special moments of celebration. I’ve learned to be patient with myself as well as the students. My students have taught me that sharing funny moments builds a sense of community in the classroom.
The most important thing I learned during the semester about myself sense I have been teaching. The fact I have become a better teacher has given me more confidence as an instructor. I have been teaching for four years I had to get a waiver certification, because I didn't attend NTI for the 2008-2008 school year. I think God for the waiver because I was going through several things with my family and my newborn which disallowed me to attend the NTI program. Ever thing worked almost perfect Dr. Burns wrote a letter on my behalf to central office which helped get the waiver from my school system. I think about all the students I have met and the teachers who have helped me during my short years of teaching and it brings me joy. Coming from a Law enforcement background I really was fearful in making mistakes in the classroom because I wanted to make sure I did teach the wrong thing in the wrong format. Sense I have been in the program I has really given me orgnizational skills and learning techniques I can apply in the everyday lesson plan format we use.
Also being around other teachers in the program knowing that we sometimes experience some of the same problems in the classroom. It helps you to stay focus on the job at hand. The information we recived will help us through out our career and I will continue to build upon that foundation.
Also being around other teachers in the program knowing that we sometimes experience some of the same problems in the classroom. It helps you to stay focus on the job at hand. The information we recived will help us through out our career and I will continue to build upon that foundation.
Me, Myself and I
Me, myself and I have learned quite a bit this year. As for me, teaching is a learning experience. This year, one of the most important things learned is that things never stay the same. This is my second year teaching and it was totally different from last year. My rooms were different, the students were different, attitudes in general were different. Next year will kick me to the bottom again, as I begin a new program at a brand new school, with a new principal. Expectations (and antipicipation) are high.
Another thing learned -- I can't do this all by myself. I need the support of other teachers (and GSU instuctors) to get by. We create a network when we ask for help... or simply put help out there to be utilized. Being a part of that network is crucial to maintain sanity.
I have learned that I can make an impact on students lives. Everything that I say, can and will be held against me, so I must choose my words wisely. Being positive is so very important. Show them their best qualities. Really. They don't always realize what they are. It only takes one (me, myself and I) to shed light on that path.
"The most important thing I've learned about myself as a teacher in the past term/year is . . . "
The most important thing I've learned about myself as a teacher in the past term/year is that I am a teacher in every sense of the word. Since becoming a part of the Education industry, I have learned that when you become a eudcator, you to teach many things to many people. You are not only an educator to your students, you are an educator to their parents, to your colleagues and even to your administration. Being an educator is very powerful and with that authority comes a high level of responsibility. I once heard that it only takes one or two teachers to make or break a student. With that said, what you teach and how you teach plays a tremendous role in a child's development and the overall culture of the school. I have learned that I every opportunity I am with my studentsshould be made into a teaching moment.
Being a CTAE teacher you find that you create a great deal of teaching moments with many people in your school due to your area of study being techincal and industry specific. You find yourself educating colleagues through hallway conversations and educators through classroom observations. You also educate your students' parents on how their chldren are learning in your classroom and how it will aid their overall education career. Specifically this past semester, I have found myself educating many seniors, that are not in my classroom, on some very important college information. I have found myself in many more teachable moments as I and our student population become more comfortable co-existing in the same learningenvironment.
Being a CTAE teacher you find that you create a great deal of teaching moments with many people in your school due to your area of study being techincal and industry specific. You find yourself educating colleagues through hallway conversations and educators through classroom observations. You also educate your students' parents on how their chldren are learning in your classroom and how it will aid their overall education career. Specifically this past semester, I have found myself educating many seniors, that are not in my classroom, on some very important college information. I have found myself in many more teachable moments as I and our student population become more comfortable co-existing in the same learningenvironment.
What I Have Learned About Myself...
What I have about myself as a teacher this past year is that I have lots of patience and had some sort of calling to be a teacher. There has been many times that someone younger might have given up, but because of age or ignorance I did not give up. Young people today are different than just even a few years ago. Patience has been a blessing at times in my classroom. The kids are always watching for your reaction to every situation. Sometimes students will try you just to get some sort of reaction or delay to instruction. There have been many occasions where the reward is larger than the detraction. As I have written several times in this blog, I am truly thankful for the support from my family, friends, the NTI instructors, and my boss. I did not to choose this new career path, it choose me and I am blessed.
I cannot narrow down what I have learned this past year to just a couple of ideas. This blog has been a vent, a learning tool, a summary, and a reality check for me and I have enjoyed the blog immensely.
I cannot narrow down what I have learned this past year to just a couple of ideas. This blog has been a vent, a learning tool, a summary, and a reality check for me and I have enjoyed the blog immensely.
What I've Learned
The most important thing I've learned about myself as a teacher in the past year is that I’m getting better as a teacher. When I first started, I had an experienced teacher working with me. He worked with me for an entire year at which point I felt more comfortable. All of the training I have gotten and still getting are very helpful as it is assisting me in different aspects of the profession. From dealing with students to creating an atmosphere of cooperative work, I am slowly getting a little bit better. In the past year, I have been implementing more project based activities, since I have a better sense of grading the students as a group and individually. I am discovering that I am having a better year this year than in the past. I don’t seem to be as tired when I get home each day from dealing with the students. I am now convinced that being a facilitator is much better than being the “teacher” to my students. Who knows, maybe in the future I will achieve “Master Teacher”.
What I have learned about myself
What I have learned the most about myself as a teacher in the past year is what constitutes my strengths and weaknesses. I have been made aware of this by being educated through NTI. My strengths are my creativity, energy and rapport with the students. My weaknesses include over commitment which causes me to be unprepared at times. I am sorting through how to manage my time and how to give my time away. I am a natural giver and worker and that has posed some problems from being in a classroom that has a lot to offer. I see the need to set boundaries and schedule appointments. I can't copy a dvd for any teacher that drops by at the last minute. I have learned that their emergency does not constitute an emergency on my behalf. I feel that I have been stretched beyond my job description and that I need to be more pointed and contained with my classroom students. However, I feel that the classroom management plan and discipline tips taught at NTI will continue to help me fine tune my teaching skills and procedures for future development.
Things I've Learned About Myself as a Teacher
The most important thing I've learned about myself as a teacher in the past term/year is . . .” I have a strong passion for teaching and connecting with students who are in my program as well as others who are trying to transfer into my program. I have experienced a large amount of students who have heard about the program and have taken steps to changing their pathway. I have been told by several teachers how my students talk about my class and wanting to be a part of the Video Production team. Several of my students have been showcased on the Atlanta Public Schools website and have been recognized for their work on the APS Today television show. I hope I can continue to make a change in the future journalists of tomorrow.
Things I have learned about myself as a teacher.....
The most important thing I've learned about myself as a teacher in the past term/year is . . . thanks to NTI ,I have grown in so many ways. I feel now I can conduct a more structured program for my students. I have also learned that as a teacher you have to really know how to multitask. This semester alone I have been working on so many projects and they all required so much of my time, from attending school, teaching, preparing for various competitions, working towards industry certification and still maintaining my motherly duties. Having my husband away in Iraq I've had to do everything around the house as well. Going into this I knew it was going to be a lot but I have organized my time and created time lines for myself so that I could get through everything by the required deadlines. I know now my true potential, anything that I set my mind to I know I can accomplish. Being a teacher I know there is always room for growth, with that I know there are some other areas I really need to work on to make me become a better teacher.
Also I have learned that students respond better to class instruction when there is structure. They tend to work harder and maintain information when they know what to expect or the expectations of them in class. This year alone I have students that work so hard in my classes and they are always volunteering to do things after school to help out. I appreciate all that they do and I feel that they do it because they enjoy the class, alone with understanding the structure of the class.
Also I have learned that students respond better to class instruction when there is structure. They tend to work harder and maintain information when they know what to expect or the expectations of them in class. This year alone I have students that work so hard in my classes and they are always volunteering to do things after school to help out. I appreciate all that they do and I feel that they do it because they enjoy the class, alone with understanding the structure of the class.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Most Important thing...
"The most important thing I've learned about myself as a teacher in the past term/year is . . . that there is a possibility that I am a 'teacher'. I have realized that if I focus on what attracted me to teaching, the students, and leave all other things at the door. Over this year my students continue to surprise me. I submitted 11 students video projects into the county media fest and 7 will move on to State competition. Three students had perfect scores. I could tell that they are very proud of themselves. I had student from another class tell me congratulations and you know that means you are doing a great job teaching your students. His statement surprised me, then I thought students do listen and pay attention to instructors performance. I have also noticed that a teachers actions will have more influence on students than talking. One of my students is Grayson Tech Student of the Year. The banquet was nice and she had to make a statement about me, she spoke about me staying late, coming in early and meeting her last summer for a project...that made me realize what we do/model as teachers will have a great effect on our students. We might not know it at that moment but it will be revealed when we least expect it.
Things I Have Learned About Myself
The most important thing I've learned about myself as a teacher in the past term/year is that I am indeed a teacher as well as a nurse. I have practiced thirty years plus as a nurse and three years as a teacher. One of my areas of focus this year has been to improve my educational skills and my ability to teach students elements of the healthcare professions. Although I feel I still have a distance to travel in this venture, I have been successful in a number of areas of concern. Thanks to lesson planning, instructional strategies, methodology and the many organizational skills learned in NTI, I feel so much better prepared than I have in the past. The difference has been in the methods used to teach the same curriculum as before, however, with a new found confidence that has assisted in my development as a teacher. Effective planning and implementation have been the norm rather than the exception and this has helped me relay the material at my disposal to receptive students. I have suffered the perils that all other teachers experience but my new found skills have certainly allowed me to recover and remain on task.
Teacher's Behavior = Student's Behavior
The most important thing I've learned about myself as a teacher in the past term/year is . . . I must keep up with my student's progress DAILY.
It seems that I've fallen into a valley these last few weeks. My dream for each student is that they can catch a glimpse of what it is like in a real-world office environment. I try to give freedoms and try to stay out of their hair and let them work individually. They approach me for questions. I don't stand over them and watch them work (who would enjoy that?) I've noticed these last two weeks, the students are not accomplishing their work like they once did. Perhaps it is the desire for spring break? I'm not sure. All I know is, the pace and flow of my class has grinded to a halt. The number of incompletes in the gradebook is ridiculous!
So what can I do? I'm learning that during the middle of a week-long project, I need to get in there and nudge them into working harder; all of them, even the students who are on task. There is always room for improvement. My lack of drive lately is most likely the reason we are all settling for average, mediocre projects.
It is my responsibility to set the standard for the class. When I'm excited and driven, so are the students. And when I am not excited and driven, we end up where we are now. BEHAVIOR BREEDS BEHAVIOR...
It seems that I've fallen into a valley these last few weeks. My dream for each student is that they can catch a glimpse of what it is like in a real-world office environment. I try to give freedoms and try to stay out of their hair and let them work individually. They approach me for questions. I don't stand over them and watch them work (who would enjoy that?) I've noticed these last two weeks, the students are not accomplishing their work like they once did. Perhaps it is the desire for spring break? I'm not sure. All I know is, the pace and flow of my class has grinded to a halt. The number of incompletes in the gradebook is ridiculous!
So what can I do? I'm learning that during the middle of a week-long project, I need to get in there and nudge them into working harder; all of them, even the students who are on task. There is always room for improvement. My lack of drive lately is most likely the reason we are all settling for average, mediocre projects.
It is my responsibility to set the standard for the class. When I'm excited and driven, so are the students. And when I am not excited and driven, we end up where we are now. BEHAVIOR BREEDS BEHAVIOR...
The most important thing I've learned about myself as a teacher in the past term/year is that I am capable of working outside of my comfort zone. Many times when I make decisions I try to key it simple and make it comfortable for me. As a teacher I have realized that it cannot always be what is comfortable however, it needs to be what is best for the students success. I also realize that I tend to function better when I am in total control or at least have clear and descriptive directions therefore; this is the way I try to relate to my students. I have also learned that many of my students have a great amount of respect for me In and out of my presence. This was shared with me by a student who does not have my class. I realize that change is a process that takes place one step at a time.
My Continuing Education as a Teacher
The most important thing I've learned about myself as a teacher in the past term/year is that I am too trustworthy as a person and teenagers are teenagers and will continue to be. I had been teaching in my perfect little world (classroom), thinking the students would listen to me and do whatever I ask them without question. After a few incidences in the classroom with students loading games and music on the computers in the classroom, and doing whatever it takes to not do their work. Trying to get away with whatever they can, and just not to do their assignments. I came to realize, in order for me to be a better teacher, I must monitor every student’s actions 100% of the time. Don’t get me wrong it is not every student in every class, but some of the students that got caught; I would have never thought they would try to get away with foolish antics. Thanks to Net Support sever software and to my growing awareness as a teacher, we have not gotten the situation under control. I have learned so much about the teenage mind this year. I feel it has helped me as a person as well as a parent.
Myself as a Teacher
"The most important thing I've learned about myself as a teacher in the past term/year is . . . that I really enjoy teaching especially on those good days when the instructions go as planned. Teaching pose challenges that no one can understand or identify with until you have walked
in the shoes of a teacher. Yet, I have managed to maintain and model the personal qualities of a health care worker combined with those of a teacher. I believe I am an effective teacher because of my ability to accept constructive criticism, change with the times, show flexibility, maintain integrity, show patience, good organizational skills, positive attitude, willingness to learn, and being a team player in spite of being tested by students, colleagues, and family. Although the qualities listed have been tested at some point and time, I have learned that we will all have good days and bad days regardless of the careful planning.
I am confident that with all of the qualities listed above along with diligence, effective planning, and a little more sleep, I can become a master teacher and continue to share my knowledge and skills as a nurse and teacher with all students I have been charged to teach.
in the shoes of a teacher. Yet, I have managed to maintain and model the personal qualities of a health care worker combined with those of a teacher. I believe I am an effective teacher because of my ability to accept constructive criticism, change with the times, show flexibility, maintain integrity, show patience, good organizational skills, positive attitude, willingness to learn, and being a team player in spite of being tested by students, colleagues, and family. Although the qualities listed have been tested at some point and time, I have learned that we will all have good days and bad days regardless of the careful planning.
I am confident that with all of the qualities listed above along with diligence, effective planning, and a little more sleep, I can become a master teacher and continue to share my knowledge and skills as a nurse and teacher with all students I have been charged to teach.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
"The most important thing I've learned about myself as a teacher”
The whole year for me has been constantly changing. As a result of the changing maturity levels in the students, my best have become my worst and my worst have become my best. I have always been a patient and understanding person but this year I have learned that it is not enough. There have been times when dealing with the students that it has taken all of the reserve I have, but actually it has made me a better person in and out of the classroom.
I have learned to manage my time better and to be more organized in my assignments and activities. Some days it is OK to give myself a break and not be so focused, to lighten up and have fun in the classroom. It is also OK to have administration involved in classroom discipline instead of letting the discipline problems interfere with my teaching. I try to keep this at a minimum because their plates are full also. The main thing I have learned is “You cannot go wrong by getting better at who you are”.
I have learned to manage my time better and to be more organized in my assignments and activities. Some days it is OK to give myself a break and not be so focused, to lighten up and have fun in the classroom. It is also OK to have administration involved in classroom discipline instead of letting the discipline problems interfere with my teaching. I try to keep this at a minimum because their plates are full also. The main thing I have learned is “You cannot go wrong by getting better at who you are”.
Myself as a Teacher
"The most important thing I've learned about myself as a teacher in the past term/year is . . . "
that I cannot run an effective classroom without organization. I never thought of myself as an overly organized, type A, person. However after a year of teaching it appears that I am very much so that type. There is such a sense of relief for me when I have my lesson plans prepared well ahead of time as well as the copies and material needed. I clearly remember walking into some of the other Career Tech classes that I had to cover and the first thing I did was organize their desk. I found it very distracting to sit at a desk where there was no room for anything and cluttered.I suppose this trait can also have its downside though. Too much of it can lead to frustration on my part when my expectations are not met or someone interferes with my organization process. I had a back table that I would lay out the lesson plan materials for the week and this helped me to see what lay ahead for me for the week. If the piles somehow got moved or misplaced I made sure before I left for the day that my piles were once again in order. Maybe this has some rationale behind my being a visual learner. I learn much quicker by visualizing things. I can see this trait in some of the students that I have taught in the past.
that I cannot run an effective classroom without organization. I never thought of myself as an overly organized, type A, person. However after a year of teaching it appears that I am very much so that type. There is such a sense of relief for me when I have my lesson plans prepared well ahead of time as well as the copies and material needed. I clearly remember walking into some of the other Career Tech classes that I had to cover and the first thing I did was organize their desk. I found it very distracting to sit at a desk where there was no room for anything and cluttered.I suppose this trait can also have its downside though. Too much of it can lead to frustration on my part when my expectations are not met or someone interferes with my organization process. I had a back table that I would lay out the lesson plan materials for the week and this helped me to see what lay ahead for me for the week. If the piles somehow got moved or misplaced I made sure before I left for the day that my piles were once again in order. Maybe this has some rationale behind my being a visual learner. I learn much quicker by visualizing things. I can see this trait in some of the students that I have taught in the past.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Most Important
The most important thing I've learned in the past term/year is instructing our students requires respect of both parties. The students will test the boundaries, Even our most trusted students will try to get away with something. Some of the things they will try will amaze us, not for what they may gain, but that they will chance the consequences for something so unlikely. We would all like our students to like us, but our students must respect us in order to instruct them. Correction is essential. The methods are all that should vary. Each action causes a consequence, be fair, but always be consistant. We must remember adults will let you down, so it follows the students will occasionally do the same. They are not our friends, but our wards. we are here to lead. We lead by example, consistancy, and dedication. They fall, and we start again. This is not personal, this is not a game. What we do, and how we respond will follow our students for a lifetime.
Most Important
"The most important thing I've learned about myself as a teacher in the past term/year is . . . that I am a pretty good teacher and that I can be effective in my instructions. The reason I say this is that many times this year my students have recalled information that I taught them a while ago. This makes me feel so proud and that I have made a difference in the lives of my students. Also I've learned that certain situations call for certain things and when they are needed and not try to treat everything the same way.
I have learned that I can become an even better teacher with the more time that I put into doing and planning for events. This past year has been one of my best years and I know that I have more years to come, & I can become a great teacher if I stay on pace and do what I know needs to be done to make me better to improve my students. I have shown myself that I can juggle and be successful, with taking NTI, exceptional child class, teaching, baby on the way, and everything else and coming through this far in the school year.
Most IMportant
The most important thing I have learned about myself as a teacher this past year is that I make mistakes and it is OK. I tend to be hard on myself and feel that if I do not do everything perfectly that I am a failure. I have found that it is OK to tell a student that I have made a mistake and that I am sorry. I have also found that people don't put the same importance on my mistakes as I do. There have been so many changes in my life this year and I had to sit back and prioritize my life. This helped me to come to the realization that sometimes "good enough" is just that "good enough". Not every single thing I do for my students has to be perfect nor can it be. My students seem to appreciate when I admit to making a mistake, maybe they see my human side. Or, maybe it helps them to see that it is OK to admit your faults and own up to them. As a teacher I know that we are some of the biggest influences on our students, so if they learn this lesson from me, I will feel successful.
Most Important
The most important thing I’ve learned about myself as a teacher in the past term/year is that I discovered I have a hidden talent. My role as a teacher has enhanced this hidden talent that I did not realize I possessed. This talent is my ability to be patience, have endurance, and tolerance in dealing with the younger generation. I had no idea how much a teacher had to cope with until this year. My first two years consisted of getting my feet on the ground and understanding the methods I would put to use in setting up my classes. This year seems to be different because I am dealing with students that have such a diverse background. I am dealing with more classroom problems than I did in my first two years of teaching. For the most part, I have been able to take care of the problems in the classroom with out having administrative involvement. My classes are better prepared now than in previous years mainly because of the NTI program. The NTI course has helped me to deal better with lesson plans as well with students’ behaviors that create problems in the classroom. Sometimes, I feel a little overwhelmed but overall I feel this has been a great year and I am looking forward to next year.
A little at a time
The most important thing I've learned about myself as a teacher in the past year is that I need to take things one step at a time. It is easy for me to get discouraged about the million things that I seem to have on my plate at one time. I have learned that it helps me to take things one step at a time. I realize that looking at the big picture and dwelling on it really overwhelms and discourages me. I have to break things down and look at a little piece at a time to avoid feeling overwhelmed. Working towards certification has been overewhelming at times. I have to look at it and think that the harder I work, the sooner it will be over. I think that everyone gets to a point when they feel like there is so much to do and not enough time to do it in. When I get to that point, I have to stop and remind myself that everything will get done ... eventually!
Important Things That I Have Learned
The most important thing that I have learned over time from teaching is how to be better organized. Sometimes we don't take the proper time to organize and this can cost us valueable time and takes away from instruction time. By being better organized enables me to handle and prevent distractions and class intruptions and stay on subject.
After teaching the same subject one becomes more adept and more efficient at presenting subject matter. I find that over time, I do more research and am able to add more interesting facts which makes the subject more interesting to the students. Also by knowing more about the subject that I'm teaching puts me more at ease and give me more confidence which I think rubs off on the students. I find now that it takes less preparation which enable me to devote more time to other matters such as how to keep my student involve in the lesson and how to make better presentations. I learned quite a bit from another teacher at our school who practices his delivery, and he is able to keep his students undivided attention. Without a student's attention, it is very difficult teach them anything.
After teaching the same subject one becomes more adept and more efficient at presenting subject matter. I find that over time, I do more research and am able to add more interesting facts which makes the subject more interesting to the students. Also by knowing more about the subject that I'm teaching puts me more at ease and give me more confidence which I think rubs off on the students. I find now that it takes less preparation which enable me to devote more time to other matters such as how to keep my student involve in the lesson and how to make better presentations. I learned quite a bit from another teacher at our school who practices his delivery, and he is able to keep his students undivided attention. Without a student's attention, it is very difficult teach them anything.
Dolphins, Butterflies, and Ladybugs
I like to think of my post title as a set induction, if I can get people interested, then they may read my posting. Of course, this posting has nothing to do with Dolphins, Butterflies, or Ladybugs. That being said, please enjoy my humble submission...
The most important thing I've learned about myself as a teacher in the past term/year is... that teaching and my career run a distant second to my family and my mental well-being. Please do not think that I do not take my role as an educator seriously, but I know that we can be so invested in lesson planning, IEP meetings, and collaboration, that we don't have time for what makes life worth living.
I know how important it is to be prepared and have a good plan, but I feel that if you are not getting enough time with your family and to yourself, you will become overwhelmed. When this happens, whatever spark you may have had to begin with will be extenguished by the monontony of daily life.
Don't think that this posting is a bad thing, that it is an indication of my fading light. In fact, I feel quite the opposite. I now see a light at the end of the tunnel and I am becoming very happy with my surroundings.
The most important thing I've learned about myself as a teacher in the past term/year is... that teaching and my career run a distant second to my family and my mental well-being. Please do not think that I do not take my role as an educator seriously, but I know that we can be so invested in lesson planning, IEP meetings, and collaboration, that we don't have time for what makes life worth living.
I know how important it is to be prepared and have a good plan, but I feel that if you are not getting enough time with your family and to yourself, you will become overwhelmed. When this happens, whatever spark you may have had to begin with will be extenguished by the monontony of daily life.
Don't think that this posting is a bad thing, that it is an indication of my fading light. In fact, I feel quite the opposite. I now see a light at the end of the tunnel and I am becoming very happy with my surroundings.
The most important thing I have learned this year
One of the most important things that I have learned this year is that change is required. I actually felt that my lessons would be how I wanted them and that getting ready each day would be relatively easy. What was I thinking???? I am coming to realize through our faculty meetings, continuing education, and research that my lessons are just a good starting point. I am striving for high quality work from my students....not there yet. The question is how do I get me and them to that point? And the answer is probably perseverence and the idea that our students are ever changing. This will require me to continue to develop lessons, trial and error, and modifying to meet the needs of the students. It also means that I may not follow the state curriculum completely and that will be okay too.
Ultimately I am learning that to be an effective teacher I must be willing to change and to change often. I will continue to design and revamp lessons, try new things, and challenge myself and my students. I really like the idea of "Expectations of Excellence". That will be our class moto for now....until the students decide they want to change it.
Ultimately I am learning that to be an effective teacher I must be willing to change and to change often. I will continue to design and revamp lessons, try new things, and challenge myself and my students. I really like the idea of "Expectations of Excellence". That will be our class moto for now....until the students decide they want to change it.
Monday, March 23, 2009
The most important thing I have learned>>>>take 2
The most important thing I have learned about myself as a teacher is that I can do a great deal more than I ever thought I could. I learned how to be even more organized and time efficient so that I don't have to take work home with me all that much. I think I have gotten better at this since the beginning of the year, and I can tell that I can get so much more done now than when I first started and felt like I was working in circles!! I have alos learned that it is okay to change it up a little if something is not working. I have tried some new stuff in class-projects and things, and if they seem a little flat to the kids, I have told them "hey, this doesn't seem to be working quite the way I thought it would-any suggestions?" and have taken it from there. Each unit and each day proves to be a learning opportunity. I think I have become more comfortable teaching and I enjoy it even more than I ever thought I would. I still have so much more to learn, but I have really learned the following:
1. Organize and plan-for everything!!
2. Have backups-for everything!!
3. Use your planning period for planning when possible, nothing else.
4. It is okay to shut your door to prepare-you won't seem like a snob!
5. STep outside between classes every once in awhile and breathe-each class is different and each class is a new opportunity to improve my teaching and the way students can learn in my class.
1. Organize and plan-for everything!!
2. Have backups-for everything!!
3. Use your planning period for planning when possible, nothing else.
4. It is okay to shut your door to prepare-you won't seem like a snob!
5. STep outside between classes every once in awhile and breathe-each class is different and each class is a new opportunity to improve my teaching and the way students can learn in my class.
the most important thing I have learned a/t myself
The most important thing I have learned about myself as a teacher this past year is my time management. I think each semester gets a little easier then the past semesters. I try my best to stay ahead. I find by doing this I can step forward each day. I am do not like to feel overwhelmed or like I am treading water. I make a list each morning of things to do and complete that list before the end of each day. This helps me to stay focused and task oriented at all times. I have always known that organization was important to me but I did not connect the two until the end of last year. My life runs much smoother with good time management and organization. I am proud to say that my days are not nearly as chaotic! :)
Sunday, March 22, 2009
"The most important thing I've learned about working with my school administrators in the past term/year is . . . "
The most important thing I've learned about working with my school administrators in the past term/year is that when it comes to the students and teachers you need to do what you say you are going to do. Whether you are holding students and/or teachers accountable or rewarding them for an outstanding job well done, you need to make sure you follow through on what you have said will take place. Adolescents follow more of what we do than what we say. If there are school and county rules that need to be upheld and they are not then that sends a message to the students that rules are meant to be broken. Likewise if you have teachers that have poor classroom management and/or poor teaching habits without any consequence then you continue to invite disorder and conflict into the school. On the other hand, students and teachers that are doing the right thing deserve to be congratulated and not left to bear the blanketed consequences of the few that are upholding the responsibilities and duties.
I have also learned that everything you say and do with a fellow teacher, student or parent needs to be documented. Issues that are represented in black and white are difficult to dispute and protect all parties involved. And when these issues are documentes your administration needs to kept in the loop so that they are not broad-sided by the issue at a later time. I have learned that administrators are not perfect and that it is okay to express your opinions about issues in an effort to resolve them and improve the instructional environment.
I have also learned that everything you say and do with a fellow teacher, student or parent needs to be documented. Issues that are represented in black and white are difficult to dispute and protect all parties involved. And when these issues are documentes your administration needs to kept in the loop so that they are not broad-sided by the issue at a later time. I have learned that administrators are not perfect and that it is okay to express your opinions about issues in an effort to resolve them and improve the instructional environment.
What I've Learned from Administrators
What I've learned from administrators is they are in place to be an extension of discipline outside of the classroom. The administrators at my school are very supportive and work hard to ensure the safety of everyone in the entire school. I didn't realize that they are there to help support the teacher being able to teach without interruption. They are also there to make sure that the school programs and activities happen without problems. I've learned a lot of discipline tips from them and I've learned that safety and a controlled school is of the utmost importance. They seem to make the day run smoothly.
School adminostrators
"The most important thing I've learned about working with my school administrators in the past term/year is . . . "
Don't be afraid of them, keep them in the communication loop, and see them as an important part of your support network. We have 6 administrators at our high school and I see them all working very hard all of the time. I have respect for them and have always received helpful feedback from them. It can always be a little unnerving when you are called to their office and don't know why. Case in point was just this last week. I had a rough Monday. I gave a unit test to my 2nd year students and needless to say 15 students failed the test miserably. It was actually the first time I have had that many students fail a unit test of mine. I was very upset due to the fact that I told them this test would be harder due to the content (the endocrine system) and to be prepared for it. I reviewed the actual test questions with them, they had several opportunities in game format and worksheet format to match up hormones with glands. Well I tried to point out students who did well (I did not give out actual scores) and compare their study habits, study methods with those who did not do well. It quickly backfired on me and I realized (a little too late) that it was not the best way to handle the situation. The next day I was called to an assistant principal's office and told that a student complained about me stating that I embarrassed her in front of the class. I admitted immediately to him, without hesitation, that I did not handle the situation well. I described what had happened and told him my intentions but that it backfired on me. I asked him how best to rectify the situation and we discussed options. The conversation ended with him thanking me for being honest and not getting defensive right away. I was pleasant surprised for him to say that. I think they have to deal with so much negativity and defensiveness on both the part of the student and teacher that they appreciate it when individuals are honest, open, and willing to truly make corrections. They are not out there to blast us when we do the slightest thing wrong and they are not looking to accuse of being substandard. They truly understand how difficult it is dealing with students day in and day out and realize we all have good and bad days. I'm glad that I feel I have have very supportive administration.
Don't be afraid of them, keep them in the communication loop, and see them as an important part of your support network. We have 6 administrators at our high school and I see them all working very hard all of the time. I have respect for them and have always received helpful feedback from them. It can always be a little unnerving when you are called to their office and don't know why. Case in point was just this last week. I had a rough Monday. I gave a unit test to my 2nd year students and needless to say 15 students failed the test miserably. It was actually the first time I have had that many students fail a unit test of mine. I was very upset due to the fact that I told them this test would be harder due to the content (the endocrine system) and to be prepared for it. I reviewed the actual test questions with them, they had several opportunities in game format and worksheet format to match up hormones with glands. Well I tried to point out students who did well (I did not give out actual scores) and compare their study habits, study methods with those who did not do well. It quickly backfired on me and I realized (a little too late) that it was not the best way to handle the situation. The next day I was called to an assistant principal's office and told that a student complained about me stating that I embarrassed her in front of the class. I admitted immediately to him, without hesitation, that I did not handle the situation well. I described what had happened and told him my intentions but that it backfired on me. I asked him how best to rectify the situation and we discussed options. The conversation ended with him thanking me for being honest and not getting defensive right away. I was pleasant surprised for him to say that. I think they have to deal with so much negativity and defensiveness on both the part of the student and teacher that they appreciate it when individuals are honest, open, and willing to truly make corrections. They are not out there to blast us when we do the slightest thing wrong and they are not looking to accuse of being substandard. They truly understand how difficult it is dealing with students day in and day out and realize we all have good and bad days. I'm glad that I feel I have have very supportive administration.
Mamane on Admin
What I've learned about administrators this year is that they don't know everything. I seemed to be under the impression that administrators, who had been teachers, would have the answers to all my problems. Granted, each one has his/her own take on situations, but they aren't these "know-all gurus" of education dilemmas.
I had frequently visited a particular administrator for advice on teaching. He had a very simplistic view, rather hands-off (laissez-faire) type attitude. Then I went to him to get advice on another teacher who, quite frankly, seemed to HATE me and my program and the students in it. This administrator (an AP) looked at me like I had done something wrong. He proceeded to rip me to shreds and wouldn't even take a moment to listen to me. I was in utter shock. Horrified. Infuriated. Hurt. And let down.
I went to my principal (someone I don't always trust - maybe that's what I've learned about administrators - they aren't always trustworthy) about the situation, and he seemed to sympathize with me. It took me at least a good 4 months before I could look this AP in the eye again, much less talk to him. Of course we're on good terms again (wouldn't you know, he needed to borrow a video camera to tape his daughter's play - go figure).
The word on the teacher's "street" is to know your administrators' opinions on teaching methodology; what makes them tick; what are their passions. Now, I know not to go to a "good ole boy" to complain about another "good ole boy."
Oh, and BTW, this AP will not be an AP next year. He's stuck baby-sitting ISS kids forever more. Will he be putting down teachers anymore? Quoth the Raven, "Nevermore!"
What I Learned About My Administrators:
The most important thing I've learned about working with my school administrators in the past year is how much they have supported me and my program. I literally walked into a real mess last year , first as a substitute teacher, then as a first year teacher. The teacher I replaced had quit after four days. He had even attended NTI during the summer before he started. The teachers before were not qualified and could not do any labs. The teacher before that just played with students, shuffle board with brake drums and floor brooms. I knew I could not do this job without strong support. I have received lots of support, both from enrolling me in NTI, to purchasing updated tools and equipment, and establishing a professional Auto Tech program. Some students do test me some now, but they know that my bosses support me in everything.
The example that has been shown to me that has been the most helpful is using parental contact to correct behavior. Parents need the real deal and real communication from teachers. I have learned a lot by being able to sit in conferences with parents and administrators. The concern and support shown by my bosses is amazing. It has been a relief to know that they are aware of my needs and frustrations throughout the past year and to understand my student's needs and frustrations.
As I have grown more comfortable with this new career my administrators have given me more responsibilities. That, I guess, comes from being on the same page with them concerning their ideas and ideals about education and student safety. They are always very busy and emergencies come up at any second, but they do make time when needed for me. I am very happy with the support I have received.
The example that has been shown to me that has been the most helpful is using parental contact to correct behavior. Parents need the real deal and real communication from teachers. I have learned a lot by being able to sit in conferences with parents and administrators. The concern and support shown by my bosses is amazing. It has been a relief to know that they are aware of my needs and frustrations throughout the past year and to understand my student's needs and frustrations.
As I have grown more comfortable with this new career my administrators have given me more responsibilities. That, I guess, comes from being on the same page with them concerning their ideas and ideals about education and student safety. They are always very busy and emergencies come up at any second, but they do make time when needed for me. I am very happy with the support I have received.
The most important thing I've learned about working with my school administrators in the past term/year is to have good communication. I have miscommunicated and have misunderstood in the past and it has brought negative feedback and grief. Good communication is priceless. It will make a good working relationship better and improve a strained working relationship. Listening and asking questions, the right questions, are key to having good communication. Administrators, and teachers alike, carry a heavy workload. Good communication helps to make the workload easier. The days go by better because you are not confused or in question of what is going on around you. Therefore, the mental stress and strain is less. This makes each one's job easier, even when faced with our every day challenges.
Admin exposure
"The most important thing I've learned about working with my school administrators in the past term/year is . . ."
I think the most important thing that I have learned is to keep them informed of what you are doing within your program. It is important to expose them to what your children are learning and creating. By doing this, they are able to see all of the hard work that you put in to your teaching. They see why your program adds to the things offered at your school. I always try to invite administrators down to my room when my students are doing something neat (such as mock trials). They do not always come, but they do sometimes and it allows them to see some of the wonderful things going on in my room. It is a way to "advertise" for your program and build a good program reputation.
I think the most important thing that I have learned is to keep them informed of what you are doing within your program. It is important to expose them to what your children are learning and creating. By doing this, they are able to see all of the hard work that you put in to your teaching. They see why your program adds to the things offered at your school. I always try to invite administrators down to my room when my students are doing something neat (such as mock trials). They do not always come, but they do sometimes and it allows them to see some of the wonderful things going on in my room. It is a way to "advertise" for your program and build a good program reputation.
Most important thing...
The most important thing I've learned about working with my school administrators in the past term/year is . . . " that they are human too. They have the same fears and thoughts that teachers have. I have grown close to some of my administrators only to have them be moved. So I will start new relationships with new administrators next year. They really do want us to succeed and have great years of teaching experience. They were teachers once and can really identify with the ups and downs of teaching. I feel comfortable with my administrators, I can share my concerns and happy days without feeling like I will be judged. I have also learned that they have a lot of people depending on them to direct and model what they expect from their staff and students.
The Most Important Thing I've Learned........
The most important thing I’ve learned about working with my school administrators in the past year is to always motivate and challenge the students. This year has probably been the most challenging for the students and faculty in the school system. Our administrators have had the task of changing the first Atlanta Public High School to Small Learning Communities. During this daunting task I’ve seen some major changes that have allowed me to be more efficient in the classroom. During some of my personal development training sessions some of the administrators outlined strategies that have made the transition to Small Learning Communities a smooth one.
What I've learned about administrators...
The most important thing I have learned this year about my school administration is that consistency and support are so important. I think we have a great admin team and they are all easy to approach with any issues, concerns, venting, etc. I have taken the same approach as Brandon as far as trying to stand out and support them as much as possible so that when the time comes, they will help/support me. I think a lot of teachers make the mistake of being afraid or not wanting to voice an opinion, concern. I have found that honesty and being straight forward is valuable. Building a relationship with all of them is important because they are in place to support the staff and the school, so why not talk to the people that are on your team? I wish at times that our admin was more consistent with discipline, communication, and just following up on what is said. I also wish our admin - and our staff - would really clamp down on certain issues that would make our school better. I think too many people bend rules, don't enforce them, or don't care about character or teaching life skills. That needs to change. I also think that we as teachers don't always know what goes on in schools - what issues admin have to deal with that can totally make their day hectic or a nightmare compared to our one kid who won't stop talking. I think if more teachers would talk to their admin they would be less hesitant or more understanding as to why they may not have a lot of patience at the moment or seem flustered, etc. Building relationships is what its all about - between you and the staff, custodians, admin, students, parents, etc. Education is a team effort.
Important things about school administrators......
"The most important thing I've learned about working with my school administrators in the past term/year is . . . " As administrators they have so many things they are responsible for to make you school indusive to learning and to keep students focused on there educational needs. So as a teacher its important to work closley with your administrators so they will have an understanding of your program and needs as a teacher to successfully conduct your classes. My administrators are very supportive of my program they are also working to help my progam achieve industry certification. I have learned that the more they know about your program and see how much the students enjoy your classes they tend to give you the students that really want to be apart of your classes. In doing this your program tend to have better reults and students work harder because they really enjoy the class that they are apart of. So it is very important to have a good working relationship with all your school all your school administrators.
The most important thing I've learned
"The most important thing I've learned about working with my school administrators in the past term/year is that they truly are on my side. My first job as a teacher just happened to be at one of the best schools in the Muscogee County School District. I feel very fortunate to be at Northside and to have the administrative staff that we do. They believe in you as a person and an instructor. They also feel the same way about our students. I, like a lot of first year teachers didn’t have a clue what the administrative staff did. Shortly after being there I came to realize they have way more on their plate than appears. Not a week goes by that someone from the administrative team doesn’t stop in and ask if everything is going well and if they could do anything to help.
What I know and learned about administrators
School administrators basically run the school. They cover all aspects of school function to make sure that the school is running smoothly. Some of what I learned from the administrators at my school deals with the following issues and tasks: Plumbing, Electricity, Phones, Water, Teacher Observations, Lesson Plans, Parent Moderators, Teacher Moderators, Student Moderators, Discipline, Hiring, Firing and anything else that comes up. All of the administrators at our school are former teachers. I’m not sure why they decided to become administrators, because from my point of view, teaching is easier! I understand that the pay is much better than a teacher’s, but the headache that seems to accompany the pay is discouraging. At least this is how I feel about an administration job right now. My opinion may change in the future.
The most important thing I have learned about working with my school administrator in the past year is that he lives and breathes his job. I have the privledge of working at the school where my youngest daughter is a junior and my oldest daughter is a special needs para-professional. I am constantly going to different after school functions and I always see our principal, Mr. Hampton at these functions. He supports and cheers the students at sporting events, band competitions, chorus and drama productions as well as when tragedy strikes. My daughter had a student die from a syndrome he had and Mr. Hampton was there. He helped with a memorial service where a tree was planted, he also helped with the reception for this very special student. Then when they announced that all part time positions would be done away with for the next school year, he called me into his office to let me know that I should not worry. That my position was different and that not only would I have a job next year, but that i would be full time. I have a great deal of respect for this man and love working at Central in part because of his respect for his staff and students.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
What I learned about administrators
The most important thing I have learned about my administrators is that they help make my job easier! I have found them to be very resourceful and understanding. What is nice about my administrators is that they have been in my shoes! Each was an instructor at some point in time and they haven't forgotten what it is like. They appreciate the efforts that I put forth. Even if I don't get it right or I am late doing something, they sense my newness and provide resources to help me along (technical support mostly).
Another important thing that I have learned about administrators is that each has specific duties although sometimes wide and varied. In my school there are three assistant principals; academics, discipline and curriculum/counsel. They make sure the day to day operations of running the school are taken care of. They truly make our principal's job much easier becuase they pretty much put out the fires before they ignite.
Another important thing that I have learned about administrators is that each has specific duties although sometimes wide and varied. In my school there are three assistant principals; academics, discipline and curriculum/counsel. They make sure the day to day operations of running the school are taken care of. They truly make our principal's job much easier becuase they pretty much put out the fires before they ignite.
The Most Important Thing I Have administrations
The most important thing I have learned about working with my school administrators is to always keep them in the loop regarding any activities or programs at school. Communication, communication, communication is so important. Needless to say I have had several things that ended up being a lot more drama than needed to be and could have been prevented with better communication and planning. It takes time to learn all the documentation that is required in the school system. I still find myself double checking to make sure I have covered all the bases. Our school just recently went through the surplus process and it was quite an eye opener to see how much of the decision making process is in the hands of administration versus teachers. That subject could take several pages to discuss so I will leave it for another day.
My mom always taught me that when there isn't anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. The delimma is that I have to say something to get a grade. That's not a great opener and it should speak volumes for the new administration at my school. It's very unfortunate.
My principal is a first year principal and he brought in 3 first year administrators and only one of them taught on the high school level. We have 6 in all and some of the funds to hire them were taken from CTAE. The agreement was that they were to supposed to be half day admin - half day teachers. Instead, they are full time admin and CTAE never got their opening replaced. I have never known a school to have 6 AP's but that's what their titles are.
What I've learned is that half of our admin team in completely incompetant to run anything, back the parents instead of the teachers and are quick to pass blame when they drop the ball. They also have contributed to the fallen moral of the entire school. A shame. What I've learned with the "senior" admin is that they are carrying all the weight and completed bombareded with picking up after the new the "new guys". I feel sorry for them. Our AP over scheduling is dealing with a nightmare of a new schedule coming off Block onto a Hybrid 7 period day with "enrichment", late in Thursdays, and 0 periods. CTAE lost additional teachers because of the schedule and our AP over scheduling is tasked with reporting those numbers. Our admin is in a difficult position this year. Our AP over attendance is fabulous but has her hands full with our Pinnacle system and class by class attendance. It's been rocky and I'm still "learning" from them.
My principal is a first year principal and he brought in 3 first year administrators and only one of them taught on the high school level. We have 6 in all and some of the funds to hire them were taken from CTAE. The agreement was that they were to supposed to be half day admin - half day teachers. Instead, they are full time admin and CTAE never got their opening replaced. I have never known a school to have 6 AP's but that's what their titles are.
What I've learned is that half of our admin team in completely incompetant to run anything, back the parents instead of the teachers and are quick to pass blame when they drop the ball. They also have contributed to the fallen moral of the entire school. A shame. What I've learned with the "senior" admin is that they are carrying all the weight and completed bombareded with picking up after the new the "new guys". I feel sorry for them. Our AP over scheduling is dealing with a nightmare of a new schedule coming off Block onto a Hybrid 7 period day with "enrichment", late in Thursdays, and 0 periods. CTAE lost additional teachers because of the schedule and our AP over scheduling is tasked with reporting those numbers. Our admin is in a difficult position this year. Our AP over attendance is fabulous but has her hands full with our Pinnacle system and class by class attendance. It's been rocky and I'm still "learning" from them.
Learning about Administrators
The most important thing I've learned about working with my school administrators in the past term/year is that they are really supportive. I have had several issues during this school term that have required administrative involvement. First of all, our program is being moved from our current location to merge with a high school, not originally intended for career technology. My administrator is a first year principal and is unfamiliar with some aspects of my program. However, she has visited my classroom frequently and has sought information to effectively expedite this move. Everything I have needed she has provided including background checks that were required by our nursing facility. She has been our advocate even though she will not be our administrator next school year. She also has allowed administrators from Cross Keys to come in and observe our classrooms so that they too are becoming familiar with our programs. I am a bit anxious about this move and her support has really served to lessen that anxiety. Administrators do a lot!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
What I have learned from my administrators.
The thing I have learned most from my administrators or the last year is their roles and parts they play in the school. I had no idea that the admin. in the school was responsible for as much as they are. The meetings and scheduling discipline and all the ins and outs of getting students into classes. We have such a special breed of student that there is a lot involved in getting them scheduled and lots of paperwork also. I don't see how some of our staff can do the things they do. I sure have found a new respect for our admin. team. Our SEVLT's have so much to do and we only have two for the whole school. Given we only have eleven programs in the school that's 300+ students divided into to people and all of them have IEP's. I give credit to our administrators they take a beating and still manage to keep the school running smoothly.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
What I have learned from My School Administrators
I have learned a lot from my Administrators since I have become a teacher in a public high school. My basic philosophy, knowledge, and technique for teaching has been greatly influenced by my Administrative Team as well as the team at NTI. Their ability to apply rules and regulations fairly within a diverse culture has been helpful. They are able to navigate situations and conflict in a way that is successful for all. I have observed them resolve situations in a way that provides positive learning and growth for all. As I watch them handle these problems on a day to day basis, I am able to incorporate their problem solving skills into mine.
The Administrators have a deep understanding of the problems and needs our students have, such as issues from home, our culture, their peers and society in general. They are excellent at multi-tasking wearing many hats at one time dealing with contrasting and conflicting issues. They are stretched as they deal with the increasing changes and challenges at school from, class size, rules, procedures, community relations, finances, curriculum, standards and student success with more being added to this list each year. In spite of all these stressors my Administrators are very supportive and helpful and are great examples for their profession. Even though I do not deal with the same problems that the Administration deals with, just knowing what they do and how they deal with these challenges helps me become a better teacher. I feel very lucky to be part of this Team.
The Administrators have a deep understanding of the problems and needs our students have, such as issues from home, our culture, their peers and society in general. They are excellent at multi-tasking wearing many hats at one time dealing with contrasting and conflicting issues. They are stretched as they deal with the increasing changes and challenges at school from, class size, rules, procedures, community relations, finances, curriculum, standards and student success with more being added to this list each year. In spite of all these stressors my Administrators are very supportive and helpful and are great examples for their profession. Even though I do not deal with the same problems that the Administration deals with, just knowing what they do and how they deal with these challenges helps me become a better teacher. I feel very lucky to be part of this Team.
The most important thing I've learned about working with my school administrators in the past term/year is . . . If you take care of them, they will take care of you.
This statement was said to me during my first week of pre-planning during my first year as a teacher. The head of the fine arts department told me that if I commit to this job and give my best effort, it will be noticed by my administrator. He knew how she operated, and was right! It is easy to sit back and see that who does their job and who does not is directly related to how they are treated by administration.
I have re-learned this lesson this semester. Our economy has put us all in a bind financially. Administration will fight for the teachers who work hard daily when the issues arise in the areas of contracts, extended day pay, material funds, etc. I have learned that if you show your superiors that you are actually doing your job, they appreciate you and will be the first to have your back.
This statement was said to me during my first week of pre-planning during my first year as a teacher. The head of the fine arts department told me that if I commit to this job and give my best effort, it will be noticed by my administrator. He knew how she operated, and was right! It is easy to sit back and see that who does their job and who does not is directly related to how they are treated by administration.
I have re-learned this lesson this semester. Our economy has put us all in a bind financially. Administration will fight for the teachers who work hard daily when the issues arise in the areas of contracts, extended day pay, material funds, etc. I have learned that if you show your superiors that you are actually doing your job, they appreciate you and will be the first to have your back.
Fruit/Admin Basket Turnover
The most important thing I've learned about working with my school administrators in the past term/year is . . . that I much prefer interim administrators to full time administrators. This has been a very turbulent year for my school in terms of administration. We started the year with a new principal after our previous principal left abruptly during the summer. I did my professional introduction and rather liked the new principal. He and I saw eye to eye about the direction of my program and that was a good thing. The year then changed dramatically when charges were brought against him and he was eventually forced to resign. The county quickly brought in an interim, who had recently retired, and asked him to stay on for the year. He has been a tremendous addition and I would love for him to stay on for several more years.
The turnover wouldn't have been so difficult if it were not for the fact that out of the nine administrators we had last year, seven of them were replaced this year. Out of the two who stayed on, one of them had to leave when her husband was put in charge of investigating the principal who had the charges brought against him. Honestly, I don't really know any of the new admin team because they have been fluctuating all year. It's like a chicken with its head cut off over here. 'Nuff said.
The turnover wouldn't have been so difficult if it were not for the fact that out of the nine administrators we had last year, seven of them were replaced this year. Out of the two who stayed on, one of them had to leave when her husband was put in charge of investigating the principal who had the charges brought against him. Honestly, I don't really know any of the new admin team because they have been fluctuating all year. It's like a chicken with its head cut off over here. 'Nuff said.
School Administrators
The most important thing I've learned about working with my school administrators in the past term/year is they cannot possibly handle all the problems regarding their school that they are faced with. With only a hand full of administrators in each school and increasing class sizes, it is no wonder many of them are stretched to the maximum. Problems such as dress code violations, cutting classes, tardiness, behavior problems, and more are just a few of the everyday situations they face. When I began teaching I was told by my dept. chair to try and handle the problems within my classroom as best I could. If I could not, then by all means let the administrators know. Administrators are human and make mistakes at times. Each one of us handles situations differently and we need to respect that in each other. We will inevitably find those administrators which we trust and work well with just as we do with other teachers and peers.
Your administrators can be your best ally or foe. I choose to work with them and learn from them.
Your administrators can be your best ally or foe. I choose to work with them and learn from them.
Communication with Administrators
In my school there are 3 vice principals and one principal. The principal has control of everything. The vice principals each manage a certain duty: athletics, academics and discipline. The vice principal over career technology deals with the discipline all day. My mindset on standards, principals and classroom management has been formed by NTI this past year. I have been utilizing these practices and tools since being educated in these practices since last summer. I find them to work and to be well accepted by the students. I think a student said it well last week: "Mrs. Koser, the other teachers talk "at" us and you talk "to" us.". This makes me proud that I have been trained well from a fine staff at Georgia State's NTI. I will utilize these practices wherever I go and whatever I do. It has been difficult for me to work under a staff that does not put the practices that I have been taught into practice. And, I feel that they don't understand my practices. I have learned that when you interview for a job, not only are you being interviewed, but you should do the interviewing. It is important to align yourself with a staff that believes the way that you do about how to treat children and present education. Different educators and administrators have different philosophies and values about teaching. I can't say that my philosophies were formed before I attended NTI. Yes, I had moral and spiritual philosophies but not educational philosophies. Now that I have obtained the wealth of knowledge presented to me by Dr. Burns, Dr. Montrois and Ms. Hayden, I will take to heart my duty in the classroom. In the future, I will TRY
to find an administrator like them. Is that possible ? I think that there is an old school of thought with some older administrators. My goal is not only to be a good teacher applying the NTI principles but one who seeks to find an administrator who nearly, if not closely, aligns himself or herself with my teaching philosophies. So, the most important thing that I have learned about working with school administrators this year is to work with those that share your heart beliefs in teaching. Thanks NTI.
to find an administrator like them. Is that possible ? I think that there is an old school of thought with some older administrators. My goal is not only to be a good teacher applying the NTI principles but one who seeks to find an administrator who nearly, if not closely, aligns himself or herself with my teaching philosophies. So, the most important thing that I have learned about working with school administrators this year is to work with those that share your heart beliefs in teaching. Thanks NTI.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
School Administrators
"The most important thing I've learned about working with my school administrators in the past term/year is that we are all on the same team. There are two key points my Principal has really stressed this year and that is teamwork and collaboration among administration, teachers and staff. We are a small school and we have learned in the small school concept that no two or three persons can assure the academic success of our students. It has been proven that it takes the whole team to achieve student success. The administrative team is student focused and goes beyond and above to make certain our students are on the pathways of achievement and success.
I have seen my administrators stressing over many of the same issues that I have this school year. We are all working diligently to get the work completed for this school year and has already begun on next school year projects and plans. Like many of my colleagues have already stated - our administrators are employees of the same school system/districts working under many of the same pressures to achieve student success. I am a team player.
I have seen my administrators stressing over many of the same issues that I have this school year. We are all working diligently to get the work completed for this school year and has already begun on next school year projects and plans. Like many of my colleagues have already stated - our administrators are employees of the same school system/districts working under many of the same pressures to achieve student success. I am a team player.
My school administrators
The most important thing I’ve learned about working with my school administrators in the past term/year is that they are a group of people who are very helpful and supportive. Each one of our administrators has been teaching for over twenty years. These administrators have invaluable experience and information from which I can learn or gain knowledge. I have been able to call upon my administrators for advice in matters that require more experience than I have in handling some students. Also, the administrators’ do everything in their means to help get what is needed for my classroom. I am thankful for the administrators at my school because they care about the teachers and the students within the school. Each administrator has different levels of experience that can be used to accomplish the many goals of the school. During my three years at my school, a principal and four administrators have been promoted to a higher status within the overall school system. I believe these promotions indicate that administrators at my school are a valuable presence and an asset for any school.
One of the things I noticed about my administrators this semster is they have to be well perpared for the everday situations that invovle teachers, students and parents. The have a high respnsibility level that has no room for mistakes in most cases. I have seen administrators stay here on campus until it gets dark outside and also be the first people here at school in the morning. The administrators here have discpline the the students in order to set a standard of accountability. The are normal bridge between parents and teachers when problems arise with the students. Many times I have seen the administratiors help and take the side of a good teacher when the parent may have questions to challenge the teacher's integrity and method of teaching in the classroom. Most administrators have enjoy there job the kids know when the administrator or teacher may not have their best interest at hand. I had a run in with one of the parents of my students because I took his electronic device away from in class when he was repeadetly told to put the ipod. I told the student he would receive the ipod back at the end of the week. After the incident the student told his parent i just tooked the ipod away from with any warning because I wanted the ipod, which was a false statement, any way the parent emailed me and called me on my cell phone with some intense words about the action taking against her son. The administrator here at Morrow was complained to by the parent, but of course the administrator took my side because the policy that was at hand without even asking me what happen in the classroom. That made me fell like the the administrator had my side concerning the situation.
Administration Experience
The most important thing I have learned about working with my school administrators this past term is how important they are to the school, teachers, students and parents. Our administrators are well equipped with a comprehensive plan of action for the overall improvement our school and the programs available to our students. The administrators here all work well together which demonstrates unity. This poses as an excellent example to our teaching staff and other faculty members. Our administration team is sensitive and supportive of the interaction between departments, community relation, school budgets, curriculum, instruction, standards, and program growth and student completers. Our team leaders/ administrators help us as teachers to remember self analysis is very critical yet important. As our school moves forward to school wide improvement our administration team assesses how we are currently functioning then put in place a plan of action to undertake as we strive to reach our desired goals together. We as a team could not survive this journey without the strong leadership we currently have representing our school.
An-netter E. Smith
An-netter E. Smith
The most important thing that I have learned about working with school administrators is the many functions that they have to perform. An administrators job used to be very simple,but now they are handed more chores every year. There is more paper work, and new regulations and guidelines coming down every year. I sometime wonder if anyone every reads all the reports that they have to file with the county and the state. Administrators are under lots of presure to make sure that the students are performing or meeting certain standards. Administrators and their schools are blamed for problems that are caused by poor parenting or parents that should not have had children to begin with. However, our administrators are always there for us when we need them especially when dealing with parents.
One of the dificult tasks that our administrators have at our school is developing a new curriculum especially next year for our juniors. Ours is supposed to be a school of engineering and technology and not a regular high school. We have had the problem of designing courses that are challenging to meet the needs of students that finish their high school courses in two years. Our administrators have work long hours in dealing with this problem. Although our students will be working as understudies with Universities and Industry their junior and senior year, the administrators have to come up with a curriculum that is designed beyond AP Physic, AP Chemistry, and AP Biology; students could take these courses at a regular high school, and there would be no need for them to come to this school. Adminstrators have a very difficult job.
One of the dificult tasks that our administrators have at our school is developing a new curriculum especially next year for our juniors. Ours is supposed to be a school of engineering and technology and not a regular high school. We have had the problem of designing courses that are challenging to meet the needs of students that finish their high school courses in two years. Our administrators have work long hours in dealing with this problem. Although our students will be working as understudies with Universities and Industry their junior and senior year, the administrators have to come up with a curriculum that is designed beyond AP Physic, AP Chemistry, and AP Biology; students could take these courses at a regular high school, and there would be no need for them to come to this school. Adminstrators have a very difficult job.
Monday, March 16, 2009
The most important thing I have learned about working with my school administrators this past term/year is that their duties far exceed my own. Student disciplinary issues alone would overwhelm most of us. Scheduling issues, sports, parental concerns, staffing issues, substitutes, and budget problems are just a few of their daily concerns. I feel I am pretty good at multitasking, but I would not wish this position on anyone. Their dedication allows us to do what we do. Without these professionals there would be chaos. There day begins before ours, and often ends long after we are home. They are always available, at some point during the day for whatever arises. These professionals show us what ownership of our school is truly about. This is not a profession that works as a job or duty. Ownership is something to be proud of. If we are to instruct, what better example?
The most important thing I've learn about my administrators... Well, for starters, they have WAY too many duties and responsibilities! They are extremely busy all the time. I also know that my administrators like me. I feel a little undereducated when it comes to "how to handle parent/teacher meetings". I've had several meetings with upset parents, several have gone very sour very quickly. I felt "thrown under the bus" in a few of them. I don't understand some of the manipulative communicative tactics that the administrators have been coached/trained in. I'm young, and went to college for Automotive, NOT Education or Education Leadership. I feel that I'm in a disadvantage when it comes to meetings. I can admit, that my administrator was willing last year to give me "signals" when I should shut up. She's kicked me under the table, coughed, or fiddled with her earings. This year, I hadn't felt the need to do that, but maybe I still need some more work. I have some severely angry parents this year all of a sudden. My admin. told me she will back me, but I've got to "play the game" and make sure that I'm being perfect. I teach automotive, in a loud atmosphere, even when we aren't working on cars. A small female voice trying to communicate over 28 boys and a blower fan heater requires me to raise my voice. I feel a lack of support in that area. You can talk quiet as a mouse, but have a firm tone, and a student will say "Stop yelling at me". My response has been that if I was yelling, your ears would be ringing. I don't know how kids are being raised now days, but administrators seem to be bowing down to the parents, as if the parents now control the system. It is so frustrating.
Working with Administration
The most important thing I've learned about working with my school administrators in the past year is they don't know what you need unless you tell them. I have learned that administrators are busy people with a million things to do. If I feel that something is very important and my administrators should know, I bring it to their attention. If they do not know, then they can not help me. I especially noticed this when our CTAE program was being reviewed. I had several questions, and asking my administrator helped her realize that the teachers needed more information to ensure a positive review. It is sometimes hard to "put yourself in someone else's shoes," and talking to administrators about our concerns helps them step into our shoes. It helps to remember that administrators can't read our minds, and they usually want us to bring our concerns to them. If you have something to say, say it (politely).
I have learned quite a bit about working with administrators this year. The first is that I need to be flexible, which I don't always like doing. However, I have been asked to do tasks without really knowing why, but in the end find out that it was just a small piece of a larger puzzle. My principle is quite a visionary and it's taken me until this year to recognize this. I just thought he was flighty but now realize that he is a very wise man. I also feel the freedom to voice this and know that he would appreciate my opinion without judging me, a really nice feeling. The second is that we must ALL work together as a team for the benifit of our school and its students. Our administration does a good job of seeking the faculties input and will listen when we voice a realistic concern. And last, professionalism is recognized and respected. This goes both ways. I think I am one of the lucky ones.
The most important thing I have learned this year while dealing with the school administrators is diversity. I think each administrator has his/her own technique. Often I think they play good cop/ bad cop. In some cases I believe this to be very effective. Often this just causes confusion and drama amongst the students. The bottom line is consistency. I think this is something students, teachers and parents appreciate.
I have found that each administrator has his/her specialty. Depending on the severity of the offense, effects my reaction. If the students administrator gives a ton of warnings - I may choose not to waste my time. I may give the student a personal detention or a lunch detention. All this said, I have no interest in becoming a high school administrator.
I have found that each administrator has his/her specialty. Depending on the severity of the offense, effects my reaction. If the students administrator gives a ton of warnings - I may choose not to waste my time. I may give the student a personal detention or a lunch detention. All this said, I have no interest in becoming a high school administrator.
Learned from working with admin....
Well.... I have learned that their job is a challenging one and can be very testing at times. They are the first line of defense that we have in the classroom but at times it seems as if there is no help from them. Many time when teacher write referrals the student never gets called on it and at times when they do they let too many go with just a warning. I really don't know all the duties that they have to do but it seems to be a pretty good job for the most part except when a parent comes and get irate with them and they have to respond in an appropriate manner even if on the inside the what to lash out like the parent just did. That is one of the hardest things to do as a person but I see that many of them do a great job at it even though after the parent may leave they may vent but that is only natural.
Overall my administrators have taught me that it is a job that many people want but not all people can do it effectively. I feel that I can take things from them and as I endeavor to become an administrator remember the things that I feel will benifit me and keep those things in mind when I will have to deal with the issues. Also that managing a school can be done many different ways.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
What I've Learned From My Students
I've learned that each student is so different and they themselves are different from day to day. You can never guess how they will respond on any given day. They each bring their own issues and they function in their own little bubble. One day, they may be eager to learn, the next day, they might not want you to say anything to them. This makes teaching complicated and interesting. You're always trying to guess what will work. How things work depends greatly on the temperment of the students and whether they come in with a "willing to learn" attitude or not. If they're not in a good mood, it's touch and go during the entire period.
The most important thing I have learned about working with administrators is that they are people too and some days they have good days and some days are bad just like they are for myself. I try to remember that they are working for the same goals as I am, just on a much larger scale. While I am trying to manage my 3 classes, they are trying to manage the entire school and all that encompasses. Whenever the administration asks us to do one more report or come to one more meeting, this can be frustrating, but in the end, if it will help all of our jobs to be more productive and more worthwhile, for us as well as the students, then it is worth it. Our administration really works with its staff and students and they are very open to changes and any help they can get from the staff and community. I have enjoyed working with my administrators this year.
What I've learned....
The most important thing I've learned this year is..... Well, that no matter how strick I've been, or how easy going, my students tell me I'm the coolest teacher ever! I would say, each year that I have taught, I've gone at it with a different attitude and better expectations of myself. I've learned that if I talk to my students as adults and treat them with the same respect that I would like to receive in return, that I get more out of them. My Skills USA students stay after school to finish up cars that were not completed during the day. One time I was working on my own vehicle, and needed to be somewhere after school, and two students rushed in after the bell rang to finish it with me. It was awesome! I've also learned that saying something as simple as, "how was your weekend?" goes a lot further than what I expected. Sometimes students unload on me how their weekends were terrible or that they had a great weekend. I've had a few students tell me that I'm the only teacher that listens to them. One student just needed to vent about an argument with his girlfriend and was pleeding for someone to just listen. I've noticed that students react better towards me if I'm having a bad day, if I've previously listened to something they had to say in the past. My students, are still students, but they are growing adults, and everyone needs someone to talk to sometime.
What I have learned from my students
I have learned a number of things from my students this week and this past year. For one, they are caring, creative, and innovative beings. If given the opportunity to properly channel their energy and learning style they are quite productive. Various activities learned through NTI have helped me with this task. Students’ level of production drastically increases when given oral and written guidelines to perform tasks. Students work well in groups as long as activity objectives are clear, each person has a task and accountability of the finished product is distributed to all in the group. My students also do better when given defined resources to use and shown examples of what their finished products should look like. Even though I struggle sometimes with setting too many parameters, I find that it is best to have them in place. My students tend to feel more secure that their work is submitted with all components in place if they see a visual of one that is completed. At times, I have students who want to go outside “the box” on their projects. I have come to be open to their suggestions as long as they are appropriate for the learning topic.
Aside from daily learning activities, I realize that students need to be needed. They take ownership in the class not just by the work and projects they produce. They also partake in managing it, maintaining its cleanliness organizing materials used and recognizing fellow students as members of a class family. It is great to see the enthusiasm now exhibited by my students when it is time to clean up. Students even help one another in areas that they did not work in. They also like to share things special to them such as extra curricula activity invites and special days. We take time to remember birthdays by singing, passing around happy birthday bookmark cards signed by the class and teacher and being especially nice to that person for the class period.
Aside from daily learning activities, I realize that students need to be needed. They take ownership in the class not just by the work and projects they produce. They also partake in managing it, maintaining its cleanliness organizing materials used and recognizing fellow students as members of a class family. It is great to see the enthusiasm now exhibited by my students when it is time to clean up. Students even help one another in areas that they did not work in. They also like to share things special to them such as extra curricula activity invites and special days. We take time to remember birthdays by singing, passing around happy birthday bookmark cards signed by the class and teacher and being especially nice to that person for the class period.
What I Have Learned From My Students
One of the things I have learned from my students over this past year is that they are individuals with their own thoughts, feelings and needs and how important it is to acknowledge their uniqueness, strengths, and talents to them on a daily basis. This year my focus has slowly changed from trying to teach them directly to providing an environment that is conducive to increase motivation, interest, and desire to discover and learn about various aspects of health care. NTI has given me the tools to be able to provide a rich learning environment and I have seen the students grow as a result intellectual as well as emotionally. The students have also taught me that they are a good barometer to what is going on in the classroom and as a result I pay closer attention to their feedback that I did the previous year.
What I have learned from my students
I have learned that they are, well, teenagers. I have learned that they think they are grown, but yet continue to do some very childish things (kind of reminds me of myself when I was their age). I have learned that many of them have their minds elsewhere when sitting in the classroom, so it is a challenge to keep them engaged and interested. I have learned the importance of establishing a good repor with them early on so they respond well to you as the year progresses. Teenagers whine and complain, a lot. They respect a teacher who stands up for what he/she wants to enforce more than they do a teacher that becomes a pushover. Respect is key in the classroom. I have learned to remember that you never know where each student comes from or what happened to them prior to entering your room. Mostly, I have learned that I will continue to learn from my students every day.
What I Learned From My Students
What I learned from my students this week and this past year is that they will take advantage of any weakness or privilege you let them have. What I mean by that statement is that students will live up to the old saying "Give them an inch and they will take a mile". Midterms and class notebook turn in was last week. This is a major grade for their class average and I had used the Score Card to have everyone self assess their notebook before turn in time and get it together to be graded. Some worked on them and some stole work from others. I had four notebooks stolen from the class turn-in boxes. I found some of these items in my advanced class notebooks that were turned in by seniors. Just when I thought it could not be worst, other seniors cheated and copied each others answers on their midterm test.
I have been trying to find why they thought they needed to cheat and steal. I think that they are lazy, selfish, and wanted to just not do the work. The main reason they did this is they thought I would not take the time to check everything. Other teachers that they have do not spend any time checking their student's work. Everyone seems to be in a big hurry. Also I was immobile. I messed my knee up pretty bad and had to sit in a chair mostly last week. You cannot exert good control from a chair. I am normally very mobile, especially during exams. Other teachers and my supervisor have been helpful in giving me advice on how to correct it from happening again. I cannot be the ole softee that lets everyone make up their missing work. It will be interesting tomorrow when I take 5 seniors to the Principle's Office,who need my block class to graduate this year, and show my boss how they cheated on their midterm test.
I have been trying to find why they thought they needed to cheat and steal. I think that they are lazy, selfish, and wanted to just not do the work. The main reason they did this is they thought I would not take the time to check everything. Other teachers that they have do not spend any time checking their student's work. Everyone seems to be in a big hurry. Also I was immobile. I messed my knee up pretty bad and had to sit in a chair mostly last week. You cannot exert good control from a chair. I am normally very mobile, especially during exams. Other teachers and my supervisor have been helpful in giving me advice on how to correct it from happening again. I cannot be the ole softee that lets everyone make up their missing work. It will be interesting tomorrow when I take 5 seniors to the Principle's Office,who need my block class to graduate this year, and show my boss how they cheated on their midterm test.
"The most important thing I've learned about my students in the past term/year is . . . "
The most important thing I've learned about my students in the past year is that they need and want to learn. I've noticed a significant increase in the day-to-day attendance in my classes this year versus last year. There are less students skipping my class this year than last year. From what I learned at NTI last summer, coupled with the growth of the students, this year's instruction time has been more productive and pleasant. The discipline issues have been almost non-existent as far as my classroom is concerned. I've noticed that once things are set in place and there is order within the instructional environment the students thrive and look forward to that type of environment being maintained. When they enter the classroom before they say hi, they ask me "Are we building today?" Depending on my answer I either get a pleasing gesture or I get a frown and they ask why. This year I have Incorporated writing across the curriculum on Fridays. The students either summarize a current event associated with construction or they do some type of free form writing that deals with the project that we are working on.
I have learned that the students won't verbally tell you that they enjoy learning or that certain projects are teaching them something new. When I put them on special projects that cause them to take the same consideration into account as if they were working on a class project, I find that they are able to make the connection and recall pertinent information to complete the project. Once they realize that they were able to make those connections and they are praised for it, it then we both realize the value of the learning environment we created.
I have learned that the students won't verbally tell you that they enjoy learning or that certain projects are teaching them something new. When I put them on special projects that cause them to take the same consideration into account as if they were working on a class project, I find that they are able to make the connection and recall pertinent information to complete the project. Once they realize that they were able to make those connections and they are praised for it, it then we both realize the value of the learning environment we created.
The Most Important Thing...
The most important thing I have learned about my students this year is that they are all different. Everyone has their own issues and carry a lot with them when the enter the classroom. I think these days students have more emotional stress and don't always have a stable foundation at home. So, teaching requires a little bit more patience, "tough love," and the poker chip mentality to give students a safe and consistent environment to learn and develop in.
I have also learned that students want to be challenged. Teachers must be on their toes, constantly developing new plans, new projects, and relate it all to new technology or how it can be applied to their world.
Finally, I have learned that these kids we have now are a lot different from how they were just 7 years ago when I was in school. I think students today have a greater feeling of entitlement. Most think that they deserve something, or that the concept of earning something is gone. Students are handed a lot by their parents and the work ethic / effort is not as strong. As I tell my students, "Don't settle for a minimum." Many students settle for the minimal expectations and do not want to exceed...they just want to pass. I guess its just another challenge for teachers to teach beyond the curriculum, and teach some life skills.
Also...I chaperoned prom this weekend. Nothing like being out of high school for only 7 years and immediately feeling old as you walk into the dance room. :)
What I Have Learned About My Students
There are several things I have learned about my students during this year. First, I would like to highlight some of the progress that many of them have made since entering the Broadcast/Video Production program. In the beginning of the school year many of my students had no idea about gathering information about news or understanding how you research and deliver the news on a daily basis.
Many of them had no concept of how news information are obtained and processed for the general public. I recently administered a test where the students had to recall the information they obtained while in the program. I am happy to report that 80% of my students passed their exam while the other 20% showed some understanding or had some concept of news gathering. In addition to the test that was given two of my students were recognized for their work and was chosen to host the Atlanta Public Schools television show.
Overall I have learned that many of my students are eager to lean. Given the opportunity many of them would thrive and succeed in many areas. One area that needs to be addressed is the behavior of many of these students. I think the school system has to find a way to combat the behavior of students who continue to disrupt the learning environment. Many of these students have no sense of respect because of their economic and social backgrounds. This is one area that must be dealt with.
Many of them had no concept of how news information are obtained and processed for the general public. I recently administered a test where the students had to recall the information they obtained while in the program. I am happy to report that 80% of my students passed their exam while the other 20% showed some understanding or had some concept of news gathering. In addition to the test that was given two of my students were recognized for their work and was chosen to host the Atlanta Public Schools television show.
Overall I have learned that many of my students are eager to lean. Given the opportunity many of them would thrive and succeed in many areas. One area that needs to be addressed is the behavior of many of these students. I think the school system has to find a way to combat the behavior of students who continue to disrupt the learning environment. Many of these students have no sense of respect because of their economic and social backgrounds. This is one area that must be dealt with.
What I learned about my students
The most important thing I have learned about my students this past term is they are incredibly persistent. What I mean by that is that when students get in their minds what they want to do, they expel an extraordinary amount of energy to do it. For some, unfortunately, that energy is focused on negative tasks. But, there are others who actually use this energy in their academics. This term is the first time I have taught Information Technology in a year and I have forgotten how students really enjoy tinkering. When I give them their lab to do for class, I see in their eyes a focused look. They worked on those labs with the kind of intensity of a class clown who is trying to disrupt class. I wish that I can gain that same interest with the students in my Computer Applications class! It is really quite the opposite in this class as it poses a challenge for me because I just don’t see the students enjoying themselves. They do the work, but I can tell that they are just going through the motions of doing the work, but not really enjoying it.
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